1. Мисс Мердстон держала себя так, словно она была хозяйкой дома, слов перевод - 1. Мисс Мердстон держала себя так, словно она была хозяйкой дома, слов английский как сказать

1. Мисс Мердстон держала себя так,

1. Мисс Мердстон держала себя так, словно она была хозяйкой дома, словно она прожила там всю свою жизнь. 2. Она обращалась с миссис Копперфильд, как будто та была ребенком и совсем не знала жизни. 3. «Вам давно пора отдать ключи моей сестре», — сказал мистер Мердстон жене. 4. Мистер Мердстон не раз говорил, что очень важно, чтобы миссис Копперфильд была строга с Давидом. 5. Миссис Копперфильд никогда не ласкала Давида в присутствии мужа, чтобы не рассердить его. 6. «Странно, что мисс Бетси ни разу не написала нам, — сказала Пеготти. — Не может быть (it is impossible), чтобы она совсем забыла нас». 7. «С какой стати она будет нам писать? — возразила миссис Копперфильд. — Она не любит ни меня, ни моего ребенка!» 8. Мистер Мердстон просил сестру посмотреть за тем, чтобы Давид не был так часто в обществе Пеготти. 9. Давид боялся, как бы мистер Мердстон не увидел, что он пошел на кухню к Пеготти. 10. «Что бы ни говорила миссис Копперфильд, я знаю, чтб она несчастна»,—думала Пеготти. 11. Мистер Мердстон настаивал на том, чтобы его жена уволила Пеготти. 12. «Как бы меня ни уговаривал мистер Мердстон, я ни за что не уволю Пеготти»,—думала миссис Копперфильд. 13. «Если бы случилось так, что Пеготти ушла от нас, наша жизнь стала бы невыносимой»,— думал Давид. 14. Как ни горячо (dearly) любила Давида миссис Копперфильд, она допустила, чтобы с ним плохо обращались. 15. Давид знал, что как бы он ни старался, он не сможет хорошо ответить уроки в присутствии отчима. 16. Давид боялся, как бы миссис Копперфильд не сочла его дурным и ленивым мальчиком. 17. «Как жаль, что матушка вышла замуж за мистера Мердстона, — не раз думал Давид. — Если бы не он, мы были бы очень счастливы». 18. В Салемской школе (Salem House) Давид чувствовал себя очень одиноким. «Как бы я хотел быть сейчас дома с матушкой и Пеготти», — часто думал он. 19. После смерти миссис Копперфильд Пеготти предложила, чтобы Давид поехал с нею в Ярмут. 20. Пеготти взяла мальчика в Ярмут, чтобы он отвлекся там от своих печальных мыслей (to divert oneself from something).
1. Соме пригласил Аннет и ее мать в свой загородный дом (country house), чтобы они видели, как он богат. 2. Возвращаясь домой, Соме думал об Ирэн. Двенадцать лет прошло с тех пор, как они расстались. «Она, должно быть, очень изменилась с тех пор. Ей, должно быть, теперь около сорока». 3. Он думал о том, что Ирэн всегда была несправедлива к нему. «Она могла бы относиться ко мне иначе. Разве я не давал ей все, что она только пожелает?» 4. «Странно, что она никогда не чувствовала себя счастливой со мной, — подумал он с горечью. — Странно, что она ушла от меня. Если бы она не сделала этого, мне не пришлось бы сейчас думать о разводе». 5. Мысль о разводе показалась ему нелепой после стольких лет полной разлуки (after all these years of utter separation). «Я уже давно должен был развестись с нею. Жаль, что я этого не сделал. Я был бы теперь свободен и мог бы жениться на Аннет». 6. «Как жаль, что у меня нет ребенка», — думал Соме: его угнетала мысль, что ему некому оставить свое состояние. 7. Аннет с матерью должны были приехать поездом, и он поехал на вокзал встретить их. 8. Была осень, и всюду видны были (можно было видеть) желтые листья. 9. Анкет была такая хорошенькая, что Соме не мог не залюбоваться ею. Ее лицо казалось таким свежим, словно его только что спрыснули (to be sprayed) росой. 10. За чаем они говорили о бурах. «С какой стати англичане вмешиваются в их дела (to interfere with somebody)? — сказала мадам Ламотт. — Они могли бы оставить их в покое». 11. Соме улыбнулся: ее слова показались ему нелепыми. «Неужели вы не понимаете, что Англии не следует отказываться от своих законных прав (to abandon one's legitimate interest)?» — сказал он. 12. После чая Соме предложил посмотреть его картинную галерею. Ему очень хотелось (to be anxious), чтобы Аннет увидела все его сокровища. Он был уверен, что как бы молода и красива она ни была, она выйдет за него замуж, когда увидит, как он богат.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. Miss Merdston kept herself as if she was the mistress of the House, as if she had lived there all of his life. 2. She appealed to Mrs Copperfield, as if she was a child and never knew life. 3. "it is high time to give you the keys to my sister," said Mr Merdston wife. 4. Mr. Merdston often said, that it is very important that Mrs Copperfield was strict with David. 5. Mrs Copperfield never go David in the presence of her husband, in order not to displease him. 6. "Oddly, that Miss Betsy never wrote to us," said Pegotti. -Can not be (it is impossible), so she forgot us. " 7. "why on earth she would see us write about? — said Mrs Copperfield. She doesn't like either me or my child! " 8. Mr. Merdston asked the sister show that David was not so common in society Pegotti. 9. David was afraid, how would Mr Merdston did not see that he went to the kitchen to Pegotti. 10. "no said Mrs Copperfield, I know čtb she is unhappy," the thought Pegotti. 11. Mr Merdston insisted that his wife dismissed Pegotti. 12. "How could I not coaxing Mr Merdston, I never Pegotti", you would get fired is thought Mrs Copperfield. 13. "if it so happens that Pegotti is gone from us, our lives would be unbearable," the thought of David. 14. No matter how fervently (dearly) loved David Copperfield, she allows Mrs to have been ill treated. 15. David knew that no matter how he tried, he could not well answer lessons in presence of a stepfather. 16. David was afraid, as though Mrs Copperfield did not consider it bad and lazy boy. 17. "what a pity that my mother married a Mr Merdstona, is not just thinking of David. — If not for it, we would be very happy. " 18. In the Salemskoj school (Salem House) David felt very lonely. "As much as I wanted to be back home with mother and Pegotti", is often thought of it. 19. After the death of Mrs Copperfield Pegotti suggested that David went with her in Yarmouth. 20. Pegotti took the boy in Yarmouth to digress from his sad thoughts (to divert oneself from something).1. Some invited Annette and her mother at his country home (country house), to be seen as he is rich. 2. Way back home, Some thought about Irene. Twelve years have passed since they broke up. "She must have really changed since then. It must have been about 40 now. " 3. He thought that Irene has always been unfair to him. "It could treat me differently. Did I not give her everything she wants? " 4. "it is strange that she never felt happy with me, he thought bitterly. -Odd that she left me. Had it not done so, I would not have to now think about divorce. " 5. The idea of divorce seemed a ridiculous after so many years of full separation (after all these years of utter separation). "I have long had to divorce her. Sorry that I did not. I was now free and could marry Annette ". 6. "what a pity that I don't have a child," the thought of Soma: it oppresses the thought that he had no one to leave the State. 7. Annette's mother had to come by train, and he went to the station to meet them. 8. It was autumn, and were visible everywhere (you can see) yellow leaves. 9. Members had such pretty, that Some could not help but admire it. Her face seemed so fresh, as if its just sprysnuli (to be sprayed) the dew. 10. At tea they were talking about departments. "Why should they interfere in their affairs (to interfere with somebody)? Madame de la Motte said. They would leave them alone. " 11. Some smiled: her words seemed to him preposterous. "Don't you understand that England should not abandon their legal rights (to abandon one's legitimate interest)?" he said. 12. After tea Some proposed to show his picture gallery. It would (to be realism figurative painting anxious) to Annette saw all his treasures. He was sure that as young and beautiful as it may be, she will marry him when he sees as he is rich.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. Miss Merdston behaved as if she was the mistress of the house, as if she had lived there all his life. 2. She treated Mrs. Copperfield, as if she was a child, and knew nothing of life. 3. "It is high time to give you the keys to my sister," - said Mr. Merdston wife. 4. Mr. Merdston has repeatedly said that it is very important to Mrs. Copperfield was strict with David. 5. Mrs. Copperfield never caressed David in the presence of her husband, so as not to annoy him. 6. "It is strange that Miss Betsey never wrote to us - said Pegotti. - It can not be (it is impossible), so she had forgotten us. " 7. "Why should it be us to write about? - Said Mrs. Copperfield. - She does not like me or my baby! "8. Mr. Merdston asked her sister to see to it that David was not so often in society Pegotti. 9. David feared that Mr. Merdston not see that he went to the kitchen to Pegotti. 10. "Whatever may be said Mrs. Copperfield, I know she was unhappy chtb" - thought Pegotti. 11. Mr. Merdston insisted that his wife dismissed Pegotti. 12. "How would I persuaded Mr. Merdston no, I would never fire you Pegotti" - thought Mrs. Copperfield. 13. "If it so happened that Pegotti left us, our life would be unbearable" - David thought. 14. No matter how fervently (dearly) Mrs. David Copperfield loved, she admitted to him mistreated. 15. David knew that no matter how he tried, he could not respond well to lessons in the presence of a stepfather. 16. David feared that Mrs. Copperfield did not consider it bad and lazy boy. 17. "What a pity that my mother married Mr. Merdstona - not once thought David. - If not for him, we would be very happy. " 18. Salem School (Salem House) David felt very lonely. "I wish I could be at home now with my mother and Pegotti" - often he thought. 19. After the death of Mrs. Copperfield Pegotti suggested that David went with her ​​to Yarmouth. 20. Pegotti took the boy in Yarmouth that he was distracted it from their sad thoughts (to divert oneself from something).
1. Soma invited Annette and her mother to his country house (country house), that they may see, as it is rich. 2. Returning home, Soma thought about Irene. Twelve years have passed since they parted. "She must have changed a lot since then. She must have been about forty now. " 3. He thought that Irene has always been unfair to him. "It could treat me differently. Did not I give her all that she only wish? "4." It is strange that she never felt happy with me - he thought bitterly. - It is strange that she left me. If she did not, I would not have to think now about the divorce. " 5. The idea of divorce seemed to him absurd after all these years of full separation (after all these years of utter separation). "I have long had to divorce her. I wish I did not. I would now free and could marry Annette. " 6. "What a pity that I do not have a child" - thought Soames, his depressing thoughts that he had no one to leave his fortune. 7. Annette with her ​​mother had come by train, and he went to the station to meet them. 8. It was autumn, and everywhere were visible (you could see) yellow leaves. 9. The questionnaire was so pretty that Soma could not help but admire it. Her face seemed so fresh, as if he had just been sprinkled (to be sprayed) dew. 10. Over tea, they talked about the Boers. "Why should the British intervene in their affairs (to interfere with somebody)? - Said Madame Lamotte. - They could have left them alone. " 11. Soma smiled her words seemed to him absurd. "Do not you understand that England should not abandon their legitimate rights (to abandon one's legitimate interest)?» - He said. 12. After tea Soma offered to see his art gallery. He really wanted (to be anxious), Annette to see all his treasures. He was sure that no matter how young and beautiful she was, she would marry him when she sees him rich.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. Miss Mr. Creakle's kept itself, as if it was never meant at home, as though she had lived there all their lives. 2. She had been approached with Mrs autobiography, as if it was a child and did not know of life. 3."It is high time for you to give up the keys my sister", - said Mr. Mr. Creakle's wife. 4. Mister Mr. Creakle's not once said, that it is very important that Mrs autobiography was most recent example with David. 5.Mrs autobiography never ласкала David in the presence of her husband, to not only shout it. 6. "It is strange that miss Betsy never wrote us, - said Пеготти. - May Not Be (it is impossible), so that it is forgotten us". 7."Why on earth would we write? - objected Mrs autobiography. - She does not like nor me, nor my child!" 8. Mister sister requested Mr. Creakle's view that David was not so often in society Пеготти. 9.David was scared, as well as to Mr Mr. Creakle's not saw that he went to the kitchen to Пеготти. 10. "That would be neither said Mrs autobiography, i know чтб it way" , -thought Пеготти. 11. Mister Mr. Creakle's insisted on the fact thatTo his wife dismissed Пеготти. 12. "How would I have neither mister Mr. Creakle's prestige, I am neither for that does not уволю Пеготти" , -thought I was Mrs autobiography. 13. "If it happened, that Пеготти withdrew from us, our life has become unbearable",- I thought David. 14. As neither warmly (deаrly) loved David Mrs autobiography that she had erred, to the ill-treated. 15. David knew that, as soon as he had tried, he will not be able to well to respond to lessons learned in the presence of the participant badly injured. 16.David was scared, as well as to Mrs autobiography is not considered it bad and lazy boy. 17. "What a pity it is that matushka was married for the umpteenth time placard, - not once thought David. - If you would not have it, we would be very happy". 18.In Салемскои school (Salem House) David feels very single. "How would I like to be at home now with the interlocutor and Пеготти", - have often thought. 19. Following the death of Mrs autobiography Пеготти invited,So David went with it in Yarmouth. 20. Пеготти assumed boy in Yarmouth, that he Christ perceptibly immerses us there from their sad thoughts (to divert оneself from something) .
1. Some invited Annette and her mother in their country house (country house), to ensure that they have seen,As it is rich. 2. Returning home, some thought about Irene. Twelve years have passed since then, as they'll whisper. "It should be, a very has changed since then. It should be, it is now about forty". 3. He thought that,That Irene has always been unjust to him. "It could be to me otherwise. I did not give her all that she had only wish?" 4. "It is strange that she would never feel happy with me,- I thought it was with great sadness. - It is strange that she went from me. If it had not done so, I would not have had to now think of divorce". 5.Thought of a divorce?' he irrational after so many years of total separations (after all these years of utter separation). "I should have long ago been was divorced from it. I'm sorry that I did not do so. I would now be free and could marry the Annette".6. "It's a pity that I don't have the child", i thought with her sister: its scale lending suggested that he had no one to leave his condition. 7. Annette with the mother should have to travel by train, and he drove to the station to meet them. 8. It was autumn,And everywhere were visible (you can still see) yellow leaves. 9. Questionnaires was such a pretty, that some could not залюбоваться it. Her face seemed so fresh, as if it were his only that спрыснули (to be sprаyed) by dew. 10.The tea they have spoken on the бурах. "To do something british interfered in their affairs (to interfere with Ternheim)? - Madame Ламотт said. - They could be to leave them alone". 11. Some smiled: her words persuaded him ridiculous."Do you not understand that England should not abandon their legitimate rights (to аbаndоn one's legitimаte interest) ?" - he said. 12. After tea with her sister suggested that view his picture gallery. He would like very much to be аnxiоus),To Annette saw all of its treasures. He was sure that, as the young and beautiful it is, it will be available to marry him, when he will, as he is rich.
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