Природные катаклизмы происходили во все времена, но именно сейчас, в преддверии так называемого «конца света», информация о них приковывает к себе внимание значительной части населения земли. Есть немало людей, которые считают, что стихийные бедствия, обрушившиеся в последние годы на планету, являются предвестниками надвигающейся катастрофы. Vласть изучает сообщения о чрезвычайных ситуациях природного характера в Казахстане за прошедшие 4 года, чтобы выяснить, участились они или нет, и на этом основании постараться ответить на вопрос: стоит ли казахстанцам опасаться «дня Х».
Несомненно, 2010 год является одним из самых сложных и трагичных во всей истории независимого Казахстана. Трагедия в поселке Кызыл-Агаш, повлекшая за собой смерть 45 человек, не только не оставила равнодушным ни одного соотечественника, но и преподнесла нам горький урок безответственного отношения к силе природы. И если уж конец света и должен был произойти, то именно тогда, а не сейчас.
Об этом говорят и данные министерства по ЧС, согласно которым в 2010 году чрезвычайных ситуаций природного характера в Казахстане произошло на 18.5% больше, чем в 2009-м, и на 29% больше, чем в 2011-м. Снижение происшествий отмечено и в 2012 году. Так, за десять месяцев текущего года в стране зафиксировано 2888 случаев, что на 4.5% меньше, чем в аналогичном периоде 2011 года.
Согласно карте риска подверженности территории Казахстана природным стихийным бедствиям МЧС, наиболее подверженными различного рода стихийным бедствиям на протяжении всего года являются Южно-Казахстанская, Жамбылская, Алматинская и Восточно-Казахстанская области. Чуть меньше - Атырауская, Западно-Казахстанская и Мангистауская области.
Ниже представлена хронология некоторых стихийных бедствий, произошедших на территории Казахстана.
2012 год
В результате прошедших в конце зимы паводков в Южно-Казахстанской области оказались подтопленными около 1,5 тыс. домов и дворов. Эвакуированы более 2,2 тыс. человек.
Град размером с куриное яйцо (6-7 см. в диаметре), прошел в 19 июня Тарбагатайском районе Восточно-Казахстанской области, в результате чего были повреждены административные и жилые здания, линии связи и электропередач, была нарушена подача питьевой воды.
Два человека погибли из-за сильного ветра с дождем в Астане, прошедшего 31 июля. Сотни деревьев оказались поваленными, со многих домов были сорваны крыши, упали несколько строительных кранов.
21 гектар леса уничтожил пожар на горе Мохнатка в урочище Медео. Пожар тушили несколько дней. По мнению экспертов на восстановление местной флоры и фауны потребуется не менее 10-15 лет, а также 250 млн. тенге.
В результате сильного снегопада 1 декабря в Алматы было повалено 300 деревьев, оборвано 130 линий электропередач, повреждено 120 трансформаторных пунктов. В некоторых районах обвалены кровли зданий. В горах сошли десятки лавин.
2011 год
Из-за весенних паводков, обрушившихся на Восточно-Казахстанскую и Западно-Казахстанскую области, были подтоплены сотни домов, эвакуированы жители.
Прошедшая в Алматы 1-2 мая серия землетрясений магнитудой до 5.4 баллов заставила поволноваться жителей южной столицы. Жертв и разрушений зафиксировано не было.
Град, прошедший в Урджарском районе Восточно-Казахстанской области в начале июня, повредил 4936 гектаров посевов, несколько школ и стал причиной гибели домашнего скота. Градины в диаметре достигали 13 сантиметров.
Ураганы, прошедшие в Алматы 17 мая и 27 июня, нанесли большой ущерб не только городу, но и Иле-Алатаускому национальному парку, где было повалено около 100 тыс. деревьев. В результате двух стихий погибли 2 человека, были повреждены дорожные ограждения, опоры линий наружного освещения, рекламные конструкции, сорваны кровли зданий и жилых домов. В Алматы были повалены порядка 10 тыс. деревьев.
2010 год
В ночь с 11 на 12 марта в результате прорыва плотины водохранилища Кызыл-Агаш в Аксуском районе Алматинской области произошла страшная трагедия, в которой погибли 45 человек, 15 из них – несовершеннолетние. Мощный поток воды практически смыл все село, в котором проживали около 3 тысяч человек. В результате наводнения были разрушены жилые дома, хозяйственные постройки, погиб скот.
В результате весенних паводков в Восточно-Казахстанской области были разрушены около 1000 жилых домов, хозяйственных построек и зимовок, подтоплены 1140 жилых домов, эвакуировано более 7 тыс. человек. В результате стихии погибли около 30 тысяч мелкого рогатого скота, более 1,5 тысячи лошадей и четыре тысячи крупного рогатого скота.
В августе на территории парка развлечений на пляже в Астане, от удара молнии погибла беременная женщина, и пострадали 10 человек, 6 из которых - дети.
2009 год
Землетрясение магнитудой 6-7 баллов произошло 13 июня 2009 г. в Алматинской области. Эпицентр находился в городе Текели. Подземные толчки с силой 5-6 баллов ощущались в Талдыкоргане, в Алматы - 3-4 бала. Жертв и разрушений зафиксировано не было.
В начале апреля в результате резкого потепления и быстрого таяния снега в Восточно-Казахстанской области талыми водами были снесены около 675 хозяйственных построек, затоплены 22 жилых дома, эвакуированы 40 человек.
Разрушительный ветер со скоростью 18-23 метра в секунду прошел в конце октября в Западно-Казахстанской области. В результате урагана были частично разрушены учебные, медицинские и социально-бытовые здания в сельской местности.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Natural disasters have occurred at all times, but right now, in the run-up to the so-called "doomsday", information about them catches the attention of a large part of the population of the Earth. There are many people who believe that natural disasters have struck in recent years on the planet, are harbingers of impending catastrophe. Vlast′ investigates reports of natural emergencies in Kazakhstan over the past 4 years to find out whether or not they have become more frequent, and on this basis to try to answer the question: is it worth the Kazakhs fear "day x". Certainly, the year 2010 is one of the most complex and tragic in the entire history of independent Kazakhstan. The tragedy in the village of Kyzyl-Agash, resulted in the death of 45 people, not only did not leave indifferent any compatriot, but also gave us a bitter lesson the irresponsible attitude to the power of nature. And if the end of the world and had to occur, it was then, not now. Talking about it and the Ministry for emergency situations, according to which the year 2010 natural emergencies Kazakhstan occurred on 18.5% more than in 2009, and 29% more than in 2011-m. accidents Decrease observed and 2012 year. So, for ten months of this year, the country recorded 2888 cases that the 4.5% less than in the corresponding period of the year 2011. According to map risk territory of Kazakhstan Ministry of emergency situations, natural disasters are most prone to natural disasters of various kinds throughout the year are the South Kazakhstan, Zhambyl, Almaty and East-Kazakhstan oblasts. A little less-Atyrau, West-Kazakhstan and Mangistau region. The following is a chronology of some of the natural disasters on the territory of Kazakhstan. 2012 year In late winter floods in the South Kazakhstan region were podtoplennymi about 1.5 thousand. houses and yards. Evacuated more than 2.2 thousand. man. Hail the size of a hen's egg (6-7 cm. in diameter), passed in June 19 Tarbagatai area East-Kazakhstan region were damaged, administrative and residential buildings, communication lines and power transmission, curtailed the supply of drinking water. Two people were killed due to strong winds and rain in Astana, held July 31. Hundreds of trees were fallen, with many houses were ripped off the roof, dropped several construction cranes. 21 hectares of forests destroyed by fire on Mount Mohnatka in the Medeo Gorge. Fire extinguished several days. According to experts on local flora and fauna recovery will take at least 10-15 years, as well as 250 million. tenge. As a result of heavy snowfall December 1 Almaty was 300 1999 felled trees, broken power lines, damaged 130 120 transformer points. In some parts of the obvaleny roof buildings. In the mountains off dozens of avalanches. 2011 year Because of the spring floods that hit Eastern Kazakhstan and Western Kazakhstan Oblast, were dispersed hundreds of homes evacuated residents. Held in Almaty 1-2 may a series of earthquakes of magnitude to 5.4 points made jittery residents of the southern capital. Death and destruction were recorded. Hail, Urzhar district of East Kazakhstan province in early June, 4936 hectares of damaged, several schools and killed livestock. Hailstone in diameter reaching 13 centimetres. Hurricanes, the last 17 in Almaty in May and 27 June, caused great damage to not only the city but also the Ile-Alatauskomu National Park, where there were about 100 thousand 1999 felled. trees. As a result, two elements were killed 2 person damaged fences, outdoor lighting line support, advertising constructions, roofs ripped off buildings and homes. In Almaty were overturned the order of 10 thousand. trees. 2010 year On the night of 11 to 12 March as a result of breakthrough dam reservoir of Kyzyl-agash in the Aksu district of Almaty region a terrible tragedy has occurred, in which 45 people were killed, 15 of them are minors. A powerful stream of water almost washed away the entire village, inhabited by about 3 thousand people. As a result of flooding and homes destroyed, outbuildings, cattle killed. As a result, the spring floods in the East Kazakhstan region were destroyed around 1000 houses, outbuildings and wintering, 1140 waterlogged houses, evacuated more than 7 thousand. man. As a result of the disaster killed about 30 thousand small cattle, more than 1.5 thousand horses and four thousand cattle. In August, on the territory of the Park on the beach in Astana, lightning killed a pregnant woman and injured 10 people, 6 of whom were children. 2009 year An earthquake of magnitude 6-7 scores occurred June 13, 2009 in Almaty region. The epicenter was located in Tekeli. Aftershocks with a strength of 5-6 points were felt in Taldykorgan, Almaty-3-4 ball. Death and destruction were recorded. In early April, as a result of the sharp warming and rapid melting of snow in the East Kazakhstan region meltwater were demolished around 675 outbuildings, 22 homes flooded, evacuated 40 people.Destructive wind speeds of 18-23 meters per second passed in late October in the West-Kazakhstan Oblast. As a result of the hurricane were partially destroyed educational, medical and socio-domestic buildings in the countryside.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Natural disasters have occurred at all times, but now, on the eve of the so-called "doomsday", the information on them attracts the attention of a large part of the world's population. There are many people who believe that the natural disasters that struck in recent years on the planet, are harbingers of impending disaster. Vlast examines reports of emergency situations of natural character in Kazakhstan over the past 4 years, to find out more frequent or not, and on this basis to try to answer the question whether Kazakhs fear "Day X". Undoubtedly, 2010 is one of the most difficult and tragic in the history of independent Kazakhstan. The tragedy in the village of Kyzyl-Agash, resulting in the death of 45 people, not only will impress any compatriots, but also presented us a bitter lesson irresponsible attitude to the power of nature. And if the end of the world and had to happen, it is then, and not now. This is also the data of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, according to which in 2010 the natural emergencies in Kazakhstan was 18.5% more than in 2009, and 29% more than in 2011. Reducing incidents observed in 2012. For the first ten months of this year, the country recorded 2,888 cases, which is 4.5% less than in the same period of 2011. According to the map of risk exposure in Kazakhstan Natural Disaster Emergencies Ministry, the most vulnerable to various types of natural disasters throughout the year are South Kazakhstan, Zhambyl, Almaty and East Kazakhstan region. Slightly less - Atyrau, West Kazakhstan and Mangistau region. The following is a chronology of some of the disasters that have occurred on the territory of Kazakhstan. 2012 As a result of the past at the end of the winter floods in the South Kazakhstan region were flooded about 1.5 thousand. Houses and courtyards. Evacuated more than 2.2 thousand. People. Hail the size of a hen's egg (6-7 cm. In diameter), held in June 19 Tarbagatai district of East Kazakhstan region, resulting in damaged administrative and residential buildings, communication lines and power, It was disrupted supply of drinking water. Two people were killed because of the strong wind and rain in Astana last July 31. Hundreds turned out to be felled trees, with many houses were torn off the roof, fell several construction cranes. 21 hectares of forest destroyed by fire on Mount Mohnatka in Medeo. The fire was extinguished a few days. According to experts in the restoration of native flora and fauna it will take at least 10-15 years, and 250 million. M. As a result of heavy snowfall on December 1 in Almaty felled 300 trees, ragged 130 power lines, damaged 120 transformer points. In some areas of the roof collapses of buildings. In the mountains descended dozens of avalanches. 2011 Due to the spring floods that hit the East Kazakhstan and West Kazakhstan region, were flooded hundreds of homes evacuated residents. Held in Almaty, May 1-2, a series of earthquakes with magnitude up to 5.4 points prompted jittery residents of the southern capital. No injuries or damage were reported. Hail, held in Urjar district of East Kazakhstan region in early June, 4936 hectares of crops damaged, several schools and was the cause of death of livestock. The hailstones in diameter is 13 centimeters. The hurricanes that took place in Almaty on May 17 and 27 June, caused great damage not only to the city but also the Ile-Alatau National Park, where it was felled about 100 thousand. Trees. As a result, two elements killed 2 people were injured road barriers, pylons outdoor lighting, advertising design, the roof torn off buildings and homes. Almaty were knocked down about 10 thousand. Trees. 2010 On the night of 11 to 12 March, a dam reservoir Kyzyl-Agash in Aksu district of Almaty region there was a terrible tragedy, which killed 45 people, 15 of them - minors. Powerful stream of water washed away almost all of the village, which is home to about 3 million people. As a result of the floods destroyed houses, outbuildings, killed livestock. As a result of spring floods in the East Kazakhstan region were destroyed about 1000 houses, outbuildings and wintering areas, flooded 1,140 houses, evacuated more than 7 thousand. People. As a result of floods killed about 30 thousand small cattle, 1.5 thousand horses and four thousand cattle. In August, on the territory of the amusement park on the beach in Astana, lightning killed a pregnant woman, and injured 10 people, 6 of them - Children. 2009 An earthquake measuring 6.7 points occurred June 13, 2009 in Almaty region. The epicenter was in the town of Tekeli. Tremors with force 5-6 points were felt in Taldykorgan, Almaty - 3-4 ball. No injuries or damage were reported. In early April, a sharp warming and rapidly melting snow in the East Kazakhstan region meltwater were demolished about 675 outbuildings, flooded 22 houses, 40 people were evacuated. The destructive winds of 18-23 meters second was held in late October in the West Kazakhstan region. As a result of the hurricane were partially destroyed educational, health and socio-domestic buildings in rural areas.
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