В нашем современном мире, насыщенном суетой, спешкой, информацией, кри перевод - В нашем современном мире, насыщенном суетой, спешкой, информацией, кри английский как сказать

В нашем современном мире, насыщенно

В нашем современном мире, насыщенном суетой, спешкой, информацией, кризисами, есть свои герои. О них не рассказывают по телевизору, им не вешают медали на грудь. Это – простые люди, которые живут по совести.
Таких героев довольно много среди нас: оглянись и ты обязательно увидишь чьи-то умные глаза, услышишь доброе слово. Каждый день нас ждут какие-то дела, все мы куда-то торопимся, спешим, ничего не замечая вокруг, а ведь иногда стоит смотреть по сторонам. Порой упадёшь на гололёде, кто-то поможет подняться, так сказать, «протянет руку помощи»- вот он, герой, спасибо! А кто-то пройдёт мимо – ведь у него и своих забот полно…
Как ты относишься к окружающим, так и они будут относиться к тебе.
Но настоящий герой не будет ждать похвалу, он пойдет дальше, освещая все вокруг своей улыбкой, навстречу трудностям и победам. Победам, скорее, над самим собой: над своей ленью, что порой накатывает, как волна, и уносит на диван, к телевизору; над своим эгоизмом, который время от времени заставляет думать только о себе, не обращая внимания на потребности других. Да, все это свойственно и герою нашего времени, вся разница в том, что он умеет преодолевать свои слабости и идти дальше к своей цели.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In our modern world full of bustle, rush, crises have their heroes. Tell us about them on tv, they don't hang up medals on his chest. It is the ordinary people who live by conscience.Such heroes pretty much among us: a look back and you're sure to see somebody clever eyes, hear a kind word. Every day we are waiting for any case we all go somewhere in a hurry, hurry, not noticing anything around, and sometimes it is worth watching. Sometimes fall down on gololëde someone help climb, so to say, "give a helping hand"-that's it, hero, thank you! And someone will pass by, because he and his full concerns. What do you think of others, and they will treat you.But the real hero won't wait for praise, he goes on, illuminating everything around her smile, to meet challenges and victories. Rather, victories over himself: on his laziness that sometimes rolls like a wave, and carries on the sofa to the tv; over his selfishness, which from time to time makes you think only of yourself, without paying attention to the needs of others. Yes, all this is peculiar and hero of our time, the difference is that he can overcome their weaknesses and move on to their objective.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In our modern world saturated with bustle, hurry, information, crisis, has its heroes. They are not told on TV, they do not hang a medal on his chest. This - the ordinary people who live according to conscience.
There are quite a few heroes among us: look around and you are bound to see someone intelligent eyes, hear a good word. Every day we are waiting for some kind of business, we are all somewhere in a hurry, in a hurry, not noticing anything around, and in fact sometimes is to look around. Sometimes you fall on the ice, someone will rise, so to speak, "helping hand" - this is the hero, thank you! And someone will pass - because it and its worries is ...
How do you treat others, and they will treat you.
But the real hero will not wait for the praise, he goes on, illuminating everything around her smile, to meet the challenges and victories. Win, rather at himself: on his laziness that sometimes rolls like a wave, and carries on the sofa to the TV; above his egoism, which at times makes you think only about themselves, without paying attention to the needs of others. Yes, all this is peculiar, and the hero of our time, the only difference is that he is able to overcome their weaknesses and move on to your goal.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in our modern world, its exchange, rush, information, crisis, has its heroes. they don"t tell you on tv, they don"t carry the medals on his chest. this is the ordinary people who live according to their conscience.quite a lot of heroes among us: look around and you"ll see someone smart eyes, hear a kind word. every day we are waiting for something to do, all of us are in a hurry, hurry, not being around, but sometimes you have to look around. sometimes you fall on гололёде, someone will come up, so to speak, "stretch hand" - that he is a hero, thank you! and someone will walk away, and he and his hands full of...how you treat others, they will treat you.but the real hero is not waiting for it, he goes on like this, giving all around with a smile, meet challenges and victories. later, more on myself, on my laziness, sometimes comes as a wave, and carries on the couch, tv; over his selfishness, which from time to time makes to think only of himself, not paying attention to the needs of others. yes, it is, and the hero of our time, the only difference is that he is able to overcome their own weaknesses, and move on to their goals.
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