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Хочу всем вам сказать спасибо!! За настоящее желание научить, за ваше терпение! За внимательность и честность! За все подсказки и секреты!! За их четкость и своевременность! За высоко поставленную планку! Отдельное спасибо, за навыки правильной организации рабочего места и антисептики!! За такую удобную студию! За вкусный кофе! Действительно, пользы было оочень-очень много... Расскажу Read more, почему я выбрала именно эти курсы...
Выбрала, корысти ради) и хитро все прикинув) Я за ранее просчитала, что здесь смогут научить) Раз люди так долго готовили мастеров для своих салонов и учили их по настоящему, что бы дальше работать плечом к плечу! Они то уж знают, как это делать! И даже если не планировали выдавать ВСЕЕЕ свои секреты... в какой-то момент проговорятся и скажут правду! Просто потому, что привыкли так учить. Качественно и по честному!)Вывод: шансы научиться есть! Я начинающий мастер, но с большим опытом работы визажиста. Когда ехала представляла как все будет не просто! И как это ответственно! НО, была уверена, что все почти сразу получится и нарисуется) ;)) не тут то было!! После первой пробы на латексе, шок. Пальцы не сгибаются, руки не слушаются... Голова как будто в аквариуме))И главное, не то что линии или переходы красивые, а сплошные дырки, запятые, пятна и палки. И начались часы тренировок, под неусыпным взглядом учителей, Ани и Лены. Строгих но терпеливых! Эти люди привыкли работать без права на ошибку! Но как научить этому нас???) оказывается они знают! Медленно и доходчиво!! По миллиону раз одно и тоже! И с примерами и с ощущениям! И опять на повтор!
Чего не хватило: конечно ещё тренировок под вашим присмотром! И на латексе и на моделях. Было бы здорово , поработать пару месяцев и вернуться к вам на второй этап занятий. Что бы ещё подшлифовать новую технику!! Страх конечно остался, но на 4-й и 5-й день появилось желание пробовать!! Уже стали заметны изменения, по сравнению с первым днём учебы! С нетерпением жду, когда придут все заказанные материалы ... кушетка и можно будет начать работать!
Вам желаю продолжать начатое, такое мощное движение! Желаю много сил! Спасибо!!)
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I want to say thanks to all of you! For now the desire to teach, for your patience! For attentiveness and honesty! For all the tips and secrets! For their clarity and timeliness! For highly supplied lath! Special thanks to proper organization skills for the workplace and antiseptics! This comfortable Studio! For delicious coffee! Indeed, the benefit was oočen′ very much ... Tell Read more why I chose these particular courses.Chose, for the sake of greed) and cleverly keeping everything) I previously considered here that will teach) times people so long prepared masters for their salons and taught them to present that would continue to work shoulder to shoulder! They really know how to do it! And even if you did not plan to issue their secrets ALLITS ... at some point progovorâtsâ and tell the truth! Just because they used to so teach. Qualitatively and honestly!) Conclusion: the chance to learn to eat! I am a novice master, but with extensive experience of the visagiste. When driving represented everything is not easy! And as it responsibly! But was confident that everything will come out almost immediately and will be drawn);)) is not here it was! After the first tests on the LaTeX, shock. Do not bend the fingers, the hands do not obey ... Head as if in an aquarium)) and most importantly, not lines or transitions are beautiful and solid holes, commas, stains and sticks. And watch workouts under the vigilant gaze of teachers, ANI and Lena. Strict but patient! These people are accustomed to working without error! But how do we teach it?) It turns out they know! Slowly and clearly! A million times too! And with examples and with feelings! And again on repeat!What did: of course even workouts under your supervision! And on LaTeX and on models. It would be great to work for a couple of months and get back to you on the second phase of the occupation. That would be podšlifovat′ a new technique! Fear of course remained, but on the 4-th and 5-th day wish to try! Already become noticeable changes compared to the first day of study! Looking forward to when they come all ordered materials. couch and you can start to work! You wish to continue, such powerful movement! I wish much strength! Thank you!)
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I want to say thank you to all of you !! For the moment the desire to teach you for your patience! For the care and honesty! For all the tips and secrets !! For their clarity and timeliness! For high set the bar! Special thanks for the skills proper workstation and antiseptics !! For such a comfortable studio! For a delicious coffee! Indeed, the benefit was oochen very much ... I'll tell you Read more, why I chose this course ...
I chose, for the sake of self-interest) and all prikinuv slyly) I for previously calculated that there will be able to teach) Once people for so long preparing masters for their salons and taught them the present, which would continue to work shoulder to shoulder! They then really know how to do it! And even if you did not plan to issue VSEEE their secrets ... at some point said, and tell the truth! Just because so accustomed to teach. Qualitatively and honest) Conclusion: there is a chance to learn! I am a novice master, but with more experience make-up work. When riding represented all will not be easy! And it responsibly! BUT, I was confident that all will turn out almost immediately and draw);)) was not there !! After the first sample on the latex shock. The fingers do not bend, do not obey hand ... head as if in a tank)) And most importantly, not to mention the beautiful lines or transitions, and solid holes, commas, spots and sticks. And started training hours, under the watchful eyes of teachers, Ani, and Lena. Strict but patient! These people are accustomed to working without the right to make a mistake! But how do we teach it ???) turns out they know! Slowly and clearly !! According to one million times the same thing! And with examples and sensations! Again, to repeat!
That was not enough: of course more training under your supervision! And latex and models. It would be great to work a couple of months and get back to you on the second phase of training. What else would podshlifovat new technique !! Fear certainly remained, but the 4th and 5th day there was a desire to try !! Already we became noticeable changes compared to the first day of school! I look forward to when they come all the ordered materials couch ... and you can start to work!
Do you wish to carry on with such a powerful movement! I wish you much strength! Thank you!!)
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
i want you all to say thank you! for this desire to teach, for your patience! after careful and honesty. for all the tips and secrets. for their clarity and timeliness. for the high set the bar! thanks for the good organization skills workplace and antiseptics. for such a studio! for good coffee. indeed, the benefit was very very much... tell read more, why i choose these courses.choose greed for) and that all прикинув) i previously wrote that it could teach) time people for so long were the masters for their salons and taught them really, what would the work shoulder to shoulder! they don"t know how to do it! and even if you don"t have to всеее secrets... at some point проговорятся and say the truth! just because i used to learn that way. quality and honest!) conclusion: the chance to learn how to eat! i"m a young master, but with more experience of care. when was represented as it will not be easy. and how is it responsibly. but was sure that everything can and must have appeared almost immediately))) don"t have it! after the first sample in the латексе, shock. fingers don"t bend, don"t listen... head like a bowl), and most importantly, not what line or transitions, beautiful and full of holes, commas, stains and sticks. clock and began training under the watchful eyes of teachers, ani and lena. strict but the patient. these people are accustomed to work without fail. but how to teach us? ????) turns out they know! slowly and clearly. ! a million times the same. and with examples, and with it! and again in the replay.not enough, of course still training under your supervision. and латексе and models. it would be nice to work for a couple of months and come back to you in the second stage of training. what else would подшлифовать new technology. of course, the fear was, but on 4th and 5th day, feel the urge to try! it became obvious changes compared with the first day of school! i look forward to when they come all the ordered material. the couch and you can start working.you want to continue what we started, this great movement. i wish a lot! thank you! !!!)
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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