В прошлом году я поссорился с моей женой. Она говорила, что я слишком  перевод - В прошлом году я поссорился с моей женой. Она говорила, что я слишком  английский как сказать

В прошлом году я поссорился с моей

В прошлом году я поссорился с моей женой. Она говорила, что я слишком много денег трачу на книги. Я понял, что она права, и пообещал, что больше этого делать не буду. Однако, когда я шел на работу, я увидел очень интересную книгу в магазине. "На этой неделе я еще ничего не покупал", - подумал я, - "Если я напишу на этой книге: "За участие в любительском спектакле", жена ничего не скажет. "
- Так ты участвовал в спектакле, - удивилась жена, - Почему я тебя не видела?
- Я держал на плечах балкон для Ромео и Джульетты, - ответил я.
На следующей книге я написал: "С любовью и наилучшими пожеланиями, твой любящий дядя Тед. "
- Что за дядя? , -спросила жена, - Почему я с ним не знакома?
- Бедный, милый дядя, - ответил я - Он дарит мне книги с тех пор, как я научился читать. Он уже двадцать лет живет в Лондоне, и ни разу не выезжал оттуда из-за своего здоровья.
Потом разные писатели начали дарить мне свои книги из любви и уважения ко мне. Однажды я пришел домой с книгой, которую мне подарил Золя. Жена стояла перед зеркалом. На ней было новое платье.
- Ты купила платье? - спросил я.
- Нет, - ответила она, - мне его подарил твой друг.
- Какой друг? - закричал я.
- Тот, который подарил тебе столько книг - Чарльз Диккинс.
Теперь мне стало ясно, почему последнее время у нас были такие плохие обеды.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Last year I quarreled with my wife. She said that I spend too much money on books. I realized that she's right, and promised that more won't do that. However, when I went to work, I saw a very interesting book in the store. "This week I bought nothing," I thought, "if I write on this Book:" for participation in amateur play ", wife says nothing." -So have you participated in a performance-surprised wife-why am I not seen you? -I kept on the shoulders of the balcony of Romeo and Juliet, "I replied. The next book I wrote: "with love and best wishes, your loving Uncle Ted." -What is the meaning of Uncle? -asked the wife, Why I was not familiar with it? Poor, dear Uncle-I answered-it gives me a book since I learned to read. He is already twenty years living in London, and had never travelled from there because of his health. Then different writers began to give me their books from love and respect me. One day I came home with a book that gave me Zola. My wife stood in front of a mirror. It had a new dress. -You bought the dress? -I asked. -No, she replied, I gave your friend. -What kind of friend? -I cried. -The one that gave you so many books-Charles Dikkins. Now it has become clear to me why the last time we had such a bad lunch.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Last year I had quarreled with my wife. She said that I spend too much money on books. I realized that she was right, and promised that more will not do that. However, when I went to work, I saw a very interesting book in the store. "This week, I still did not buy anything," - I thought - "If I write this book:" For participation in amateur theatricals, "the wife will not say anything."
- So you took part in the play - surprised wife - Why I have not seen you?
- I was holding on to the shoulders of the balcony of Romeo and Juliet, - I replied.
The next book I wrote: "With love and best wishes, your loving Uncle Ted."
- What is the uncle? , 'He asked wife - Why do I not know him?
- Poor, dear uncle, - I said - It gives me the books ever since I learned to read. He has twenty years of living in London, and never went out because of his health.
Then various writers began to give me his books out of love and respect for me. One day I came home with a book that gave me Zola. My wife was standing in front of a mirror. She was wearing a new dress.
- You bought a dress? - I asked.
- No, - she said - I gave it to your friend.
- Which one? - I shouted.
- The one that gave you so many books - Charles Dickins.
Now it became clear why recently we have had such a bad lunch.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
last year i had an argument with my wife. she said i was too much money to spend on books. i realized that she was right, and i promised that i won't do that. however, when i was on my way to work.i saw a very interesting book in the store. " this week, i still didn't buy anything, "i thought," if i write in this book: "participation in amateur play," the wife says nothing. "
- so you were involved in the play, surprised his wife, why i didn't see you?
- i held on the shoulders of balcony of romeo and juliet, "i said.
at the next book i wrote: "with love and best wishes.your loving uncle ted. "
- what uncle? - asked the wife, why i don't know him?
- poor, dear uncle, "i said - he gives me a book since i learned to read. he's twenty years of living in londonand haven't go out because of his health.
then different writers started giving me your books out of love and respect for me. one day, i came home with the book, which i bought zola. his wife stood in front of the mirror.she was wearing a new dress.
- you get the dress? - i asked. - no, she said, i gave it to your friend.
- what friend? - i yelled. - who gave you so many books - charles диккинс. "now it's become clear to mewhy is the last time we had such bad dinners.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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