А: Я никогда еще не была на свадьбе!
В: Правда?
А: Я уже была на одной. Помнишь моего двоюродного брата Брена?
B: Я помню мальчика, которого я видела у твоей тети Полли несколько лет назад. Он – ее младший сын, не так ли?
A: Да. Но он уже не мальчик. Он вырос и превратился в красивого молодого человека. И ему сейчас за двадцать. Правда?
В: Да. И недавно он женился. Я была приглашена на венчание. На ком он женился?
А: Он женился на девушке на три года моложе его. Хорошенькая блондинка, зеленоглазая, и видно, что у нее хороший характер. Они женились по любви?
В: Да. Брен влюбился в нее, когда она еще заканчивала школу. Поэтому им пришлось ждать, пока она достигнет нужного возраста. Итак, он теперь семейный человек. Надеюсь, они будут счастливы. А кто был на свадьбе?
А: О, там было много народа. Все наши родственники, а также родственники жены Брена, и большинство их друзей. И знаешь, у Джессики (так зовут жену Брена) есть брат. Он очень симпатичный.
А: Почему ты говоришь о нем? Я полагаю, ты влюбилась в него, Элис?
В: Пока нет. Но, сказать по правде, он – самый лучший парень из всех, кого я до сих пор встречала. Он добрый и великодушный. И у него сильный характер.
А: Ты встречаешься с ним?
В: У нас было уже два свидания с ним, и завтра мы собираемся с ним в театр.
А: Ну что ж, удачи!
Результаты (
английский) 1:
A: I had never been to a wedding!In: Really?A: I already was one. Do you remember my cousin Brehna?B: I remember boy, whom I saw your Aunt Polly a few years ago. He is her youngest son, isn't it?A: Yes. But he is no longer a boy. He grew up and became a handsome young man. And it is now up to twenty. The truth?In: Yes. And he recently married. I was invited to a wedding. Whom he married?And: He married a girl of three years his junior. Pretty blonde, green-eyed, and you can see that she has a good character. They married for love?In: Yes. Braine fell in love with her when she has finished school. So they had to wait until she reaches the age. So, he's now a family man. I hope they will be happy. And who was at the wedding?A: Oh, there were a lot of people. All our relatives, as well as relatives of his wife, Bren, and most of their friends. And you know, Jessica (the name of the wife of Brehna) has a brother. He is very cute.A: Why do you say about it? I think you fell in love with him, Alice?In: not yet. But, to tell you the truth, he is the best guy from everyone I met so far. He was kind and generous. And he has a strong character.A: you meet with him?Q: we had two visits with him, and tomorrow we are going with him to the theatre.A: well, good luck!
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
A: I've never been at a wedding!
Q: Really?
A: I've been on one. Do you remember my cousin Bren?
Bed and: I remember a boy, I saw your aunt Polly a few years ago. He - her youngest son, is not it?
A: Yes. But he was not a boy. He grew up and turned into a handsome young man. And he is now twenty. Really?
B: Yes. And he recently married. I was invited to the wedding. On whom he married?
A: He married the girl three years younger than him. Pretty blonde, green-eyed, and it is clear that she has a good character. They married for love?
B: Yes. Bren in love with her, when she had finished school. Therefore, they had to wait until it reaches the proper age. So, it is now a family man. I hope they will be happy. And who was at the wedding?
A: Oh, there were a lot of people. All our family members and relatives of Bren's wife, and most of their friends. And you know, Jessica (the name of his wife Bren) have a brother. He is very cute.
A: Why do you say about him? I think you fell in love with him, Alice?
B: Not yet. But, to tell the truth, it is - the best man of all whom I have met so far. He is kind and generous. And he has a strong character.
A: You're going out with him?
Q: We have had two meetings with him, and tomorrow we are going with him to the theater.
A: Well, good luck!
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
a: i have never been to a wedding.b: really?a: i was already on one. you remember my cousin brena?b: i remember that boy i saw your aunt polly a few years ago. he is her youngest son, isn"t it?a: yes. but he"s not a boy. he grew up and became a handsome young man. and he"s now 20. really?b: yes. and he recently got married. i was invited to the wedding. to whom he was married?a: he got married to a girl of three years younger than him. pretty blonde, you green eyed, and shows that she has a good nature. they married for love?b: yes. he fell in love with her when she went to school. so they had to wait until it reaches the proper age. so, now he"s a family man. i hope they will be happy. who was at the wedding?a: oh, there was a lot of people. all our relatives, as well as the relatives of his wife brena, and most of their friends. and you know, jessica (brehna"s wife"s brother). he is very cute.a: why are you talking about? i believe you"re in love with him, alice?b: no, not yet. but, to tell you the truth, he is the best guy whom i still met. he is kind and generous. and he has a strong character.a: are you dating him?in: we have already two dates with him, and tomorrow we are going with him to the theatre.a: well, good luck!
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