Однажды утром старая Водяная Крыса высунулась из норы. Утка учила свои перевод - Однажды утром старая Водяная Крыса высунулась из норы. Утка учила свои английский как сказать

Однажды утром старая Водяная Крыса

Однажды утром старая Водяная Крыса высунулась из норы. Утка учила своих детей стоять вниз
головой в пруду («Если вы не научитесь стоять на голове, вас никогда не примут
в хорошее общество»). Водяная Крыса: «Любовь конечно вещь хорошая, но дружба куда
возвышеннее… Преданный друг должен быть мне предан». Тогда Коноплянка начала историю
о Преданном Друге.
Жил-был славный паренек Ганс. Он ничем таким не отличался, разве что добрым сердцем
и забавным круглым веселым лицом. Был у него садик, который он очень любил и где выращивал
цветы. У Маленького Ганса было множество друзей, но самым преданным был Большой Гью-Мельник.
Богатый мельник был настолько ему предан, что всякий раз проходя мимо набирал огромный букет
цветов или набивал карманы плодами. «У настоящих друзей должно быть все общее», — говорил
он. А Ганс записывал всю теорию дружбы тщательно в тетрадочку. Естественно мельник никогда
ничем не отблагодарил Ганса. Зимой он его никогда не навещал («Когда человеку приходится
туго, его лучше оставить в покое») и не звал к себе («…на свете нет ничего хуже
зависти, она любого испортит….Я ему друг и всегда буду следить, чтобы он не подвергался соблазнам».) Наконец настала весна и Мельник пошел к Гансу за первоцветами. Ганс хотел продать их и выкупить тачку, которую пришлось заложить зимой. Но мельник забрал все цветы (корзина
была огромна) и предложил Гансу подарить свою тачку, правда она была очень сломана. Ганс сказал,
что у него есть доска, и он починит тачку. Тогда мельник попросил Ганса, как истинного
друга, которому он собирается подарить тачку, отремонтировать этой доской дыру в своей крыше.
Ганс конечно же согласился ради друга. Мельник начал просить его о других «услугах», ведь
он подарит ему тачку. Ганс на все соглашался, а в своем саду он просто не успевал

Однажды ночью у мельника заболел ребенок. Нужно было идти за доктором, а на улице
страшная буря. Мельник попросил Ганса, но даже фонаре ему не дал («…фонарь у меня новый,
вдруг с ним что-нибудь случится?»). На обратном пути Ганс сбился с дороги и утонул в болоте. Все пришли на похороны Ганса, потому что все его любили. Но больше всех горевал
Мельник («Я ведь уже, можно сказать, подарил ему свою тачку и теперь ума не приложу,
что мне с ней делать: дома она только место занимает, а продать — так ничего не дадут,
до того она изломана. Впредь буду осмотрительнее. Теперь у меня никто ничего не получит.
Щедрость всегда человеку во вред».) Водяная Крыса не поняла истории и ушла к себе. «Боюсь, она на меня обиделась, —
сказала Коноплянка. — …я рассказала ей историю с моралью. — Что вы, это опасное дело! —

Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
One morning an old water rat leant out of the hole. Duck taught her children to stand downhead in the pond ("If you don't learn to stand on your head, you never willin good company "). Water rat: «love is of course a good thing, but friendship wherehidden ... Faithful friend should be devoted to me. Then start the story of Linnetthe Faithful Friend.There was a nice lad, Hans. It does this no different, except that the good heartand funny round good-humoured face. It had a garden, which he loved and where to growflowers. Little Hans had many friends, but the most devoted was Big Hugh the Miller.Rich Miller was so devoted to him that whenever passing by gaining huge bouquetcolors or his wallet. "Real friends should be total," saidit. And Hans recorded the whole theory of friendship carefully said. Of course Miller neverNo smashing of Hans. In winter, he never visited ("when a man fallstight, its better to leave alone ") and is not called to itself (" ... There's nothing worse in the worldenvy it any .... I friend and will always ensure that it is not exposed to the temptations of ".) Finally it was spring and Miller went to Hans for pervocvetami. Hans wanted to sell them and buy out the wheelbarrow, which had to lay in the winter. But Miller took away all the flowers (shopping cartwas huge) and invited Hans donate my wheelbarrow, though she was very broken. Hans said,He had a Board and he will repair a wheelbarrow. Then Miller asked Hans as truea friend to whom he is going to give a wheelbarrow, to repair this Board hole in its roof.Hans of course agreed for the sake of the other. Miller started asking him about other "services", becauseIt will give him the wheelbarrow. Hans on all agreed, and in his garden he just not managedwork.One night at the Miller ill child. We had to go for a doctor, and on the streeta terrible storm. Miller asked Hans, but even he didn't give a lamp ("... I have a new lantern,suddenly with him anything happen? "). On the way back from the road and with Hans was drowned in a bog. Everyone came to the funeral of Hans, because everyone liked him. But most of all heMiller ("I already, you could say, gave him his wheelbarrow and now mad does not attachWhat do I do with it: it only takes place at home, and sell — so nothing will,before it from its hinges. I will continue to take a cautious. Now I have nobody get nothing.Generosity always a man harm. ") Water rat is not understood history and left to itself. I'm afraid she was mad at me, —Linnet said. — … I told her story with morals. Is that you, it is a dangerous thing! —Duck. "
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
One morning the old Water-rat poked out of the hole. Duck taught her children to stand down
his head in the pond ( "If you can stand on your head, you never will be
in good company"). Water Rat: "Love is of course a good thing, but friendship is much
loftier ... devoted friend to be devoted to me." Then Linnet beginning of the story
of a devoted friend.
There was a nice boy, Hans. He does not so different, except for his kind heart
, and his funny round good-humored face. He had a garden, which he loved and where they grow
flowers. Little Hans had a lot of friends, but the most loyal was big Hugh-Miller.
Rich Miller was so devoted to him that every time he passed gaining a huge bouquet
of flowers, or filling his pockets with fruit. "The real friends should have everything in common", - said
he. And Hans wrote the whole theory of friendship carefully in the note-book. Naturally the miller had
no thanked Hans. In winter, he'll never visited ( "When a person has
difficulty, it is best left alone") and did not call to him ( "... in the world there is nothing worse than
envy, it all ... .I will spoil his friend and will always make sure that he not exposed to temptations. ") Finally, spring came and Miller went to Hans for primroses. Hans wanted to sell them and buy back the wheelbarrow, which had to lay in winter. But the miller took all the flowers (the basket
was huge) and Hans offered to donate his car, although it was very broken. Hans said
that he has a board, and he will repair the wheelbarrow. Then the miller asked Hans, as a true
friend to whom he is going to give a wheelbarrow, to repair this board hole in its roof.
Hans course agreed for the sake of another. Miller began to ask him about the other "services", because
it will give him a wheelbarrow. Hans all agreed, and in his garden, he simply did not have time
to work.

One night, the miller sick child. We had to go for the doctor, and on the street
a terrible storm. Miller asked Hans, but even he did not let the lamp ( "... I have a new lamp,
suddenly with it something happens?"). On the way back, Hans lost his way and drowned in a swamp. All came to Hans's funeral because everyone liked him. But most of all grieved
Miller ( "I've already, you might say, gave him a wheelbarrow and now I'll never know,
what do I do with it: at home, it only took the and sell - so do not give,
before she was broken in the future. will be more careful. Now I have nobody get nothing.
Generosity is always a person to harm. ") Water-rat did not understand the history and went to her room. "I'm afraid she was offended at me -
Linnet said. - ... I told her a story with a moral. - What are you, this is a dangerous thing! -
. Duck "

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
one morning, the old water rat hanging out of a hole. duck taught their children to stand down.head in the pond ("if you don't learn to stand on your head, you never willin a good society "). water rat: "love of course is good, but friendship is whereвозвышеннее -- a friend should be предан». the story then linnet birdon a devoted friend.there was a boy named hans. he is not different, but a good hearta fun and amusing round face. was his garden, which he loved and grewthe flowers. little hans was a lot of friends, but the best was a big гью - miller.rich miller was so devoted to it, whenever i passed by was a big bouquetflowers or fruits been lining his pockets. "real friends should be all the network said,he. and hans recorded the whole theory in тетрадочку friendship carefully. of course the miller neverno thank hans. in the winter he never visited ("when a man is forced totight, its better to leave ") and place (" in the light of nothing worse thanenvy, she could ruin. when his friend and will always make sure that he was not соблазнам».) finally, the spring and the miller went to hans for первоцветами. he wanted to sell them and buy a car, which had been planted in the winter. but the miller took the flowers (basketwas big and suggested that the hans to give his car, but she was really broken. hans saidhe has a board and fix the car. then the miller asked hans as a truea friend that he's going to fix the car, with a hole in its roof.hans, of course agreed for a friend. miller started asking him about other "services;he gave him a car. hans all agreed, and in his garden, he just didn't have timeto work.one night, the miller's son. have to go for a doctor, and on the streeta terrible storm. miller asked hans, but even the lamp didn't give him ("...фонарь me newif something happens to him? "). on the way he has lost his way and sank into the swamp. all came to the funeral of hans because everybody loved him. but most of all wasmiller ("i'm already, can say, gave him my car and now i don't knowwhat do i do with her, she just place, sell so, won't get anything.before she изломана. continue to be careful. now i have nobody gets anything.grace is always the person in harm ".) the water rat don't understand history and left to himself. "i'm afraid she's mad at me.said the linnet bird. i told her the story with a moral. - what are you, that is a dangerous thing. -утка.»
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