Абай Кунанбаев (Ибрагим Кунанбаев) (1845 - 1904) - казахский писатель, перевод - Абай Кунанбаев (Ибрагим Кунанбаев) (1845 - 1904) - казахский писатель, английский как сказать

Абай Кунанбаев (Ибрагим Кунанбаев)

Абай Кунанбаев (Ибрагим Кунанбаев) (1845 - 1904) - казахский писатель, поэт, композитор, общественный деятель.
Родился Ибрагим 29 июля 1845 года в Казахстане в аристократической семье феодала. Прозвище Абай в биографии Кунанбаева было получено еще в детстве от матери.
Получил хорошее образование – учился в семипалатенском медресе, а также в русской школе. Кунанбаев с юношеских лет увлекался литературой (русской, европейской), а также работами восточных ученых. Много сил в своей биографии Абай Кунанбаев приложил для сближения русской и казахской культур. Он взывал свой народ к изучению русского языка.
Среди стихотворений Кунанбаева важное место занимает борьба с социальной несправедливостью. Также биография поэта Абая Кунанбаева известна как новатора в поэзии. Именно Кунанбаев стал первым поэтом среди казахов, который использовал шестистишья и восьмистишья. Абай написал несколько поэм, больше полутора сотни стихотворений, выполнил более 50 переводов. Среди самых известных произведений писателя – поэма «Черное слово». Также в жизни Кунанбаева проявился незаурядный музыкальный талант – он стал автором нескольких популярных мелодий. Скончался великий писатель и деятель 23 июня 1904 года, подавленный смертью двоих сыновей
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Abay Qunanbayuli (Ibrahim Qunanbayuli) (1845-1904), Kazakh writer, poet, composer, public figure.Ibrahim was born July 29, 1845 years in Kazakhstan in the feudal aristocratic family. The nickname of Abai Kunanbayev in biography was received as a child from his mother.He received a good education and studied at the semipalatenskom madrasa, as well as in the Russian school. Kunanbaev youth was fond of literature (Russian, European), as well as the works of Oriental scholars. A lot of effort in his biography of Abai Kunanbayev made to bridge the gap between Russian and Kazakh culture. He appealed to his people to the study of the Russian language.Among the poems Kunanbayev important fight against social injustice. The biography of the poet Abai Kunanbayev is known as an innovator in poetry. It was the first poet Qunanbayuli among Kazakhs, who used the шестистишья and восьмистишья. Abay wrote several poems, more than one and a half hundreds of poems, performed more than 50 translations. Among the most famous works of the writer's poem "black words". Also in the life of an extraordinary musical talent manifested itself Kunanbayev-he was the author of several popular tunes. The great writer and activist, died June 23, 1904 Goda, overwhelmed by the death of two sons
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Kunanbayev Abay (Ibrahim Kunanbayev) (1845 - 1904) - Kazakh writer, poet, composer, the public figure.
He was born Ibrahim, 29 July 1845 in Kazakhstan in feudal aristocratic family. Nickname Abai's biography Kunanbayev was received as a child from his mother.
He received a good education - he studied in madrassas semipalatenskom, as well as in Russian school. Kunanbayev since youth was fond of literature (Russian, European), as well as the works of eastern scholars. A lot of power in his biography of Abai Kunanbayev attached to rapprochement of Russian and Kazakh culture. He called his people to the study of the Russian language.
Among the poems Kunanbayev occupies an important place to the fight against social injustice. Also, the biography of the poet Abay is known as an innovator in poetry. It was the first poet Kunanbayev among the Kazakhs, who used hexastich and octave. Abay wrote several poems, more than six hundred poems, performed more than 50 transfers. Among the most famous works of the writer - the poem "Black word." Also in life Kunanbayev showed great musical talent - he was the author of several popular melodies. He died a great writer and activist June 23, 1904, overwhelmed by death of two sons
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
XIX (Ibrahim Kudayberdiyev) (1845 - 1904) - Kazakh writer, poet, composer, public personality.
born Ibrahim on 29 July 1845, in Kazakhstan, in aristocratic family Tatar attack.Nickname Mus-tau in biographies ascent have been received in childhood from mother.
has received a good education - school in семипалатенском madrassas, as well as in Russian schools.Kudayberdiyev with teenagers years experimented literature (Russian, European), as well as carrying out any work on eastern scientists. A lot of effort in their curricula vitae xix appended to the rapprochement of the Russian and Kazakh crops.He brought his people to study the Russian language.
among poems ascent has an important place in the fight against social injustice. The biography of poet Abai Kunanbaev is known as an innovator in poetry.It is Kudayberdiyev became the first poet among Kazakhs, who used шестистишья and восьмистишья. Mus-tau wrote a few poems, more than one and a half hundreds of poems, has complied with 50 translations.Among the most well-known works of writer - poem "Black". Also in the life of ascent was manifested exceptional musical talent - he authored several popular tunes.He died the great writer and statesman on 23 June 1904, suppressed death two sons
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