Сейчас я учусь в 11 классе и скоро мне придется делать выбор где учить перевод - Сейчас я учусь в 11 классе и скоро мне придется делать выбор где учить английский как сказать

Сейчас я учусь в 11 классе и скоро

Сейчас я учусь в 11 классе и скоро мне придется делать выбор где учиться потом. Есть много благородных и уважаемых профессий в мире, но я хочу, стать врачом. В нашем городе есть Медицинский университет, так что я могу продолжить свое образование там.Мне просто нужно выбрать правильный филиал из многочисленных отделений. Для того чтобы стать квалифицированным медиком, мне придется учиться около 6 лет. После того как я получу диплом я буду иметь право на работу в больницу. Я надеюсь на достижения успеха в области медицины, так как это моя любимая профессия. Двое моих тетушек также специалисты в области здравоохранения, и я действительно горжусь ими. Я вижу, как много они работают, чтобы помочь людям и лечить их от различных болезней. Я понимаю,что нужны определенные качества для этой профессии, такие как любовь к людям, ответственность, терпение, пытливый ум и т.д. Мне также нужно учиться, особенно в некоторых областях, например, биология, химия, латыни, естественные науки и даже математики. Но я не боюсь никаких трудностей, и я готов сделать все возможное.Я хотел бы работать с людьми, чтобы помочь им восстановиться, чтобы диагностировать некоторые заболевания и назначить соответствующие препараты. Мои родители поддерживают мое решение стать доктором. У них нет никаких сомнений, что это правильное решение для меня.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Now I am a student of class 11 and soon I will have to choose where to study then. There are many noble and respected professions in the world, but I want to become a doctor. In our city there is Medical University so that I can continue my education there. I just need to choose the right branch of the numerous offices. In order to become a qualified doctor, I would have to learn about 6 years. After I get my diploma I will have the right to work in the hospital. I hope to succeed in the field of medicine, as it is my profession. My two aunts are also specialists in the field of health, and I'm really proud of them. I see how much they are working to help people and treat them against various diseases. I understand that certain qualities are needed for this profession, such as love, responsibility, patience, inquisitive mind and so I also need to learn, especially in certain fields, such as biology, chemistry, Latin, science and even mathematics. But I'm not afraid of any difficulties, and I am ready to do everything possible. I would like to work with people to help them recover to diagnose some diseases and assign the appropriate drugs. My parents supported my decision to become a doctor. They have no doubt that this is the right decision for me.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Now I'm in the 11th grade, and soon I will have to choose where to study later. There are many noble and respected professions in the world, but I want to be a doctor. In our city there is a medical university, so I can continue my education tam.Mne just need to choose the right branch of the numerous branches. In order to become a qualified physician, I have to learn about 6 years. After I get my degree, I will have the right to work in the hospital. I hope to succeed in the field of medicine, as it is my favorite profession. Two of my aunts and health professionals, and I'm really proud of them. I can see how much they are working to help people and heal them from various diseases. I understand that certain qualities are needed for this profession, such as love for people, responsibility, patience and an inquisitive mind, etc. I also need to learn, especially in certain areas, such as biology, chemistry, Latin, science, and even mathematics. But I'm not afraid of any difficulties and I am ready to do everything vozmozhnoe.Ya would like to work with people to help them recover, to diagnose certain diseases and prescribe appropriate medications. My parents support my decision to become a doctor. They have no doubt that this is the right decision for me.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
now i'm studying in the 11th grade and soon i have to make a choice of where to study later. there are many noble and honorable profession in the world, but i want to be a doctor. in our city's medical universityso i can continue their education там.мне just need to choose the right branch of the numerous offices. in order to become a qualified medical professional, i have to learn about 6 years.after i get my degree, i will be eligible to work in the hospital. i hope to achieve success in the field of medicine, because it is my favorite profession.two of my aunts as specialists in the field of health care, and i am really proud of them. i can see how much they work to help people and treat them for various diseases. i understandi need some quality for the profession, such as the love of people, responsibility, patience, пытливый mind and so on. i also need to learn, especially in some fields, such as biology, chemistry, latinnatural science and mathematics. but i'm not afraid of any difficulties, and i am ready to do all возможное.я would like to work with people to help them recover.to diagnose some diseases, and appoint the relevant drugs. my parents support my decision to become a doctor. there is no doubt that this is the right decision for me.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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