Я не против клонирования. Очевидно, что клонирование человека имеет гр перевод - Я не против клонирования. Очевидно, что клонирование человека имеет гр английский как сказать

Я не против клонирования. Очевидно,

Я не против клонирования. Очевидно, что клонирование человека имеет громадные потенциальные преимущества и несколько возможных отрицательных последствий. Как и со многими научными достижениями прошлого, такими как самолеты и компьютеры, единственная угроза – это угроза нашей собственной узкой умственной самоудовлетворенности. Клоны человека могут сделать большой вклад в области научного прогресса и культурного развития. В определенных случаях, где предвидятся возможные злоупотребления, их можно предотвратить с помощью узконаправленного специализированного законодательства.А также клонирование не просто людей, но органов и тканей делает революционный прорыв в трансплантологии и травматологии. С каплей здравого смысла и разумным регулированием, клонирование человека – не есть нечто, чего нужно бояться. Нам следует ожидать его с волнительным нетерпением и поддерживать научные исследования, которые ускорят осуществление клонирования. Исключительные люди находятся среди величайших сокровищ мира. Клонирование человека позволит нам сохранить, а со временем даже восстановить эти сокровища.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I'm not against cloning. It is obvious that human cloning has enormous potential benefits and possible adverse effects. As with many scientific achievements of the past, such as airplanes and computers, the only threat is a threat to our own narrow intellectual complacency. Human clones can make a great contribution in the field of scientific progress, and cultural development. In certain cases, where it foresees possible abuse can be prevented with more specialized legislation. as well as cloning not just people, but the organs and tissues makes a revolutionary breakthrough in transplantation surgery and traumatology. With a drop of common sense and reasonable regulation, human cloning is not something to be feared. We should expect the exciting look and support research that will accelerate implementation of cloning. Exceptional people are among the greatest treasures of the world. Human cloning will enable us to preserve, and eventually even to restore these treasures.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I am not against cloning. It is clear that human cloning has enormous potential benefits and some possible negative consequences. As with many scientific achievements of the past, such as airplanes and computers, the only threat - a threat to our own narrow mental complacency. Human clones can make a great contribution in the field of scientific progress and cultural development. In certain cases, where foresees the possibility of abuse can be prevented by using a focused specialized zakonodatelstva.A as cloning is not just people, but the organs and tissues makes breakthrough in transplantation and trauma. With a drop of common sense and reasonable regulation, human cloning - is not something to be feared. We should expect it to look exciting and support research that will accelerate implementation of cloning. Exceptional people are among the greatest treasures of the world. Human cloning will allow us to maintain and eventually even recover these treasures.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
I am not against cloning. It is clear that human cloning has a huge potential benefits and a few possible negative consequences. As with many scientific achievements in the past,Such as airplanes and computers, the only threat is a threat our own narrow mental chaos.Clones rights can make a large contribution in the field of scientific progress, and cultural development. In certain cases, where anticipated possible abuse,They can be prevented with a sharply focused specialized legislation.as well as cloning is not just people, but organs and tissues makes a revolutionary breakthrough in emergency surgery and trauma.With a drop common sense and reasonable regulation, human cloning - is not something which you want to be afraid. We should expect it to obvious that regardless look forward and to support scientific research,That will accelerate the implementation of the clone. Exceptional people are among the greatest treasures. Human cloning will allow us to save, and, in time, even to restore these treasures.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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