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Primorsky Politechnical College

Primorsky Politechnical College


Культура и искусство России

Выполнил: студент 2 курса гр. 1121
Шепетун Р.В

Владивосток 2016

I. Искусство дореволюционной России
II. Влияние исторических событий на развитие советского искусства
1. Революционное творчество
Искусство сталинского периода
а. Плакатная агитация
б. Советское батальное искусство
Военное искусство
а. “Боевой карандаш”
б. Военные характеры
4. Хрущевская “оттепель”
Я голосую за мир
III. Заключение

I. Искусство дореволюционной России
Конец XIX - начало XX в. - важный период в развитии русского искусства. Оно совпадает с тем этапом освободительного движения в России, который В.И. Ленин назвал пролетарским. Это было время ожесточенных классовых боев, трех революций - 1905-1907 гг., февральской буржуазно-демократической и Великой Октябрьской социалистической революции, время крушения старого мира. Окружающая жизнь, события этого необычайного времени определили судьбы искусства: оно претерпело в своем развитии много сложностей и противоречий.
В искусстве 1890-х годов обнаружилась следующая тенденция. Многие художники стремились отыскать теперь в жизни прежде всего ее поэтические стороны, поэтому даже в жанровые картины они включали пейзаж. Часто обращались и к древнерусской истории. Эти веяния в искусстве прослеживаются в творчестве таких художников, как А.П. Рябушкин, Б.М. Кустодиев и В. М. Нестеров. В самом конце 1890-х годов в России формируется новое художественное общество “Мир искусства” во главе с А.Н. Бенуа и С. П. Дягилевым, оказавшее большое влияние на художественную жизнь страны.
Перемены в русском искусстве на рубеже двух веков с большей отчетливостью сказались в архитектуре. Подгоняемое развитием капитализма, бурно растет градостроительство. Возводятся банки, различные промышленные здания, строится много доходных домов, ведутся поиски новых типов жилых комплексов. На рубеже XIX - XX вв. И в течение всего первого десятилетия ХХ столетия в русской архитектуре, ровно как и в ряде европейских стран, формируется так называемый стиль модерн (от фр. Современный). В России у его истоков стояли архитекторы Ф. Шехтель, Л. Кекушев, И. Фомин, художники Е. Поленова, М. Якунчикова, С. Малютин.
Следующий этап в истории русского искусства -период XIX - начало XX века (вплоть до 1917 года) -характеризуется, с одной стороны, деятельностью выдающихся мастеров, как В.А. Серов, М.А. Врубель, К.А. Коровин, В. Э. Борисов-Мусатов, и многих других . по своему продолжавших и развивавших реалистические традиции русской культуры, а с другой стороны -активным проявлением, особенно в начале ХХ века, неких новых тенденций, основанных по большей части на отрицании этих традиций, тенденций, сфокусировавшихся в 1910-х годах в получившем мировую известность движении русского авангардизма.
Русскому искусству 1910-х годов пришлось перетерпеть болезни времени. Оно прошло через влияние формалистических течений -кубизма, футуризма, даже беспредметного искусства. Многое из всего этого сейчас лишь достояние истории.
В России 1913-1916 годах получили настоящее теоретическое обоснование формальные поиски и предчувствия парижских живописцев, дорогу к которому открыл Париж, не отважившись, однако, взвалить на себя тяжесть дальнего пути. Движение получившее в России наименование “Футуризм”, было формально гораздо богаче и многообразнее того, что последовало за социо -патриотическими словопрениями клуба Маринетти. Русская художественная среда сумела соединить новаторские тенденции кубизма и футуризма, то есть добиться такого синтеза, который оказался недостижим в Париже. Русский синтез был прежде всего концептуальным. Он явился результатом творчества многочисленных группировок художников, объединившихся в петербургской ассоциации “Союз Молодежи”. В процессе публичных дебатов, выступлений в печати и театральных постановок в 1913 году под эгидой “Союз молодежи” вырабатывается общая платформа для революционных концепций, которые приведут многих участников к беспредметному искусству.
Ведущие художники начала века правдиво изображали существующую действительность, их искусство направлено против угнетения человека, также оно было пронизано свободолюбием.
II. Влияние историче
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Primorsky Politechnical College Summary: Culture and art of Russia Fulfilled: student course 2 gr. 1121 Šepetun R. Vladivostok 2016 Table of contentsI. the art of pre-revolutionary RussiaII. the impact of historical events on the development of the Soviet art1. Revolutionary creativityThe art of the Stalinist perioda. Poster propagandab. Soviet batalnoe artMilitary arta. "fighting pencil"b. Military characters4. Khrushchev's "thaw"I vote for peaceIII. Conclusion I. the art of pre-revolutionary RussiaEnd of XIX-beginning of XX century is an important period in the development of Russian art. It is the stage of the liberation movement in Russia that V.i. Lenin called the proletarian. It was a time of intense class fights, three revolutions-1905-1907, February bourgeois-democratic and the great October socialist revolution, the time of the collapse of the old world. Ambient life, events of this extraordinary time determined the fate of art: it has undergone in its development a lot of complexities and contradictions.In art, 1890-1930s reappeared the next trend. Many artists have sought to look for now in life above all its poetic side, so even in genre paintings include landscape. Frequently accessed and to ancient history. These developments in art can be traced in the works of artists such as Ap Ryabushkin, B.m. Kustodiev and m. Nesterov. In the late 1890 's, Russia formed a new artistic society "art world" led by Alexander Benois and n. p. Diaghilev, had a great influence on the artistic life of the country.Changes in Russian art at the turn of two centuries with greater distinctness impact in architecture. Podgonâemoe development of Capitalism thrives urbanism. Banks are erected, various industrial buildings, built many tenements are searching for new types of residential complexes. At the turn of XIX-XX centuries. And throughout the first decade of the 20th century in Russian architecture, exactly as in a number of European countries, formed the so-called modern style (from Fr. modern). Its origins in Russia stood the architects f. Fyodor Schechtel, l. Kekushev, i. Fomin, artists e. Polenov, m. Yakuntchikove, s. Malyutin.The next step in the history of Russian art-period of the XIX-beginning of XX century (up to 1917 year)-is characterized, on the one hand, the activities of prominent masters as V.a. Serov, m.a.Vrubel, k.a. Korovin, b. e. Borisov-Musatov, and many others. in its continuing and developing realistic traditions of Russian culture, and, on the other hand, active manifestation, especially in the early twentieth century, some new trends, based mostly on the denial of these traditions, trends, sfokusirovavšihsâ in the 1910 's, has received international fame of Russian avant-garde movement.Russian art 1910-ies had to much time disease. It passed through the influence of formalističeskih currents-Cubism, Futurism, even objectless art. Much of all this now only history.In Russia, 1913-1916 respectively received the present theoretical substantiation of formal and foreboding Parisian painters, the road to which was opened by Paris, otvaživšis′ not, however, take on yourself the gravity of distant way. The movement received in Russia, the name "Futurism", was formally a much richer and more varied that followed socio-patriotic Club verbally sparring Marinetti. Russian art Wednesday managed to combine innovative trend of Cubism and futurism, i.e. achieve a synthesis that has proven elusive in Paris. Russian synthesis was primarily conceptual. It was the result of the creativity of many groups of artists coming together in the St. Petersburg associations "Union of youth". In public debates, press and theatre productions in 1913, under the auspices of the Youth Union "produced a common platform for the revolutionary concepts that will lead to many participants to absract art.Leading artists of the beginning of the century truthfully portrayed an existing reality, their art is directed against the oppression of man, also it was penetrated by a romantic tinge.II. Impact of the HISTO
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Primorsky Politechnical College


Art and Culture Russian

Completed: student 2 courses gr. 1121
Shepetun RV

Vladivostok 2016

I. The art of pre-revolutionary Russia
II. The impact of historical events on the development of Soviet art
1. Revolutionary creative
art of the Stalinist period,
and. Poster campaign
b. Soviet battle art of
the art of war
and. "Fighting Pencil"
b. Military characters
4. Khrushchev's "thaw"
I Vote for Peace
III. Conclusion

I. The art of pre-revolutionary Russia
the End XIX - early XX century. - An important period in the development of Russian art. It coincides with the phase of the liberation movement in Russia, which is VI Lenin called proletarian. It was a time of fierce class struggles, the three revolutions - in 1905-1907, the February bourgeois-democratic and the Great October Socialist Revolution, the collapse of the old world.. Surrounding life, events of this extraordinary time determined the fate of art:. It has undergone in its development many difficulties and contradictions
in the art of the 1890s revealed the following trend. Many artists tried to find now lives primarily by its poetic side, so even in the genre paintings are included landscape. Frequently accessed and ancient Russian history. These trends in art can be traced in the works of artists such as AP Ryabushkin, BM Kustodiev and VM Nesterov. At the end of the 1890s formed a new artistic society "World of Art" in Russia, headed by AN Benois and Sergei Diaghilev, had a great influence on the artistic life of the country.
Changes in Russian art at the turn of the century to more clearly affected in architecture. Customized development of capitalism, the rapidly growing urban development. Erected banks, various industrial buildings, constructed many tenement houses, search for new types of residential complexes. At the turn of XIX - XX centuries. And during the first decades of the twentieth century Russian architecture, exactly as in a number of European countries, formed the so-called Art Nouveau style (from the French. Modern). In Russia, it was founded by architects F. Shekhtel, L., loyal, Fomin, artists E. Polenov, M. Yakunchikova, S. Malyutin.
The next stage in the history of Russian art is the period XIX - early XX century (until 1917 ) characterizable, on the one hand, the work of prominent artists as VA Serov, MA Vrubel, KA Korovin, VE Borisov-Musatov, and many others. by its inherit and carry forward the realistic traditions of Russian culture, and on the other hand-active manifestation, especially at the beginning of the twentieth century, some new trends are based largely on the rejection of these traditions, trends, Focus in the 1910s in the motion gained world fame Russian avant-garde.
Russian art of the 1910s, had to endure the time of illness. It passed through the influence of formalist tendencies -kubizma, Futurism, even abstract art. Much of all this is now a part of history.
In 1913-1916 Russia's got the present theoretical justification formal search and apprehension of Parisian painters, which opened the way to Paris, did not dare, however, to take on the severity of the long journey. The movement received the name in Russian "Futurism", was formally a much richer and more varied than that followed the socio -patrioticheskimi logomachies club Marinetti. Russian artistic environment has managed to combine innovative trends of Cubism and Futurism, that is, to achieve such a synthesis, which proved to be unattainable in Paris. Russian synthesis was primarily conceptual. It was the result of creative work of many groups of artists united in the St. Petersburg Association "Union of Youth". During the public debate, statements in the press and the theater in 1913 produced a common platform for the revolutionary concepts under the "Union of Youth", which will lead many participants to the objective art.
Leading artists of the century truthfully portrayed the current reality, their art is directed against human oppression , as it was permeated with love of freedom.
II of. The historically Influence
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