Greetings Contestants! We’ve entered the month of October, which means перевод - Greetings Contestants! We’ve entered the month of October, which means английский как сказать

Greetings Contestants! We’ve entere

Greetings Contestants!

We’ve entered the month of October, which means running around in the woods wearing a mask is practically a normal thing to do. We know it’s a bit early, but we already have some tricks and treats up our sleeves and we can’t wait to share.

The new patch will be released on Wednesday, October 5th. Servers will be down starting at 8AM Eastern for *up to* 4 hours.

This is the biggest patch we’ve done in a while, so we’re offering a bit more explanation than usual. If you’re a fan of brevity, we’re even throwing in a TL;DR:
More than half of the perks have been removed from the game, including anything that has a major impact on combat effectiveness or movement speed.

Melee combat has received an important bug fix for blocking, along with minor timing tweaks to blocking and shoving.

The bleed wound can once again apply to armored opponents. You didn’t like the change in the last patch, so we reversed it.

We increased your movement speed by 10% across the board.

The X-plosive Runs stim now grants you +25% sprint speed, but lasts for 30 seconds.

Your combat actions no longer cost stamina and the Stamina Shot stim has been removed.

All Airdrops are unlocked by default (for now).

Several Airdrops have been removed, and several more have been adjusted, including Sapper.

It’s a lot easier to see things that fall on the ground.

The most exciting change here is to the perk list. We’ve strategically removed 25 perks from the game, including nearly all of the most popular choices.

Why? Frankly, because blanket offensive and defensive boosts are boring. Because a permanent 20% movement speed advantage is too strong to justify. And, because we want fights to be decided on the island, not in the Perk selection menu.

As the major update approaches (no, we don’t have a date to announce just yet) we want The Culling to be in lean, mean fighting shape. There are a few more areas we intend to revisit with upcoming patches, but in the meantime we’re eagerly awaiting the Cullmunity’s reaction.

We’ll see you on the island!

Halloween Hats!

Jack-o-Lantern and Goalie Mask are available to all contestants for a limited time!

Balance and Gameplay


Removed the following Perks:


Big Boned

Big Lungs



Bomb Suit


Dig Deep

Disability Insurance


Leather Hide

Leg Day



Ol' Painless


Red Gunner

Runs with Knives

Sneaky Poker

Speedy Spear



Thick Skin

Tough Mother

Wound Less

Chemist now extends the duration of stims by 25% (previously 100%)

Golden Arm only applies to Spears (previously applied to all weapon types)

Master Crafter no longer provides a damage bonus, but continues to reduce crafting time by 50%

Trapper no longer applies Expose wound, but continues to reduce trap arm and disarm times by 75%

Dev comments: What we’ve found with our old perk list is that if you don’t make the “right” choices (according to whatever the latest meta is) prior to the start of the match, you will be at a disadvantage. Once you’re in a match, it’s difficult to know what advantage your opponent has or how to respond. We’ve concluded that the best thing for The Culling is to move away from perks that simply improve your offense, defense, or movement speed in all situations. Along similar lines, we’ve removed perks that affect stamina and wounds. The following perks remain:

Angry Octopus



Bow Flexer




Golden Arm



Load Dropper

Man Tracker


Master Crafter





Base player movement speed increased by 10% (affects all movement modes)

Dev comments: A large proportion of players were using at least one movement speed perk. With those perks out of the equation, the only available boost to movement speed comes from the X-plosive Runs stim. This left us free to increase the base movement speed to allow faster map traversal, which improves the feel of the game.


Combat actions no longer cost stamina (but do pause stamina regeneration briefly)

Reduced intensity of low-stamina screen effect

Dev comments: We like what stamina brings to the table in terms of chase situations (especially with the removal of run speed perks), but many players found it frustrating to try to manage stamina during combat. Stamina management is still a factor, but combat actions will no longer drain your stamina.


X-plosive Runs grants +25% movement speed for 30s (previously +15% for 2 minutes)

Dev comments: Enhanced movement speed is extremely valuable in The Culling. We would rather see players use bonus speed strategically in short bursts rather than for sustained periods,
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Greetings Contestants! We’ve entered the month of October, which means running around in the woods wearing a mask is practically a normal thing to do. We know it’s a bit early, but we already have some tricks and treats up our sleeves and we can’t wait to share. The new patch will be released on Wednesday, October 5th. Servers will be down starting at 8AM Eastern for *up to* 4 hours. This is the biggest patch we’ve done in a while, so we’re offering a bit more explanation than usual. If you’re a fan of brevity, we’re even throwing in a TL;DR: More than half of the perks have been removed from the game, including anything that has a major impact on combat effectiveness or movement speed. Melee combat has received an important bug fix for blocking, along with minor timing tweaks to blocking and shoving. The bleed wound can once again apply to armored opponents. You didn’t like the change in the last patch, so we reversed it. We increased your movement speed by 10% across the board. The X-plosive Runs stim now grants you +25% sprint speed, but lasts for 30 seconds. Your combat actions no longer cost stamina and the Stamina Shot stim has been removed. All Airdrops are unlocked by default (for now). Several Airdrops have been removed, and several more have been adjusted, including Sapper. It’s a lot easier to see things that fall on the ground. The most exciting change here is to the perk list. We’ve strategically removed 25 perks from the game, including nearly all of the most popular choices. Why? Frankly, because blanket offensive and defensive boosts are boring. Because a permanent 20% movement speed advantage is too strong to justify. And, because we want fights to be decided on the island, not in the Perk selection menu. As the major update approaches (no, we don’t have a date to announce just yet) we want The Culling to be in lean, mean fighting shape. There are a few more areas we intend to revisit with upcoming patches, but in the meantime we’re eagerly awaiting the Cullmunity’s reaction. We’ll see you on the island! Halloween Hats! Jack-o-Lantern and Goalie Mask are available to all contestants for a limited time! Balance and Gameplay Perks: Removed the following Perks: Armorer Big Boned Big Lungs Bloodbath Blowhard Bomb Suit Chopper Dig Deep Disability Insurance Knuckle-dragger Leather Hide Leg Day Longshot Maniac Ol' Painless Recovery Red Gunner Runs with Knives Sneaky Poker Speedy Spear Stunner Submission Thick Skin Tough Mother Wound Less Chemist now extends the duration of stims by 25% (previously 100%) Golden Arm only applies to Spears (previously applied to all weapon types) Master Crafter no longer provides a damage bonus, but continues to reduce crafting time by 50% Trapper no longer applies Expose wound, but continues to reduce trap arm and disarm times by 75% Dev comments: What we’ve found with our old perk list is that if you don’t make the “right” choices (according to whatever the latest meta is) prior to the start of the match, you will be at a disadvantage. Once you’re in a match, it’s difficult to know what advantage your opponent has or how to respond. We’ve concluded that the best thing for The Culling is to move away from perks that simply improve your offense, defense, or movement speed in all situations. Along similar lines, we’ve removed perks that affect stamina and wounds. The following perks remain: Angry Octopus Backpacker Basher Bow Flexer Brutus Cannibal Chemist Golden Arm Immunity Inhuman Load Dropper Man Tracker Mangler Master Crafter Moneybags Regenerator Stealthy Trapper Base player movement speed increased by 10% (affects all movement modes) Dev comments: A large proportion of players were using at least one movement speed perk. With those perks out of the equation, the only available boost to movement speed comes from the X-plosive Runs stim. This left us free to increase the base movement speed to allow faster map traversal, which improves the feel of the game. Stamina: Combat actions no longer cost stamina (but do pause stamina regeneration briefly) Reduced intensity of low-stamina screen effect Dev comments: We like what stamina brings to the table in terms of chase situations (especially with the removal of run speed perks), but many players found it frustrating to try to manage stamina during combat. Stamina management is still a factor, but combat actions will no longer drain your stamina. Stims: X-plosive Runs grants +25% movement speed for 30s (previously +15% for 2 minutes) Dev comments: Enhanced movement speed is extremely valuable in The Culling. We would rather see players use bonus speed strategically in short bursts rather than for sustained periods,
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Contestants the Greetings!

For We've ENTERED the month of October, the which Means the running around in the woods wearing a mask is a normal Practically Thing to do. IT's the know for We a bit early, But Already we have some tricks and Treats up closeup Our sleeves and we CAN not to this content share: wait.

Of The new the patch will of the BE released The on on Wednesday, October 5th. Servers will be down starting at 8AM Eastern for * up to * 4 hours.

This is the Biggest the patch we've done The in a 'while', SO we're Offering a bit more explanation than usual. You're a the If to fan of brevity, we're is even throwing in a the TL; the DR:
More than the half of the the perks have Been removed from the game, Including anything That has a major impact on Effectiveness combat or movement speed.

Melee combat has an by important bug the Received the fix for blocking, timing Along with minor tweaks to blocking and shoving.

of The bleed CAN wound up again once recording the apply to armored Opponents. DID not like You the the change in the for last the patch, we reversed SO IT.

For We Increased your movement speed by 10 the board across the%.

Of The the X-plosive Runs stim now! Just grants you + 25% sprint speed, but lasts for 30 seconds.

Your combat actions no longer cost stamina and the stamina Shot stim has been removed. All airdrops are unlocked by default (for now). Several airdrops have been removed, and several more have been adjusted, including Sapper. It's a lot easier to see things fall on the That ground. of the are most the most exciting the change found here is a perk to the list. We've strategically removed 25 from the game the perks, Including Nearly all of the the choices are most popular. Why? Frankly, because blanket offensive and defensive boosts are boring. Because a permanent 20% movement speed advantage is too strong to justify. And, Because we want fights to the BE Decided on the island, not in the selection menu The user is Perk. Of As the major Approaches the update (the no, we do not have a date to announce just of yet) we want to the BE of The Culling in lean, mean fighting shape. Are a FEW There more Areas we INTEND to revisit the upcoming patches of with, But in the Meantime we're eagerly Awaiting the Cullmunity's Reaction. For We'll see you on the island! Halloween Hats! By Jack-o-Lantern and the Mask Goalie are available to all the contestants for a Limited time! by Balance and Gameplay Perks: Removed the the the following Perks: Armorer Big Boned Big Lungs Bloodbath blowhard Bomb Suit Chopper Dig of Deep Disability Insurance Knuckle-dragger Leather a Hide Event Leg Day the Longshot Maniac of Ol 'Painless of Recovery of Red Gunner Runs with Knives Sneaky Poker's Speedy Spear Stunner Submission Thick Skin a Tough for Mother Wound the Less Chemist now! Just the extends the duration of stims by 25% (previously 100%) the Golden the Arm only Applies to Spears (Previously an applied to all weapon types) the Master the Crafter the no longer a Provides a damage bonus, But continues to reduce crafting time by 50% Trapper the no longer a Applies Expose the wound up, But Continues to a reduce the trap arm and disarm times by 75% the Dev comments the: for What we've found! Our old with a perk list is That the if you do not the make the " right "choices (according to whatever the latest meta is) prior to the start of the match, you will be at a disadvantage. Once you're in a match, it 's difficult to know what advantage your opponent has or how to respond. We've concluded that the best thing for The Culling is to move away from perks that simply improve your offense, defense, or movement speed in all situations. Along similar lines, we've removed perks that affect stamina and wounds. Of The the following the perks REMAIN: of Angry the Octopus Backpacker is Basher Bow Flexer Brutus Cannibal Chemist the Golden the Arm Immunity Inhuman the Load Dropper Man Tracker Mangler the Master the Crafter moneybags Regenerator Stealthy Trapper Base player movement speed Increased by 10% (Affects all movement modes) the Dev comments The: A large Proportion of players were using at least one movement speed perk. With those perks out of the equation, the only available boost to movement speed comes from the X-plosive Runs stim. This left us free to Increase the base movement speed to the allow faster map traversal of, the which Improves the feel of the game. Stamina Greases: the Combat the actions the no longer a cost stamina (But do pause The stamina regeneration Briefly) Reduced intensity of of low-stamina screen effect the Dev comments The : We like what stamina brings to the table in terms of chase situations (especially with the removal of run speed perks), but many players found it frustrating to try to manage stamina during combat. . Stamina Greases management is to still a factor, But combat the actions will of the no longer a drain your stamina Stims: the X-plosive Runs grants + 25% movement speed for 30s (previously + 15% for 2 minutes) the Dev comments The: the Enhanced movement speed is Extremely Valuable in The Culling. We would rather see players use bonus speed strategically in short bursts rather than for sustained periods,

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
greetings Contestants!we "ve entered the month of october, which means running around in the woods wearing a mask is practically a normal thing to do. we know it"s a bit early, but we already have some tricks and treats up our sleeves and we can"t wait to share.the new patch will be released on wednesday, october 5th. servers will be down starting at 8am eastern for * up to * 4 hours.this is the biggest patch we"ve done in a while, so we"re offering a bit more explanation than usual. if you"re a fan of brevity, we"re even that in a tl; dr:more than half of the perks have been removed from the game, including anything that has a major impact on combat effectiveness and movement speed.Melee combat has received an important bug fix for blocking, along with minor timing tweaks to blocking and shoving.the bleed or can once again apply to armored opponents. you didn"t like the change in the last patch, so we used was your movement speed by 10% across the board.the x - plosive runs stim now grants you a + 25% sprint speed, but lasts for 30 seconds.your combat actions no longer cost stamina and the stamina shot stim has been removed.all Airdrops are cards by default (for now).the Airdrops have been removed, and several more have been adjusted, including"s a lot easier to see things that fall on the ground.the most exciting change here is to the perk list. we "ve t 25 perks removed from the game, including nearly all of the most popular choices.why? frankly, because his blanket and defensive boosts are boring. because a permanent 20% movement speed advantage is too strong to justify funtion. and, because we want fights to be decided on the island, not in the Perk selection the major update approaches (no, we don"t have a date to announce just yet), we want to be in the Culling lean, mean fighting shape. there are a few more minutes we intend to revisit with upcoming patches, but in the meantime we"re eagerly awaiting the Cullmunity"s reaction.we"il see you on the island.halloween hats!the jack - o - Lantern and Goalie mask are available to all contestants for a limited time!balance and GameplayPerks:Removed the following Perks:Armorerbig Bonedbig LungsbloodbathBlowhardbomb suitchopperdig deepdisability insuranceKnuckle - draggerleather hideleg dayLongshotManiacol "Painlessrecoveryred Gunnerruns with Knivessneaky pokerspeedy SpearStunnersubmissionThick skintough motherwound lesschemist now extends the duration of stims by 25% (or 100%)golden arm only applies to spears (previously applied to all weapon types)master Crafter no longer provides a damage bonus, but continues to reduce crafting time by 50%.Trapper no longer applies Expose or, but continues to reduce trap arm and disarm times by 75%dev comments: what we"ve found with our old perk list is that if you don "t make the "right" thing (according to whatever is the latest meta) prior to the start of the match, you will be at a for us. once you"re in a match, it"s difficult to know if or how great your opponent has to respond. we "ve concluded that the best thing for the Culling is to move away from perks that simply improve your offense, defense, or movement speed in all situations. along similar lines, we"ve removed perks that affect stamina and wounds. the following perks remain:angry octopusbackpackershaikh albow Flexerbrutuscannibalchemistgolden armimmunityinhumanload Dropperman trackerManglermaster CrafterMoneybagsRegeneratorStealthyTrapperbase player movement speed increased by 10% (affects all movement modes)dev comments: a large a of players were using at least one movement speed perk. with those perks out of the equation, the only available boost to movement speed comes from the x - plosive runs stim. this left us free to increase the base movement speed to allow faster map traversal, which improves the feel of the game.stamina:combat actions no longer cost stamina (but do break stamina regeneration briefly)reduced intensity of low - stamina screen effectdev comments: we like what stamina brings to the table in terms of us situations (especially with the removal of run speed perks), but many players found it take to try to manage stamina during combat. keep management is still a factor, but combat actions will no longer drain your stamina.Stims:x - plosive runs grants + 25% movement speed for 30s (or + 15% for 2 minutes)dev comments: enhanced movement speed is extremely valuable in the Culling. we would rather see players use bonus speed t in short bursts rather than for sustained periods.
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