1. Если бы каждый человек ежегодно потреблял бы одно хорошее и выделял перевод - 1. Если бы каждый человек ежегодно потреблял бы одно хорошее и выделял английский как сказать

1. Если бы каждый человек ежегодно

1. Если бы каждый человек ежегодно потреблял бы одно хорошее и выделял бы одно плохое, это бы привело к экологическому кризису, вызванному перепроизводством плохого.
2. Если бы представители деловых кругов более ответственно подходили к вопросам экономического развития всего мира, то такие явления как голод и нищета уже давно бы были преодолены.
3. Жаль, что люди не умеют определять последствия принимаемых решений.
4. Представители Международного валютного фонда настаивают, чтобы правительство снизило учетную ставку, а также отказалось бы от финансовых вливаний, направленных на поддержание валютного курса на прежнем уровне.
5. На Вашем месте я бы не спешил обращаться в агентство по трудоустройству - бурный экономический рост создает невообразимое количество новых возможностей.
6. Необходимо, чтобы в современных теориях, развивающих принцип классического либерализма, единственно реальным экономическим агентом признавался индивид.
7. Если бы традиционная для современной экономики раздвоенность понимания теории поведения индивида и теория фирмы не была преодолена, то принцип максимализации полезности не имел бы сейчас универсального значения.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. If everyone consumed annually would be one good and one bad, provided it would have led to an ecological crisis caused by an overproduction of bad.2. If the representatives of the business community to take a more responsible approach to economic development around the world, such as hunger and poverty would long ago have been overcome.3. It's a pity that people don't know how to determine the consequences of decisions.4. Representatives of the International Monetary Fund insist that the Government has lowered the discount rate, as well as refused from financial investments, aimed at maintaining the exchange rate at the same level.5. In your place I would not hurry to contact the employment agency-rapid economic growth creates an unimaginable amount of new features.6. it is essential that modern theories, developing the principle of classical liberalism, the only real economic agent recognized individual.7. If the traditional duality of modern economics theories of individual behavior and understanding of the theory of the firm was not overcome by the principle of maximizing the utility would not have now a universal value.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. If each person per year would consume one good and one bad would be allocated, it would have led to the environmental crisis caused by overproduction of poor.
2. If the business community a more responsible approach to economic development around the world, the phenomena such as hunger and poverty for a long time have been overcome.
3. It is a pity that people do not know how to determine the consequences of decisions.
4. Representatives of the International Monetary Fund insist that the government lowered the discount rate, and would refuse financial investments aimed at maintaining the exchange rate at the same level.
5. In your place I would not hurry to apply to the employment agency - rapid economic growth creates an unimaginable number of new features.
6. It is essential that in modern theories, developed the principles of classical liberalism, the only real economic agent recognized the individual.
7. If the traditional to the modern economy dichotomy understanding of the theory of individual behavior and the theory of the firm has not been overcome, the principle of maximizing the utility would not have today a universal value.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. if every man, every year have one good and made one bad, it would lead to environmental crisis, caused by the overproduction of wrong.
2.if business representatives more accountable for the economic development of the world, the phenomena such as hunger and poverty have long been overcome.
3. sorry,humans can't determine the consequences of the decisions taken.
4. the representatives of the international monetary fund to insist that the government lowered the discount rate, and also refused to financial investments.aimed at the maintenance of the exchange rate at the same level.
5.if i were you, i wouldn't be in such a rush to apply for an employment agency is buoyant economic growth creates an unimaginable amount of new opportunities.
6. it is necessary that contemporary theoriesthe developing principle of classical liberalism, the only real economic agent as an individual.
7.if the traditional to a modern economy theory and theory of off balance of individual firms has been reversed, the principle of maximization of utility would now universal values. "
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