Я поставил будильник, чтобы встать рано.
Я поставил будильник, чтобы не проспать.
Мы задавали ему вопросы, чтобы попрактиковаться в английском.
Он закричал, чтобы его услышали.
Мне пришлось прикусить губу, чтобы не рассмеяться.
Он вошёл как можно тише, чтобы не шуметь.
Вам придётся поговорить с ним, чтобы попытаться выяснить, что бы не так.
Он отвернулся, чтобы не видеть слёз в её глазах.
Я решил пройти пешком от станции, чтобы не прийти слишком рано.
Он не рассказал матери о происшествии, чтобы не тревожить её.
Я пообещал связаться с ним или его помощником, чтобы обсудить ситуацию.
Нужно ли мне приглашение, чтобы подать заявление на визу?
Я притворился что мне понравился подарок, чтобы не разочаровать бабушку.
Чтобы проучить сына, отец вызвал полицию.
Все внимательно слушали, чтобы не упустить ни слова.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
I set the alarm clock to get up early.I set the alarm clock to not sleep.We asked him questions to practice their English.He cried out to be heard.I had to bite down lip not to laugh.He became as quiet as possible so as not to make noise.You have to talk to him, to try to figure out what would not.He turned away, not to see tears in her eyes.I decided to walk from the station to not come too soon.He did not tell the mother about the incident in order not to disturb her.I promised to contact him or his assistant, to discuss the situation.Do I need an invitation to apply for a visa?I pretended that I liked the gift, not to disappoint his grandmother.To teach the son, the father called the police.All listened carefully, so as not to miss a Word.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
I set the alarm to get up early.
I set the alarm clock to not oversleep.
We asked him questions to practice their English.
He shouted to be heard.
I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing.
He walked as quietly as possible, so as not to make noise.
you'll have to talk to him to try and figure out what would not.
He turned away, not to see the tears in her eyes.
I decided to walk from the station, so as not to come too early.
He was not told about the incident the mother, not to to disturb her.
I promised to contact him or his assistant, to discuss the situation.
Do I need an invitation to apply for a visa?
I pretended that I liked the gift, so as not to disappoint his grandmother.
In order to teach a lesson to his son, the father called the police.
All listened attentively so as not to miss a word.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
i set the alarm clock to get up early.i set the alarm clock, not to sleep.we asked him questions to practice your english.he"s screaming to be heard.i had to bite her lip not to laugh.he entered as quietly as possible, not to make any noise.you"ll have to talk to him, to try to figure out what to do.he turned to see tears in her eyes.i decided to walk from the station to not come too early.he didn"t tell his mother about the accident so as not to disturb her.i promised to get in touch with him or his assistant, to discuss the situation.do i need an invitation to apply for a visa?i pretended that i liked the gift not to disappoint my grandma.to teach the son, the father called the police.all listened intently, not to miss a word.
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