Дэвид ! Со временем, даже самый долгожданный звонок может стать ненужным.Я слишком взрослая, чтобы обижаться по мелочам. Но, все же слишком женщина, чтобы их не замечать.Глупый мужчина пытается перевоспитать женщину... Умный стремится её научить... И только мудрый совершает почти невозможное - любит её такую, какая есть...Нельзя приходить - уходить, когда вздумается. Нельзя просто оставлять человека , а на следующее утро ждать, что он бросится к тебе на шею.Устала быть сильной... Устала быть мудрой... Устала спасать, побеждать, выживать. Глаз хочется добрых, рук хочется милых, и губ, чтоб могли о любви прошептать... В объятьях укрыться, уснуть, раствориться... Подушкой пусть станет мужское плечо. Чтоб наговориться, как будто напиться, чтоб все это было еще и еще...По-настоящему скучать - это когда душа требует человека. Не тело требует, а душа. Когда человека выворачивает наизнанку от недостатка родных рук и глаз. Вот тогда ты хочешь кричать на весь мир, как ты скучаешь.Я за поступки. За необдуманные действия. За звонки среди ночи, за неожиданные приезды. Я за искренние разговоры до утра и за настойчивость. Я за тех, кто добивается своего и за тех, кто не боится проиграть. Я за поступки. Слова ничего не значат.Расстояний не надо бояться.И вдали можно крепко любить, и вблизи можно быстро расстаться.Глупо судить обо мне по тому, что я здесь пишу. Мой мир не ограничивается рамками интернета и есть вещи, которые я никогда не выставлю на всеобщее обозрение. Так что, пожалуйста, давай без выводов.Если человеку суждено быть рядом с тобой, он будет. Какие бы обстоятельства не произошли, и сколько времени бы не прошло.Чтобы быть счастливым – не нужны наркотики или случайные связи. Человеку нужен другой человек, который будет любить его без остатка.Если вы встретите свою настоящую любовь, то она от вас никуда не денется -ни через неделю, ни через месяц, ни через год.Случайных встреч на свете не бывает...
Друг другу для чего-то мы нужны...
Один нам словно ангел помогает,
другого искренне поддерживаем мы..
Результаты (
английский) 1:
David! Eventually, even the long-awaited call may become unnecessary. I'm too grown to be offended on trifles. But, all the same too woman to them not noticing. Stupid man trying to re-educate the woman ... Smart seeks her teach ... And only wise commits almost impossible-he loves her, what is ... You cannot come-go as pleases. You can't just leave the person, and the next morning the wait that he will catch you on the neck. Tired of being strong. Tired of being wise. Tired of bailing, to win, to survive. Eye want good hands feel like cute, and lips to love could whisper ... In the embrace of shelter, sleep, dissolve. Pillow will let a man's shoulder. To stop talking as if drunk, so it was all more and more ... Really miss is when the human soul needs. No body requires, and the soul. When a person turns inside out from lack of native hands and eyes. That's when you want to shout to the whole world how you miss. I'm for deeds. For ill-considered actions. For calls in the middle of the night for unexpected trips. I am in favour of heartfelt conversations until dawn and for its perseverance. I am for those who seeks his and for those who are not afraid to lose. I'm for deeds. Words don't mean anything. Distances should not be afraid and away can be hard to love, and you can quickly close. Silly to judge about me for what I write here. My world is not confined to the Internet, and there are things that I never vystavlû on public display. So, please, come on without conclusions. If a person is destined to be close to you, he will. Whatever the circumstances did not occur, and how long would not have passed. To be happy-don't need drugs or random connection. Man need another person who will love him without the rest. If you meet your true love, she was not going to go away from you-no after a week or month or year. Random encounters on Earth.Each other for something we need.One we like Angel helps,another support wholeheartedly we ...
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
David! Over time, even the long-awaited call can be nenuzhnym.Ya too old to be offended by little things. But still too a woman, that they are not trying to re-zamechat.Glupy man woman ... Smart seeks to teach her ... And only the wise makes almost impossible - he loves her so, what is ... You can not come - leave at will . You can not just leave the person, and the next morning to wait that he will rush to you to be strong sheyu.Ustala ... Tired of being wise ... Tired save, win, survive. Eye want good, hand want cute, and lips, that might whisper about love ... In the arms to hide, sleep, dissolve ... pillow will let a man's shoulder. To stop talking as though drunk, so it was more and more ... It's really bored - this is when the human soul requires. Not the body requires, and the soul. When the man turned inside out by the lack of native hands and eyes. That's when you want to shout to the whole world how you skuchaesh.Ya for the actions. In the rash actions. In the middle of the night calls for an unexpected visit. I am of the sincere talk until morning and perseverance. I am in favor of those who seek their own and for those who are not afraid to lose. I'm for actions. Words do not do not have to znachat.Rasstoyany boyatsya.I away can be hard to love, and you can quickly close rasstatsya.Glupo judge me for what I am writing. My world is not confined to the Internet and there are things that I have never put on public display. So, please, let's not vyvodov.Esli man is destined to be with you, he will. Whatever the circumstances do not occur, and how long would not be happy proshlo.Chtoby - no drugs or casual relationships. One needs the other person, who will love him without ostatka.Esli you will find your true love, it is up to you will not go anywhere -No one week or a month, or through god.Sluchaynyh meetings do not happen ...
A friend of a friend for anything we needed ...
One like an angel helps us,
we wholeheartedly support the other ..
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
David ! In the meantime, even the most long-awaited call may become unnecessary.i too adult to live in detail. But, the same is too a woman, so they do not detect.stupid man is trying to reeducate them woman ...Smart is seeking her to teach ... And only wise commits almost impossible - loves her such, what is ... You cannot come - to leave, when they like. You cannot simply leave rights, and on the following morning to wait,That he parachute into to you on your neck.Are you tired to be strong ... Are you tired to be wise ... Are you tired to save, win, survive. You don't want good eye, hand you don't want an international student, and lips, but could the love obey ... In объятьях take refuge, fall asleep,Melt ... An air bag may become male shoulder. To let наговориться, as if it were getting drunk, but all of this was yet another and another ... for the bored - this is when the soul requires rights. Is not the body requires, and soul.When rights when there are lots inside out from lack their own hands and eyes. That is when I don't want to shout to the whole world, as you will be finished in nine or ten months.I for the actions. The rash actions. The calls in the middle of the night, for unexpected occasions.
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