УтопияИз всех литературных и политических произведений Мора наибольшее перевод - УтопияИз всех литературных и политических произведений Мора наибольшее английский как сказать

УтопияИз всех литературных и полити


Из всех литературных и политических произведений Мора наибольшее значение имеет «Утопия» (опубликована в 1516 году Дирком Мартенсом), причем эта книга сохранила своё значение для нашего времени — не только как талантливый роман, но и как гениальное по своему замыслу произведение социалистической мысли. Литературные источники «Утопии» — сочинения Платона («Государство», «Критий», «Тимей»), романы-путешествия XVI века (в частности «Quattuor Navigationes» Америго Веспуччи) и до некоторой степени произведения Чосера, Ленгленда и политические баллады. Из «Navigationes» Веспуччи он взял завязку «Утопии» (встреча с Гитлодеем, его приключения). Мор создал первую стройную социалистическую систему, хотя и разработанную в духе утопического социализма.

Томас Мор назвал свой труд «Золотая книжечка, столь же полезная, сколь и забавная о наилучшем устройстве государства и о новом острове Утопия».

«Утопия» делится на две части, мало похожих по содержанию, но логически неотделимых друг от друга.

Первая часть произведения Мора — литературно-политический памфлет; здесь наиболее сильный момент — критика современных ему общественно-политических порядков: он бичует «кровавое» законодательство о рабочих, выступает против смертной казни и страстно нападает на королевский деспотизм и политику войн, остро высмеивает тунеядство и разврат духовенства. Но особенно резко нападает Мор на огораживания общинных земель (enclosures), разорявшие крестьянство: «Овцы, — писал он, — поели людей». В первой части «Утопии» дана не только критика существующих порядков, но и программа реформ, напоминающая более ранние, умеренные проекты Мора; эта часть очевидно служила ширмой для второй, где он высказал в форме фантастической повести свои сокровенные мысли. Во второй части снова сказываются гуманистические тенденции Мора. Во главе государства Мор ставил «мудрого» монарха, допуская для чёрных работ рабов; он много говорит о греческой философии, в частности о Платоне, сами герои «Утопии» — горячие приверженцы гуманизма. Но в описании социально-экономического строя своей вымышленной страны Мор даёт ключевые для понимания его позиции положения. Прежде всего в «Утопии» отменена частная собственность, уничтожена всякая эксплуатация. Взамен её устанавливается обобществлённое производство. Это большой шаг вперёд, так как у предыдущих социалистических писателей социализм носил потребительский характер. Труд является обязательным в «Утопии» для всех, причём земледелием занимаются поочерёдно все граждане до определённого возраста, сельское хозяйство ведётся артельно, но зато городское производство построено на семейно-ремесленном принципе — влияние недостаточно развитых экономических отношений в эпоху Мора. В «Утопии» господствует ручной труд, хотя он и продолжается только 6 часов в день и не изнурителен. Мор ничего не говорит о развитии техники. В связи с характером производства обмен в государстве Мора отсутствует, нет также и денег, они существуют только для торговых сношений с другими странами, причём торговля является государственной монополией. Распределение продуктов в «Утопии» ведётся по потребностям, без каких-либо твёрдых ограничений. Государственный строй утопийцев несмотря на наличие короля — полная демократия: все должности — выборные и могут быть заняты всеми, но, как и подобает гуманисту, Мор предоставляет интеллигенции руководящую роль. Женщины пользуются полным равноправием. Школа чужда схоластике, она построена на соединении теории и производственной практики.

Ко всем религиям в «Утопии» отношение терпимое, и запрещён только атеизм, за приверженность которому лишали права гражданства. В отношении к религии Мор занимает промежуточное положение между людьми религиозного и рационалистического миросозерцания, но в вопросах общества и государства он — чистый рационалист. Признавая, что существующее общество неразумно, Мор вместе с тем заявляет, что оно — заговор богатых против всех членов общества. Социализм Мора вполне отражает окружающую его обстановку, чаяния угнетённых масс города и деревни. В истории социалистических идей его система широко ставит вопрос об организации общественного производства, притом в общегосударственном масштабе. Новым этапом в развитии социализма она является ещё и потому, что в ней осознано значение государственной организации для построения социализма, но Мор не мог в своё время видеть перспективу бесклассового общества (в «Утопии» Мора рабство не отменено), осуществляющего великий принцип «от каждого по способностям, каждому по потребностям» без всякого участия государственной власти, ставшей излишней.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
UtopiaOf all the literary and political works of Mora has the greatest importance "Utopia" (published in 1516 year Dirk Martens), this book has retained its importance for our time — not only as a talented novel, but also as a brilliant piece of work in its conception of Socialist thought. Literary sources "Utopia" — the writings of Plato ("State", "Critias, Timaeus), novels-the journey of the 16th century (in particular" Quattuor Navigationes» Amerigo Vespucci) and to some extent Caxton's Chaucer, Lenglenda and political ballads. From "Vespucci" Navigationes he took up "Utopia" (meeting with Gitlodeem, his adventures). MOR created the first coherent socialist system, though designed in the spirit of Utopian socialism. Thomas more called his work "the Golden book is equally useful as a fun on the best structure of the State and on the new island of utopia. "Utopia" is divided into two parts, a little similar content, but logically inseparable from each other. The first part of the work is a literary and political Mora pamphlet; Here the strongest criticism to date of contemporary socio-political orders: he castigates the "bloody" legislation on workers, opposes the death penalty and passionately attacked Royal despotism and war policy, sharply satirizes parasitism and philandering clergy. But especially sharply attacks Mor on the ring-fencing of communal lands (enclosures), razorâvšie peasants: "Sheep, he wrote, is eating people." In the first part of "Utopia" for not only criticism of the existing order, but also the programme of reforms reminiscent of earlier, moderate projects Mora; This part obviously served as a cover for the second, where he was in the form of a fantastic story by their innermost thoughts. In the second part, again affecting humanistic tendencies of Mora. Mor at the head of the State put "wise" monarch, allowing for black work slaves; He talks a lot about Greek philosophy, in particular the heroes themselves Platone "Utopia" — hot adherents of humanism. But in describing the socio-economic system of its fictional country Mor gives you the key to understanding his position status. Especially in "Utopia" abolished private property, destroyed any exploitation. Instead it sets the obobŝestvlënnoe production. This is a great step forward, because the previous socialist writers socialism wore consumer character. Work is required in "Utopia" for all, and agriculture are engaged in turn all the citizens to a certain age, agriculture is artel′no, but urban production is built on family craft principle — the influence of underdeveloped economic relations in the era of Mora. In "Utopia" dominated by manual labor, although he continues to only 6:00 per day and not is exhausting. MOR says nothing about the development of technology. Due to the nature of production sharing in the State, Mora, no money as well, they exist only to trade relations with other countries, trade is a State monopoly. The distribution of products in "Utopia" is on, without any rigid restrictions. Politics of utopijcev despite the presence of the King — full democracy: all posts are elected and may be employed by all, but, as befits a humanist, a Maur provides intellectuals leadership role. Women enjoyed full equality. The school is alien to Scholasticism, it is built on a combination of theory and practice. All religions in "Utopia" tolerance attitude, and prohibited only atheism, for the commitment which denied the rights of citizenship. With regard to religion Mohr takes an intermediate position between people of Rationalist and religious contemplation, but in matters of the society and the State, he is a pure rationalist. Recognizing that the present society unwisely, Mor however States that it is a conspiracy of rich against all members of society. Socialism Mora completely reflects the surrounding environment, the aspirations of the masses of depressed towns and villages. In the history of Socialist ideas it system wide raises the question of organization of social production, while at the national level. A new stage in the development of socialism, it is also because it understood the importance of government organization to construct socialism, but Mor could not at that time see the prospect of a classless society («Utopia» Mora slavery not abolished), carrying out the great principle of "from each according to his abilities, to each according to needs" without any involvement of State authorities, which has become superfluous.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Utopia Of all the literary and political works Mora has the greatest value "Utopia" (published in 1516 by Dirk Martens), and this book has retained its significance for our time - not only as a talented novel, but as a genius in design work of socialist thought. Literary sources "Utopia" - the works of Plato ("State", "Critias", "Timaeus"), novels, travel of the XVI century (in particular «Quattuor Navigationes» Amerigo Vespucci) and to some extent the work of Chaucer, William Langland and political ballads. From «Navigationes» Vespucci he took eyeballs "Utopia" (meeting with Gitlodeem, his adventures). Moore created the first harmonious socialist system, though developed in the spirit of utopian socialism. Thomas Moore called his work "The Golden book is as useful as it is fun on the best structure of the state and the new island of Utopia." "Utopia" is divided into two parts, a little similar in content, but logically inseparable from each other. The first part of the work Mora - literary and political pamphlet; is the strongest point - the criticism of contemporary social and political order, he castigates the "bloody" laws on workers, opposes the death penalty and a passionate attack on the royal despotism and war policy, sharply satirizes parasitism and corruption of the clergy. But particularly sharp attack on Moore of enclosure (enclosures), ravaged the peasantry: "Sheep - he wrote - ate people." In the first part of "Utopia" is given not only to the criticism of the existing order, but also the reform program, which resembles earlier, moderate projects Mora; this part is obviously served as a cover for the second, which he expressed in the form of a fantastic story his innermost thoughts. In the second part again affect humanistic tendencies Mora. At the head of State Moore put "wisdom" of the monarch, allowing for black slaves work; He says a lot about Greek philosophy, particularly Plato, the heroes "Utopia" - an ardent supporter of humanism. But in describing the socio-economic structure of his fictional country Mohr gives the key to understanding the situation of his position. First of all, "Utopia" the abolition of private property is destroyed every operation. Instead, it established socialized production. This is a big step forward, since the previous socialist writers socialism wore consumer nature. Work is compulsory in "Utopia" for all, with alternately engaged in farming all citizens to a certain age, agriculture is conducted artisanal, but the city is built on the production of family craft principle - the impact of underdeveloped economic relations in the era of Mora. In "Utopia" is dominated by manual labor, even though it lasts only 6 hours a day and not exhausting. Moore does not say anything about the development of technology. Due to the nature of production sharing in the State Mora is missing, there is also money, they exist only to trade relations with other countries, with trade is a state monopoly. The distribution of products in the "Utopia" is carried out according to need, without any hard limits. Political system Utopians despite the king - full democracy: all positions - elected and may be occupied by all, but, as befits a humanist, Moore provides intellectual leadership. Women enjoy complete equality. School alien scholasticism, it is built on a combination of theory and practical training. To all religions in "Utopia" attitude of tolerance and secularism banned only for the commitment that deny the rights of citizenship. With regard to religion Mor occupies an intermediate position between people of religious and rationalist outlook, but in matters of society and the state, he - a pure rationalist. Recognizing that the existing society is unwise, however, Moore says that it - a conspiracy of the rich against all members of society. Socialism Mora fully reflect the surrounding environment, the aspirations of the oppressed masses of town and country. In the history of socialist ideas of his system is widely raises the question of the organization of social production, though on a national scale. A new stage in the development of socialism, it is more because it realized the value of the state organization to build socialism, but Moore could not at the time see the prospect of a classless society ("Utopia" Mora slavery is not abolished), performing the great principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs "without the participation of the government, has become redundant.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

all the literary and political works of mora is the most important "утопия» (published in 1516 mr. dirk мартенсом)the book has its significance for our time, not only as a novel, but also as a brilliant in its conception of the socialist thoughts.literary sources "утопии» - works of plato (the" state "," krity "," timey "), novels, travel of 16th century (in particular" Quattuor Navigationes» amerigo vespucci) and to some extent in the works by chaucer,ленгленда and political ballads. from the "Navigationes» vespucci. he took up the утопии» (meeting with the гитлодеем, his adventures). moore created the first orderly socialist systemalthough developed in the spirit of the utopian socialism.

thomas moore has called his work "the golden book, as useful as it on the best structure of the state and of the new island утопия»

."утопия» is divided into two parts, a little similar, but logically inseparable from each other.

the first part of mora - literally - a political pamphlet.this is the most powerful moment - criticism of his social political orders: he castigates "exists blood legislation on workersopposed the death penalty and passionately attacked the royal despotism and the politics of war, it is urgent that parasitism and the clergy.but especially sharply attacking moore on the enclosure of communal lands (enclosures), разорявшие peasantry, "sheep," he wrote, had ". in the first part of the "утопии» is not only criticism of the existing systems.but the reform program, resembling the more early, moderate projects mora; this part apparently served as a screen for the second, where he expressed in the form of a fantastic drive your innermost thoughts.in the second part, again by the humanistic trend of mora. in the head of the state moore was "мудрого» monarch, allowing black slaves to work; he talks a lot about greek philosophy, in particular of plato.you heroes "утопии» - hot of humanism. but in the social and economic system of its fictional countries is key to understanding his position more provisions.especially in the "утопии» abolished private property destroyed every operation. in return, it is обобществлённое production. this is a big step forward.as the previous socialist writers socialism carried consumer character. work is obligatory in the утопии» for alland agriculture are at all citizens to a certain age, agriculture is артельно,but the city is built on the production of ремесленном principle - the influence of underdeveloped economic relations in the era of mora. in the "утопии» by manual labor.although he is only 6 hours a day and изнурителен. moore says nothing about the development of technology. due to the nature of production sharing in the state. no, not the moneythey exist only to trade relations with other countries, and the trade was a state monopoly. the distribution of products in the "утопии» is carried on the needs, without any hard constraints.politics of утопийцев despite the presence of the king, full democracy, all positions are elected and could be occupied by all, but as a гуманисту, moore provides intellectual leadership.women enjoy full equality. the school is схоластике, it is built on a combination of theory and production practice.

for all religions in "утопии» tolerant attitude, and is restricted only to atheism.for the commitment that deprived of citizenship. in regard to religion more occupies an intermediate position between the people and рационалистического religious world view.but in terms of society and the state, it is a rational person. recognizing that the current society more unreasonable, however, argues that it is a conspiracy of the rich against all members of society.socialism has fully reflects the situation of the oppressed masses of towns and villages. in the history of socialist ideas, it is the question about the system of social production.while in russia. a new stage in the development of socialism, it is also because it recognized the importance of the state organization for construction of socialism.but moore could not in time to see the prospect of a classless society ("утопии» maura slavery wasn't abolished), of the principle of" from each according to his abilities.everyone needs ", without any involvement of state power, has become redundant.
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