я позвонила доктору",- сказала его сестра входя в комнату. Когда Роберт пришел в себя, он спросил:"Ты сказала, что позвонила доктору? Останови его, если можно. Я совсем здоров. Я просто не могу себе представить, почему я потерял сознание."
I called the doctor, "said his sister entering the room. When Robert came to himself, he asked: "you said she called the doctor? Stop it if you can. I am quite healthy. I just can't imagine why I fainted. "
I called the doctor, "- said his sister into the room. When Robert came to, he asked:" You said you called the doctor? Stop him if you can. I am quite well. I just can not imagine why I lost consciousness. "
i called the doctor, "said his sister walked into the room. when robert came to, he asked: "you said that i called the doctor? stop him, if possible. i am very healthy. i just can't imaginewhy i lost consciousness. "