Мисс Бетси приехала с намерением усыновить ребенка; она надеялась, что перевод - Мисс Бетси приехала с намерением усыновить ребенка; она надеялась, что английский как сказать

Мисс Бетси приехала с намерением ус

Мисс Бетси приехала с намерением усыновить ребенка; она надеялась, что это будет девочка. 11. Узнав, что у миссис Копперфильд родился мальчик (to give birth to a boy), она немедленно уехала. 12. Раннее детство Давид провел со своей матушкой и Пеготти. В зимние сумерки (in the winter twilight) миссис Копперфильд очень любила играть и танцевать со своим маленьким сыном. 13. Однажды вечером Пеготти сидела с Давидом в гостиной. Услышав голос матери, Давид побежал встретить ее. 14. Взяв мальчика на руки, миссис Копперфильд поблагодарила джентльмена, который пришел с нею, за то, что он проводил ее до дому. 15. Пеготти не одобряла того, что миссис Копперфильд так часто уходит из дому по вечерам.
16. Она обвиняла миссис Копперфильд в том, что она забывает своего маленького сына ради нового знакомого, 17. Слова верной служанки не помешали миссис Копперфильд почти каждый вечер встречаться с мистером Мердстоном. 18. Миссис Копперфильд не возражала против того, чтобы Давид поехал с Пеготти в Ярмут. 19. Мальчик уехал туда, не зная, что его матушка собирается выйти замуж. 20. Хэм встретил их в Ярмуте, и они отправились в путь; Хэм нес Давида на спине. 21. На берегу стояла старая черная баржа; указывая на нее, Хэм сказал, что это их дом. 22. Давид был доволен, что Пеготти взяла его в Ярмут; ему очень нравилась мысль, что он будет жить в старой барже, ходившей много раз в море (to be in the open sea). 23. Мальчику понравилась дверь, вырезанная в одном боку баржи. 24. Когда зажгли свечи, в комнате стало очень уютно. 25. Преодолев (to overcome) свою застенчивость, маленькая Эмили села рядом с Давидом. 26. Давид слышал, как завывает в море ветер, и думал о том, как приятно в такую погоду сидеть в теплой, уютной комнате. 27. Гуляя с маленькой Эмили по берегу моря (upon the beach), Давид часто рассказывал ей о своей матушке. 28. Не зная, что миссис Копперфильд вышла замуж, Давид возвращался домой полный радостных ожиданий. 29. Он был очень удивлен, что миссис Копперфильд не вышла встретить его. 30. Войдя в комнату, мальчик увидел, что подле его матушки сидит мистер Мердстон. 31. Оставшись один в своей комнатке, Давид разразился слезами. 32. Миссис Копперфильд избегала ласкать Давида в присутствии мужа, обвинявшего ее в том, что она балует ребенка. 33. Мистер Мердстон не был в состоянии понять свою жену, так как это был черствый и жестокий человек. 34. Он был уверен, что сумеет изменить ее характер и сделать ее такой же черствой, как он сам. 35. Мистер Мердстон был чрезвычайно недоволен тем, что Пеготти называет его жену миссис Копперфильд. 36. Ему пришлось отказаться от мысли уволить Пеготти, так как миссис Копперфильд была к ней очень привязана. 37. Миссис Копперфильд жаловалась на то, что мисс Мердстон ведет хозяйство, не советуясь с ней.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Miss Betsy arrived with the intention of adopting a child; She hoped that it would be a girl. 11. learning that Mrs Copperfield born boy (to give birth to a boy), she immediately left. 12. Early childhood David spent with his mother and Pegotti. In winter Twilight (twilight in the winter) Mrs Copperfield really loved to play and dance with his young son. 13. One evening Pegotti sat with David in the living room. Hearing the voice of his mother, David ran to meet her. 14. Taking the boy on hands, Mrs Copperfield thanked the gentleman who came with her, because he held her up to the House. 15. Pegotti not endorse what Mrs Copperfield so often goes home in the evening. 16. She accused Mrs Copperfield that she forgets her young son for the sake of a new acquaintance, 17. The word faithful maids have not prevented Mrs Copperfield almost every evening to meet with Mr. Merdstonom. 18. Mrs Copperfield did not oppose to David rode with Pegotti in Yarmouth. 19. Boy went there not knowing what his mother is going to get married. 20. Ham met them in Great Yarmouth, and they hit the road; Ham ness of David on the back. 21. On the Bank stood an old black barge; pointing at her, Ham said, that this is their home. 22. David was pleased that Pegotti took it in Yarmouth; He really liked the idea that he will live in an old barge, held many times in the Sea (to be in the open sea). 23. Boy liked door carved into one side of the barge. 24. When lit candles in the room was very cozy. 25. Breaking (to overcome) their shyness, little Emily village next to David. 26. David heard howling in the sea wind, and thought about how nice in this weather to sit in a warm, cozy room. 27. Walking with little Emily on the sea shore (upon the beach), David often told her about his mother. 28. Not knowing that Mrs Copperfield married David came home full of joyful expectation. 29. He was very surprised that Mrs Copperfield did not meet him. 30. Upon entering the room, the boy saw his mother sitting beside Mr Merdston. 31. Left alone in his room, David burst out in tears. 32. Mrs. Copperfield avoided caress David in the presence of her husband, who prosecuted her, that she spoils the child. 33. Mr. Merdston was not able to understand his wife because it was stale and violent man. 34. He was confident that he could change its character and make her the same stale, like himself. 35. Mr. Merdston was extremely dissatisfied with the fact that Pegotti calls his wife Mrs Copperfield. 36. He had to abandon the thought to dismiss Pegotti, as Mrs Copperfield was very tied to it. 37. Mrs. Copperfield complained that Miss Merdston leads economy, not asking her.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Miss Betsy came with the intention to adopt the child; it is hoped that it will be a girl. 11. After learning that Mrs. Copperfield was born a boy (to give birth to a boy) , she left immediately. 12. Early childhood David spent with his mother and Pegotti. In the winter twilight (in the winter twilight) Mrs. Copperfield loved to dance and play with his young son. 13. One evening Pegotti sat with David in the living room. Hearing his mother's voice, David ran to meet her. 14. Taking the boy in her arms, Mrs. Copperfield thanked the gentleman who came with her, because he walked her home. 15. Pegotti did not approve of the fact that Mrs. Copperfield so often leaves the house in the evening.
16. She accused Mrs. Copperfield that she forgets her little son for the sake of a new acquaintance, 17. Words faithful servant, Mrs. Copperfield did not prevent almost every evening to meet with Mr. Merdstonom. 18. Mrs. Copperfield did not mind to go with David Pegotti in Yarmouth. 19. The boy left there, not knowing that his mother is going to marry. 20. Ham met them at Yarmouth, and they set out; Ham was carrying David on the back. 21 was an old black barge on shore; pointing at her, Ham said it was their home. 22. David was pleased that Pegotti took him to Yarmouth; he really liked the idea that he will live in the old barge, was spreading a lot of time in the sea (to be in the open sea) . 23. The boy is like a door, carved into one side of the barge. 24. When lit candles, the room was very cozy. 25. Overcoming (to overcome) his shyness, little Emily sat down next to David. 26. David heard the howling wind into the sea, and thought about how nice in this weather to sit in a warm, cozy room. 27. Walking with little Emily on the beach (upon the beach), David often told her about his mother. 28. Not knowing what Mrs. Copperfield married, David returned home full of joyful expectation. 29. He was surprised that Mrs. Copperfield did not come out to meet him. 30. Upon entering the room, the boy saw Mr. Merdston sits beside his mother. 31. Alone in his room, David burst into tears. 32. Mrs. Copperfield avoided caressing David in the presence of her husband, who accused her that she spoils the child. 33. Mr. Merdston was unable to understand his wife, as it was callous and cruel man. 34. He was confident that he could change its character and make it as stale as himself. 35. Mr. Merdston was extremely unhappy that Pegotti calls his wife Mrs. Copperfield. 36. He had to abandon the idea fire Pegotti as Mrs. Copperfield was very attached to her. 37. Mrs. Copperfield complained that Miss Merdston leading economy, without consulting her.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
miss betsy arrived with the intention to adopt a child; she hoped that it would be a girl. 11. knowing that mrs. copperfield was born a boy (to give birth to a boy, she immediately left. 12. early childhood, david spent with his mother and пеготти. in the winter twilight (in the winter twilight) mrs copperfield loved playing and dancing with his little son. 13. one night пеготти sat with david in the living room. heard her mother"s voice, david ran to meet her. 14. taking the boy up, mrs copperfield thanked the gentleman who came with her, he took her to the house. 15. пеготти didn"t approve of what mrs copperfield so often goes home in the evening.16. she accused mrs copperfield that she forgets her little son to a new acquaintance, 17. the word faithful servant interrupted mrs copperfield almost every night to meet with mr. мердстоном. 18. mrs copperfield did not object to david went to пеготти in yarmouth county, nova scotia. 19. the boy went out, not knowing that his mother is going to get married. 20. ярмуте ham met them, and they went in the way, ham was david in the back. 21. the bank was an old black barge; pointing at her, ham said that this is their home. 22. david was pleased that пеготти took him in yarmouth county, nova scotia. he really liked the idea that he will live in the old boat, held many times in the sea to be in the open sea. 23. the boy liked the door, carved in one side of the barge. 24. when lit candles in the room was very comfortable. 25. by (to overcome their shyness, little emily sat next to david. 26. david heard the howling sea wind, and think about how nice weather to sit in the warm, cozy room. 27. walking on the beach with little emily (upon the beach), david often told her about his mother. 28. not knowing what mrs copperfield married david returned home full of joyful expectation. 29. he was very surprised that mrs copperfield never got to meet him. 30. when he entered the room, the boy saw that by his mother"s mr. мердстон. 31. stay alone in my room, david erupted in tears. 32. mrs copperfield. caress david in front of her husband, who prosecuted her that she spoils the child. 33. mr. мердстон wasn"t able to understand my wife, as it was a callous and cruel man. 34. he was sure that can change its character and make it as cold as he is. 35. mr. мердстон was extremely disappointed that пеготти calls his wife mrs copperfield. 36. he had to abandon the idea to fire пеготти, as mrs copperfield was very attached to her. 37. mrs copperfield complained that miss мердстон leads economy, without consulting her.
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