В разных литературных источниках по-разному трактуется понятия конкуре перевод - В разных литературных источниках по-разному трактуется понятия конкуре английский как сказать

В разных литературных источниках по

В разных литературных источниках по-разному трактуется понятия конкуренции.
Например, английский экономист Адам Смит предлагал понимать под конкуренцией поведенческую категорию, когда индивидуальные продавцы и покупатели соперничают на рынке за более выгодные продажи и покупки соответственно. Так же А. Смит считал, что конкуренция - это та самая «невидимая рука» рынка, которая координирует деятельность участников рынка и главной её целью является борьба за получение возможно большей прибыли [1].
Известный отечественный экономист Фатхутдинов Р.А. в своем учебном пособие «Стратегический маркетинг» предлагает следующее определение: "Конкуренция-процесс управления субъектом своими конкурентными преимуществами для достижения победы или достижения других целей в борьбе с конкурентами за удовлетворение объективных и/или субъективных потребностей в рамках законодательства либо в естественных условиях» [2]. Конкуренция - состязательность, соперничество, напряженная борьба юридических или физических лиц за покупателя, за свое выживание в условиях действия жесткого закона конкуренции как объективного процесса "вымывания" некачественных товаров в рамках антимонопольного законодательства, соблюдения Закона «О защите прав потребителей»
Современный американский экономист П. Хайгне считает: «Конкуренция есть стремление как можно лучше удовлетворить критерием доступа к редким благам» [3].
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In different literary sources differently interpreted the notion of competition.For example, English Economist Adam Smith proposed to understand behavioral competition category, where individual sellers and buyers vying for more market favorable sales and purchases respectively. In the same way and Smith believed that competition-this is the "invisible hand" of the market, which coordinates the activities of market participants and its main goal is to fight for obtaining the greatest possible profits [1]. Known domestic Economist Fathutdinov R.a. in its training manual "strategic marketing" offers the following definition: "competition-the process of managing subject their competitive advantages to achieve victory or achieve other goals in the fight against competitors for meeting objective and/or subjective needs through legislation or in vivo" [2]. Competition-competition, rivalry, hard fighting legal or natural persons for a buyer for its survival in the face of hard law of competition as an objective process "Washout" substandard goods under the antitrust laws, enforcement of the law "on protection of consumers ' rights"Modern American economist p. Hajgne said: "the competition there is desire as best as possible to satisfy the criterion of access to rare goods" [3].
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

In various literature differently interpreted the concept of competition.
For example, the English economist Adam Smith suggested meant by behavioral category competition where individual buyers and sellers compete in the market for more profitable sales and purchases, respectively. As Adam Smith believed that competition - this is the "invisible hand" of the market, which coordinates the activities of market participants and its main aim is to fight for obtaining the greatest possible profits. [1]
Known domestic economist Fatkhutdinov RA in his textbook "Strategic Marketing" offers the following definition: "Competition process control entity for its competitive advantages to achieve victory or achieve other objectives in the fight against competitors for meeting the objective and / or subjective needs under the legislation or in the wild" [2 ]. The competition - competitiveness, rivalry, intense struggle legal or natural persons for the buyer, for survival in conditions of hard competition law as an objective process of "washing out" of substandard goods under the antitrust laws, compliance with the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights"
Modern American economist P. Haygne said: "Competition is the desire as much as possible to meet the criteria for access to rare goods" [3].
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

IN different literary sources in different ways is defined concept of competition.
For example, english economist Adam Smith proposed to understand the competition comes opportunism category,Where individual sellers and buyers are competing in the market for a more profitable sale and purchase accordingly. The same as well. Smith felt that the competition - this is the "invisible hand" of the market,Which coordinates activities of the parties to the market and its main purpose is the struggle for a possibly more profit (1).
Known domestic economist Фатхутдинов R.as well.In its training manual "strategic marketing" offers the following definition:"The competition in the process of managing the subject their competitive advantage to achieve victory or to achieve other goals in the fight against the competitors for the objective and/or subjectiveWithin the framework of the legislation either in natural conditions" (2).Competition - openness, the rivalry, the tense struggle against legal or physical persons for the buyer,For their survival in the hard competition law as an objective process of "run-off" defective goods within the antimonopoly legislation,The enforcement of the Law "On the protection of the rights of consumers.
Modern American economist P. Хаигне believes: "Competition is the desire as you can better meet the criterion for access to the rare benefits" (3) .
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