В России свыше 2,5 млн. рек. Они принадлежат к бассейнам трех океанов, перевод - В России свыше 2,5 млн. рек. Они принадлежат к бассейнам трех океанов, английский как сказать

В России свыше 2,5 млн. рек. Они пр

В России свыше 2,5 млн. рек. Они принадлежат к бассейнам трех океанов, а также к бессточному внутреннему бассейну Каспия. Около 2/3 площади России относится к бассейну Северного Ледовитого океана, куда впадают такие крупные реки, как Обь (приток Иртыш), Енисей (притоки Ангара, Нижняя Тунгуска и Подкаменная Тунгуска) и Лена (притоки Вилюй и Алдан). В своем верхнем течении это типично горные реки.

Около 4/5 остальной территории России приходится на бассейн Тихого океана. Среди впадающих в этот океан наиболее крупными являются Амур и Анадырь. Реки бассейна Тихого океана, в отличие от других рек страны, имеют меньшую протяженность и отличаются большей скоростью течения.

Около 5% территории страны приходится на бассейн Атлантического океана. Для рек этого бассейна характерен равнинный характер течения. Среди них наибольшую длину имеет река Дон.

Бессточный внутренний бассейн Каспия занимает в России большую часть Европейской России. Наиболее крупной рекой этой области является Волга. На территории страны самые большие бассейны у Лены (2 млн. 400 тыс. км ) и Енисея (2 млн. 580 тыс. км2). Что же касается реки Оби, имеющей большой бассейн, значительная часть его лежит за пределами страны.

Густота речной сети на территории России зависит от .многих природных условий, таких, как рельеф, климат и растительность. Рельеф влияет на характер течения. Большинство крупных рек страны имеют равнинный характер, долины их широки, уклон рек мал, течение медленное. Наименьший уклон имеет Обь (4 см на 1 км), а наибольший — Енисей (37 см на 1 км). Реки, протекающие в горах, имеют узкие долины и бурное течение, большой уклон
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In Russia, more than 2.5 million. rivers. They belong to the basins of three oceans, as well as to besstochnomu inner basin of the Caspian Sea. About 2/3 square Russia refers to the basin of the Arctic Ocean, where flow into such major rivers as the Ob River (a tributary of the Irtysh River), Yenisey River (tributaries of Angara River, Nizhnyaya Tunguska River and the Podkamennaya Tunguska River) and Lena (tributaries of the Vilyui and Aldan). In its upper reaches it is a typical mountain river.About 4/5 the rest of Russian territory falls on the Pacific. Among the flowing into the ocean the largest are Cupid and Anadyr. The rivers of the Pacific basin, in contrast to other rivers in the country, have a smaller length and are more current velocity.About 5% of the country's territory falls in the pool of the Atlantic Ocean. For rivers of the basin is characterized by flat nature of currents. Among them are the greatest length of the River Don.A indoor swimming pool of the Caspian Sea in Russia takes a large part of European Russia. The largest river in this area is the Volga. Throughout the country the largest pools of Lena (2 mln 400 thousand km), and Yenisei (2 million 580 thousand km2). As far as the Ob River, with large swimming pool, a large part of it is outside the country.Density of the river network on the territory of Russia depends on. many natural conditions such as topography, climate and vegetation. Terrain affects the nature of the flow. Most of the major rivers of the country are flat nature, their broad Valley, the slope of the small rivers for slow. The lowest slope has Ob (4 cm to 1 km), and the greatest-Yenisey (37 cm by 1 km). Rivers flowing in mountains and narrow valleys have turbulent flow, large slope
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

In Russia, more than 2.5 million. Rivers. They belong to the basins of three oceans, as well as to the inland Caspian Sea Inland Basin. About 2/3 of the area of Russia belongs to the basin of the Arctic Ocean, where large rivers flow, such as the Ob River (a tributary of the Irtysh), Yenisei (tributaries of the Angara, Lower Tunguska and the Stony Tunguska) and Lena (inflows Viluy and Aldan). In its upper reaches it is typical mountain river.

Approximately 4/5 of the rest of Russia falls on the Pacific Ocean basin. Among flowing into the ocean is the largest Cupid and Anadyr. The rivers of the Pacific Ocean, unlike other rivers of the country, have a smaller extent and are more velocity.

About 5% of the country falls on the Atlantic Ocean basin. For this river basin is characterized by flat nature of the flow. Among them is the river Don greatest length.

Undrained internal Caspian basin occupies in Russia most of European Russia. The largest river in the area is the Volga. On the territory of the country's largest pools Lena (2 million. 400 thousand. Km) and Yenisei (2 million. 580 thousand. Km2). As far as the Ob River, which has a large swimming pool, a large part of it is outside the country.

The density of the river network in the territory of Russia .Many dependent on natural conditions, such as topography, climate and vegetation. Terrain affects the character of the flow. Most of the major rivers of the country are flat character, their wide valleys, rivers bias is small for slow. The smallest deviation is Ob (4 cm to 1 km), and the largest - the Yenisei (37 cm to 1 km). The rivers flowing into the mountains are narrow valleys and rapid course, a large slope
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in russia, more than 2.5 million. rivers. they belong to three ocean basins, as well as to бессточному inland basin of caspian sea. about 2 / 3 the size of russia belongs to the basin of the arctic ocean, where are the major rivers such as the ob river (irtysh flows (inflows), the yenisey angara, nizhnyaya tunguska and podkamenaya tunguska () and lena vilyuy river tributaries and alden). in its upper course is a typical mountain river.about 4 / 5 of the territory of russia to the pacific. among the most prominent are flowing into the amur and anadyr. the river basin of the pacific ocean, unlike other rivers in the country, have smaller length and more current velocity.about 5% of the country's territory consists of a pool of atlantic ocean. for the river basin is characterized by the flat nature of the currents. among them, the most length is the river don.бессточный internal pool of caspian sea is in russia the most of european russia. the largest river in this area is developed. throughout the country the biggest pools from lena (2 million. 400 thousand. km) and yenisey (2 million. 580 thousand. km2). with regard to the river ob with a large swimming pool, a large part of it lies outside the country.the density of river network in russia depends on the.многих natural conditions such as topography, climate and vegetation. topography affects the nature of the currents. most of the major rivers of the country are plain nature, their broad river valley, slope is small, the slow. the slope is ob (4 cm to 1 km) and the largest - the yenisey (37 cm to 1 km). the river downstream in the mountains are a narrow valley and the large slope
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