Task 4. задача 4.лео хочет быть настоящим моряк и понять, морской язык перевод - Task 4. задача 4.лео хочет быть настоящим моряк и понять, морской язык английский как сказать

Task 4. задача 4.лео хочет быть нас

Task 4. задача 4.лео хочет быть настоящим моряк и понять, морской язык.помочьего с моря идиомы.читал, например с идиома тщательно, чтобы найтисмысл.затем выберите право идиома для разрыва в предложении.но бытьосторожно: два человека очень.используйте только числа.23.я ______ после дня с тех ужасных детей.24.я ___ с этого компьютера, я не могу понять, как это работает!25.это ваш первый день на работе, иск будет ______.26.я надеюсь, что джон имеет смысл не в том, чтобы _____ на завтрашнем заседании, когдадругие участники не хотят его сделать это.27.его бизнес был _____ уже несколько лет безуспешно.28.я стараюсь ____ мэгги, если вы - она в беде!29.билл был счастлив ___ на свадьбу дочери.30.члены партии сказал твердо не _____ публично критиковатьправительство просто до выборов.1.держаться подальше2.на нервах3.нажать лодку4.песня Oar в.5.мисс лодку6.раскачивать лодку7.шоу веревки8.все на море9.сожги лодку10.в депрессии
23. I’m ______ after a day with those terrible children.
24. I’m ___ with this computer, I can’t understand
26. I hope John has the sense not to _____ at tomorrow’s meeting when
other participants don’t want him to do it.
27. His business has been _____ for several years now without any success.
28. I’d try to ____ of Maggie if I were you – she’s trouble!
29. Bill was happy to ___ for his daughter’s wedding.
30. Party members were told firmly not to _____ by publicly criticizing the
government just before the election.
1. steer clear
2. a nervous wreck
3. push the boat out
4. stick the oar in
5. miss the boat
6. rock the boat
7. show the ropes
8. all at sea
9. burn the boat
10. in the doldrums
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Task 4. Task 4. Leo wants to be a real sailor and understand maritime language. pomoč′ego with sea idioms. read, for example with the idiom carefully to najtismysl. then select the right idiom to break in a sentence. but byt′ostorožno: two people really use only numbers. 23. I _ after a day with those horrible children. 24. I _ from this computer, I can't understand how it works! 25. is this your first day on the job, Sue bwill _. 26. I hope John makes sense not to _ at tomorrow's meeting, kogdadrugie, participants do not want to do this. 27. his business was _ for several years without success. 28. I try _ Maggie, if you-she's in trouble! 29. Bill was happy _ for the wedding of his daughter. 30. party members said no firmly _ publicly kritikovat′pravitel′stvo just before the election. 1. stay podal′še2. at nervah3. click lodku4. pesnya Oar in. 5. Miss lodku6. rocking lodku7. show verevki8. all to burn lodku10. more9. in depression23. I'm _ after a day with those terrible children.24. I'm _ with this computer, I can't understand 26. I hope John has the sense not to _ at tomorrow's meeting whenother participants don't want him to do it.27. His business has been _ for several years now without any success.28. I'd try to _ of Maggie if I were you-she's trouble!29. Bill was happy to _ for his daughter's wedding.30. the members of the Party were told firmly not to _ by publicly criticizing thethe Government just before the election.1. steer clear 2. a "nervous wreck 3. push the boat out4. stick the oar in 5. miss the boat 6. rock the boat7. show the ropes 8. all at sea 9. burn the boat10. in the doldrums
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Task 4. task 4.leo wants to be a real sailor and understand marine yazyk.pomochego idiomy.chital from the sea, such as the idiom carefully to naytismysl.zatem choose the right idiom for a break in predlozhenii.no bytostorozhno: only two people ochen.ispolzuyte chisla.23.ya ______ after a day with the terrible detey.24.ya ___ from this computer, I can not understand how it works! 25.eto your first day at work, the claim will be ______. 26.ya hope john it makes sense not to _____ at tomorrow's meeting, kogdadrugie participants did not want him to do was _____ eto.27.ego business for several years bezuspeshno.28.ya try ____ Maggie, if you - she is in trouble 29.bill was happy ___ docheri.30.chleny the wedding party said no firmly _____ publicly kritikovatpravitelstvo just before vyborov.1.derzhatsya podalshe2.na nervah3.nazhat lodku4.pesnya Oar v.5.miss lodku6.raskachivat lodku7.shou verevki8.vse on more9.sozhgi lodku10.v depression
23. I'm ______ after a day with those terrible children.
24. I'm ___ with this computer, I can not understand
26. Hope has the John I of the Sense not to _____ AT tomorrow's meeting the when
OTHER PARTICIPANTS do not want HIM to do IT.
27. His business has been _____ for several years now without any success.
28. I'd try to ____ of Maggie if I were you - she's trouble!
29. Bill was happy to ___ for his daughter 's wedding.
30. Were Told members Party firmly not to _____ by the publicly criticizing the
Government just the before the election violence.
1. steer clear
2. a nervous wreck
3. push the boat out
4. stick the oar in
5. miss the boat
6. rock the boat
7. show the ropes
8. all at sea
9. burn the boat
10. in the doldrums
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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