Хочу сказать то, что это довольно серьезный фильм, который заставляет посмотреть на мир с другой стороны. Так же я надеюсь, что этот фильм дал всем понять, что есть на самом деле жизнь и какие у нее ценности.
I want to say that this is a very serious movie that makes you see the world from the other side. I also hope that this film gave all understand that there is actually life and what she values.
I want to say that it is quite a serious film that makes the world look at the other side. So I hope that this film gave everyone to understand that there really is a life and what she values.
I would like to say that this is quite a serious film, which leads to peace on the other side. So, I hope that this film gave all to understand that there is in fact life and what it values.