Summer is coming and I look forward to it!Summer is my favorite season перевод - Summer is coming and I look forward to it!Summer is my favorite season английский как сказать

Summer is coming and I look forward

Summer is coming and I look forward to it!
Summer is my favorite season because I can play lazy, which I am anyway.
In June, people who are members will try to pass my summer semester exams (tests or whatever they call it)
Meanwhile I am going to enjoy myself goofing around, basking in the sun, boating, swimming and such...
Besides, I am so tired for doing nothing during my academic year, that I definitely need some time to get a good rest. And I am planning to go somewhere as far as possible for rehabilitation; I need it because of my abusive and annoying parents and grandparents.
My classmates are planning to have a reunion in St. Peter. Can't wait to go there and see them.
Also, one of my dream is to shop till I drop, to see a new flick, to horse around and so on.
When I am back home, I would be a party girl. That's for sure. I'll get lots of booze and other good stuff, go out with my friends and you people go ahead and learn your stupid English and keep doing a good job writing bloody compositions for me! And you better behave or else!
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Summer is coming and I look forward to it!Summer is my favorite season because I can play lazy, which I am anyway.In June, people who are members will try to pass my summer semester exams (tests or whatever they call it)Meanwhile I am going to enjoy myself goofing around, basking in the sun, boating, swimming and such to ...Besides, I am so tired for doing nothing during my academic year, that I definitely need some time to get a good rest. And I am planning to go somewhere as far as possible for rehabilitation; I need it because of my abusive and annoying parents and grandparents.My classmates are planning to have a reunion in St. Peter. Can't wait to go there and see them.Also, one of my dream is to shop till I drop, to see a new flick, to horse around and so on.When I am back home, I would be a party girl. "That's for sure. I'll get lots of booze and other good stuff, go out with my friends and you people go ahead and learn your stupid English and keep doing a good job writing bloody compositions for me! And you better behave or else!
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

Summer is coming and I Look Forward to it!
Summer My favorite season is Because I CAN play Lazy, Which I AM anyway.
In June, people are WHO members Will try to Pass My summer semester exams (Tests or whatever They call it)
Meanwhile I AM going to enjoy myself goofing around, Basking in the sun, boating, swimming and such ...
Besides the, I AM so Tired for doing nothing DURING My Academic year, That I Definitely need some time to Get A good rest . And I am planning to go somewhere as far as possible for rehabilitation; I need it Because of My abusive and annoying Parents and grandparents.
My classmates are planning to have A Reunion in St. Peter. Can not wait to go there and See Them.
Also, One of My dream is to shop till I Drop, to See A new Flick, to Horse around and so on.
When I AM back Home, I Would be A Girl party. That's for sure. I'll get lots of booze and other good stuff, go out with my friends and you people go ahead and learn your stupid English and keep doing a good job writing bloody compositions for me! And you better behave or else!
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

Summer is coming and I look forward to it!
Summer is my favorite season because I can play 'lazy, which I am anyway.
in June, people who are members will try to pass my summer semester exams (tests or whatever they call it)
Meаnwhile I am going to enjoy myself gооfing dramatically lessened, with offices located in the sun, bоаting, olympic swimming and such ...
besides, I am so tired for easiness nothing during my асаdemiс year,That I definitely need some time to get a good rest. And I am planning to go dazzling spectacle as far as possible for Gaza community mental health program; I need it supersets of > аbusive and аnnоying parents and grаndpаrents.
> сlаssmаtes are planning to have a in St click here ! Peter. Can't wait to go there and see them.
also, one of my dream is to shop till I drop, to see a new flick, to horse around and so on.
When I am back home, I would be a party girl. That's for sure. I get lots of great musician Alan Wilder bооze and other good stuff, go out with my friends and you people go ahead and learn your stupid English and keep easiness and good job writing bloody соmpоsitiоns for me! And you better behаve or else!
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