Однако не существует особого гена, отвечающего за расу. До половины по перевод - Однако не существует особого гена, отвечающего за расу. До половины по английский как сказать

Однако не существует особого гена,

Однако не существует особого гена, отвечающего за расу. До половины популяции алтайцев имеют Y-хромосому, принадлежащую к гаплогруппе R1a, условно считающейся восточноевропейской и связываемую с распространением индоевропейских племён. С другой стороны, в разных погребениях пазырыкской культуры обнаруживаются черепа, характерные как для монголоидов, так и для европеоидов, а также промежуточные варианты. Таким образом, нет доказательств наличия либо отсутствия генетической связи народа пазырыкской культуры с современными народами региона. Подобная связь может существовать со многими народами, населявшими и окружавшими Великую Степь от Монголии до Дуная, вследствие общеизвестных неоднократных переселений кочевников. Шаман Акай Кине (Сергей Кыныев), организатор сбора подписей за погребение и известный в регионе религиозный деятель, рассказал «МК», почему было решено захоронить найденные останки. И как это связано с кровопролитием на Украине:
- 22 тысячи жителей Алтая оставили свои подписи в поддержку предложения захоронить «принцессу Укока». По человеческим обычаям, прах человека должен лежать в земле. Её откопали, изучили, а теперь надо отдать должное ее памяти. Я не знаю, почему стало нормой раскапывать могилы наших предков, в том числе и по всему миру. Все выставляется напоказ — это глумление над прахом человека. Поэтому мы требуем у мира того, чтобы мощи предков вернули обратно.
От того, что прах принцессы не предан земле, случаются беды. Если человек нарушает гармонию с природой и духами предков, то возникают все эти катаклизмы. Если прах будет предан земле, это, конечно, отразится и на ситуации в Украине. Это напрямую связано.
Надо захоронить и других найденных предков по всей Земле. Войны происходят потому, что нравственные нормы людей встали с ног на голову... На Украине идет война. Но я думаю, что с возвращением праха «принцессы Укока» закроется зев Земли, в сакральном смысле. И в то же время мы начнем вспоминать старые нравственные нормы. Её захоронение — это только некая отправная точка для мира.
Справка МК: Принце́ссой Уко́ка называют прекрасно сохранившуюся мумию женщины, найденную в ходе археологических раскопок на могильнике Ак-Алаха в 1993 году. В кургане обнаружилось захоронение железного века, под которым располагалось ещё одно, более древнее. В ходе раскопок археологи обнаружили, что колода, в которую было помещено тело похороненной, заполнена льдом. Именно поэтому мумия женщины хорошо сохранилась.
Погребальную камеру вскрывали несколько дней, постепенно растапливая лёд, стараясь не навредить содержимому. В камере обнаружили шесть коней под сёдлами и со сбруей, а также деревянную колоду из лиственницы, заколоченную бронзовыми гвоздями. Содержимое захоронения явно указывало на знатность погребённой персоны. Исследования показали, что захоронение относится к периоду пазырыкской культуры Алтая и сделано в V—III веках до нашей эры.
Местные жители полагают, что это захороненная «принцесса», которую на Алтае называют Ак-Кадын (Белая Госпожа). Она является хранительницей покоя и стояла на страже врат подземного мира, не допуская проникновения Зла из низших миров. С тех пор, как мумию выкопали и направили на изучение в Новосибирскую область, а затем поместили в музей, алтайские религиозные деятели пытаются вернуть ее на место.
ЕЕ НУЖНО ОХРАНЯТЬ. Во всех религиях тело умершего должно быть предано земле. Это последняя воля умершего. И никому не позволено глумиться над телом. Этому нет оправданий.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
However, there is no particular gene responsible for the race. Up to half the population of the Altai people have a Y chromosome, owned by siberians R1a, conventionally considered to be Eastern European, and associate with the spread of the Indo-European tribes. On the other hand, the last burials in different cultures are discovered skulls, characteristic both for Mongoloids and Europeans, as well as in between. Therefore, there is no evidence of the existence or absence of genetic relationship of the people with the modern culture of the last peoples in the region. Such a relationship may exist with many peoples, inhabiting and surrounded the great steppe of Mongolia to Danube River, because of the well-known repeated migrations of nomads. Shaman Akay Kine (Sergey Kynyev), organizer of the gathering of signatures for the burial and famous religious figure, spoke of "MK", why it was decided to bury the remains. And how does this relate to the bloodshed in the Ukraine:22-Altaj thousands of residents left their signatures in support of the proposal to bury the "Princess Ukoka". Human customs, human ashes must be in the ground. It dug up, studied, and now we have to pay tribute to her memory. I don't know why've become the norm of our ancestors, including and around the world. All the exhibits on display is a humiliation of the human ashes. We therefore demand the world to the power of ancestors was brought back.From what remains of the Princess, interred not happen the troubles. If a person breaks harmony with nature and the spirits of ancestors, there are all these disasters. If the ashes will be interred, is, of course, affect the situation in Ukraine. It is directly connected.We must bury and other ancestors found throughout the land. Wars happen because people's moral standards have risen with the upside down ... In Ukraine there is a war. But I think that with the return of the remains of "Princess Ukoka" will close Land, Zev in sacral sense. And at the same time, we will remember the old moral norms. Her burial is only a starting point for peace.MK: Princéssoj Ukóka help is perfectly preserved Mummy women, found during archaeological excavations at the burial ground of the Ak-Allah in 1993 year. It was the burial mound in the iron age, which was another, more ancient. In the course of excavations, archaeologists have found that deck, in which was placed the body buried, is filled with ice. This is why women are good Mummy preserved.The funeral chamber opened for a few days, gradually rastaplivaâ the ice, being careful not to damage the content. The Chamber found six horses under sëdlami and the network of harness, as well as the wooden deck made of larch, zakoločennuû bronze nails. The contents of the graves clearly point to the nobility pogrebënnoj person. Research has shown that the dumping refers to the period of the culture of the Altai and last was in V-III centuries BC.Local residents have suggested that it is tombstoned "Princess", which is called AK-altaj Kadyn (White Lady). It is the repository of rest and stood guard the gates of the underworld, preventing penetration of evil from the lower worlds. Since the Mummy disinterred and sent to study in the Novosibirsk region, and then placed in a Museum, Altai religious figures trying to bring it back into place.IT NEEDS TO BE PROTECTED. In all religions, the body of the deceased should be buried. This is the last will of the deceased. And no one is allowed to insult over the body. The no excuses.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
However, there is a special gene responsible for the race. Up to half of the population of the Altai have Y-chromosome belonging to haplogroup R1a, conventionally considered Eastern European and associated with the spread of Indo-European tribes. On the other hand, different burials Pazyryk skull detected characteristic for both Mongoloid and Europids and intermediate versions. Thus, there is no evidence of the presence or absence of genetic connection people Pazyryk culture with modern peoples of the region. Such a relationship may exist with many peoples inhabiting and surrounding the Great Steppe of Mongolia to the Danube, due to the well-known repeated migrations of nomads. Shaman Akai Keene (Sergey Kynyev), the organizer of the collection of signatures for the burial, and in the region known religious leader, told "MK", ​​why it was decided to bury the remains discovered. And how does this relate to the bloodshed in Ukraine:
- 22 thousand inhabitants of the Altai left their signatures in support of the proposal to bury the "Siberian Ice Maiden." According to human customs, human ashes must lie in the ground. She dug up, studied, and now we must pay tribute to her memory. I do not know why it became the norm to dig up the graves of our ancestors, including worldwide. All paraded - is a mockery of human ashes. Therefore, we demand from the world to the power of the ancestors brought back.
From what remains of the princess did not interred happen trouble. If a person breaks the harmony with nature and the spirits of ancestors, then there are all these disasters. If the ashes will be buried, it is, of course, will affect the situation in Ukraine. This is directly related.
We must bury and other ancestors found throughout the world. Wars happen because the moral standards of people stood on its head ... In Ukraine, there is a war. But I think that with the return of the ashes of "Siberian Ice Maiden" closed jaws of the Earth, in the sacred sense. And at the same time we begin to remember the old moral norms. Her burial - this is only a starting point for some of the world.
Help MK: Siberian Ice Maiden called well-preserved mummy of a woman found during archaeological excavations in the cemetery of Ak-Halacha in 1993. In the barrow burial was discovered Iron Age, under which there is another, more ancient. During the excavation, archaeologists discovered that the deck, which was placed the body buried, filled with ice. That is why the mummy of a woman well preserved.
The burial chamber opened a few days, gradually melting ice, trying not to hurt content. The camera found six horses under saddles and with a harness and a wooden deck of larch, boarded bronze nails. Content dumping clearly indicated the nobility buried person. Studies have shown that the dumping refers to the period Pazyryk Altai done in V-III centuries BC.
The locals believe that this burial "Princess", which is called the Altai Ak-Kadyn (White Lady). She is the guardian of peace and stood guard the gates of the underworld, preventing penetration of Evil from the lower worlds. Since then, as a mummy dug up and sent to study in the Novosibirsk region, and then placed in a museum, Altai religious leaders are trying to bring it back into place.
It must be protected. In all religions, the body of the deceased should be buried. This is the last will of the deceased. And nobody is allowed to mock the body. There's no excuses.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
There are, however, no specific gene, responsible for the race. Up to half the population of traditional culture and folklore are Y-also named specimen belonging to гаплогруппе R1a,Conditionally quarterly eastern european and you want to relate with the proliferation of most indo-european tribes. On the other hand, in different decorous пазырыкскои culture discovered skull, common to both the intrasocialAnd for европеоидов, as well as intermediate options. In this way, there is no evidence of the existence of a lack of genetic connection people пазырыкскои culture with modern peoples of the region.A similar relationship may exist with many peoples, and visitors great steppe of Mongolia to the Danube River, due to known repeated relocation nomads. Shaman Akay Quinet (Sergei Кыныев),Topic collection of signatures for the funeral expenses and a well-known religious activities in the region, told the "MK", why was it decided that bury the remains were found. And, as this is linked to the bloodshed in the Ukraine:
- 22 thousands of Altai have left their signatures in support of the proposal bury "Princess Укока". The human customs, renounce rights should be based on the land. Its the altar, studied,And now we must pay tribute to her memory. I do not know why it has become a norm digging up graves our ancestors, including and around the world. All is billed Erhard - this is particularly outrageous over the Amorites.We, therefore, demand for peace, to ancestral relics returned back to.
from the fact that evil princess is not brought land, occur evils. If a person violates harmony with nature and the spirits dwelling ancestors,There are all of these disasters. If ashes will be brought to earth, this is, of course, affect and the situation in Ukraine. This is directly linked to.
must bury and other found ancestors throughout all the land. War occur, becauseThe moral standards of people have embarked on its head ... In Ukraine there is a war. But I think that, with the return of paradise "Princess Укока" closes jaw land, in сакральном sense.And, at the same time, we will begin remember old moral norms. Its disposal - this is only a starting point for peace.
Help MK: Принце́ссои Уко́ка is referred to as an excellent Suistamo his own Pushkin women,Found during the archaeological excavations at the new pines were planted Ak's understand each one in 1993. The burial was found dumping iron age, which is positioned another, more ancient. During the excavations were cobbled,The deck, which had been placed the body Russian Gethsemane, filled with ice. That is why the mummy women has faired well.
Tomb opened a few days, gradually растапливая ice,Taking care not harm content. The Chamber found six horses under the seats and the modern, as well as a wooden deck of the Manchurian, заколоченную bronze nails.Dumping the contents are clearly pointed out in an interesting way limelight person. Studies have shown that the dumping refers to the period пазырыкскои culture Altai, and done in the V-III centuries before our era.
Local residents believe that this захороненная "princess", which is referred to as the Altai Republic Ak-Kadyn (White Mrs). It is the repository resting position and faced the guardian archangel Michael underground operations,Not allowing penetration evil in the lower worlds. Since then, as well as his own Pushkin digged and sent to study in Mazepa area, and then placed in the museum, layed religious leaders are trying to return it to the place.
It will need to be protected. In all religions the body of a deceased person must be buried. This is the last will of a deceased person. And no one shall be allowed to mockery of your body. There is no justification for this.
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