1. Мой отец говорит, что он самый способный человек из всех его друзей перевод - 1. Мой отец говорит, что он самый способный человек из всех его друзей английский как сказать

1. Мой отец говорит, что он самый с

1. Мой отец говорит, что он самый способный человек из всех его друзей.2. Москва для него была всегда намного привлекательнее зимой, чем летом.3. Он весьма забавный собеседник (interlocutor).4. Ваша память нисколько не лучше моей.5. Музыка звучала все громче и громче по мере нашего приближения к парку.6. Дальнейшего обсуждения ее доклада не будет.7. Мне бы хотелось посмотреть на его машину, которая стоит в самом дальнем углу двора.8. Последние новости по телевидению начинаются в 9 часов.9. Бледное лицо его двоюродного брата стало еще бледнее.10. Россия почти в два раза больше США и Канады, вместе взятых.11. Спектакль был гораздо хуже, чем я ожидал: сюжет (plot) достаточно скучный, но игра актеров произвела на меня самое плохое впечатление.12. Ломбард-стрит в Сан-Франциско — самая кривая (crooked) улица в мире.13. Я всегда робею в больших компаниях. Чем больше народа, тем неуютнее я себя чувствую.14. Слуга – наименее важный персонаж во всей пьесе, но его играет великолепный актер.15. Чем жарче, тем больше я хочу пить.16. Даже самый занятой человек находит время, чтобы как следует провести отпуск.17. Чем меньше дней остается до конца каникул, тем меньше мне хочется приступать к занятиям.18. Она была гораздо моложе своей сестры и менее веселая.19. В четвертой группе студентов меньше, чем в третьей.20. В этом году снега гораздо больше, чем обычно.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. My father says that he is the most capable man of all his friends. <br>2. Moscow for him was always much more attractive in the winter than in the summer. <br>3. It is very funny interviewee (interlocutor). <br>4. Your memory is no better than mine. <br>5. The music sounded louder and louder as we get closer to the park. <br>6. Further discussion of its report will not be. <br>7. I would like to look at his car, which stands at the far corner of the yard. <br>8. The latest news on TV begin at 9:00. <br>9. The pale face of his cousin was even paler. <br>10. Russia has almost twice the US and Canada combined.<br>11. The performance was much worse than I expected: the story (plot) is boring, but the acting made the worst impression on me. <br>12. Lombard Street in San Francisco - the curve (crooked) street in the world. <br>13. I always get shy in large companies. The more people, the more uncomfortable I felt. <br>14. Servant - the least important character throughout the play, but played by a great actor. <br>15. The hotter it is, the more I want to drink. <br>16. Even the busiest man finds the time to how to spend their vacation. <br>17. The less days remain until the end of the holidays, the less I want to begin their studies. <br>18. She was much younger than her sister, and less cheerful. <br>19. In the fourth group of students is less than third.<br>20. This year the snow is much more than usual.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. My father says he is the most capable man of all his friends.<br>2. Moscow for him was always much more attractive in winter than in summer.<br>3. He is a very funny interlocutor.<br>4. Your memory is no better than mine.<br>5. The music sounded louder and louder as we approached the park.<br>There will be no further discussion of its report.<br>7. I would like to see his car, which stands in the farthest corner of the yard.<br>8. The latest news on television begins at 9 a.m.<br>9. His cousin's pale face became even paler.<br>10. Russia is almost twice the size of the United States and Canada combined.<br>11. The performance was much worse than I expected: the plot is rather boring, but the actors' performance made the worst impression on me.<br>12. Lombard Street in San Francisco is the most crooked street in the world.<br>13. I always rob in big companies. The more people, the more i feel.<br>14. Servant is the least important character in the whole play, but he is played by a great actor.<br>15. The hotter, the more I want to drink.<br>16. Even the busiest people find time to spend their holidays properly.<br>17. The fewer days I have until the end of the holidays, the less I want to start my studies.<br>18. She was much younger than her sister and less cheerful.<br>19. There are fewer students in the fourth group than in the third group.<br>20. This year there is much more snow than usual.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. My father said he was the most talented of his friends.<br>2. Moscow is always more attractive to him in winter than in summer.<br>3. He is an interesting interlocutor.<br>4. Your memory is no better than mine.<br>5. As we approached the park, the music became louder and louder.<br>6. There was no further discussion of her report.<br>7. I want to see his car. It's in the farthest corner of the yard.<br>8. The latest news on TV starts at 9 o'clock.<br>9. His cousin is pale.<br>10. Russia is almost twice as much as the United States and Canada, combined.<br>11. The performance was much worse than I thought: plot was pretty boring, but the actor's performance left me with the worst impression.<br>12. Pawnshop street in San Francisco -- the street in the world.<br>13. I'm always shy in big companies. More people, I feel more uncomfortable.<br>14. The servant is the most important character in the whole play, but he is an excellent actor.<br>15. The hotter I am, the thirsty I am.<br>16. Even the busiest people have time for a good rest.<br>17. The fewer days before the end of the holiday, the less I want to start classes.<br>18. She is much younger than her sister and unhappy.<br>19. There are fewer students in the fourth category than in the third.<br>20. This year's snow is much bigger than usual.<br>
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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