1. Если я увижу его, я поговорю с ним.
2. Если бы я разбогател, я бы отправился в кругосветное путешествие.
3. Что сделал бы ваш отец, если бы он услышал, что вы так говорите?
4. Если бы он мог, то он помог бы нам.
5. Если вы услышите, как она поет, нас вас большое впечатление произведет ее голос.
6. Если бы я был на твоем месте, я бы обсудил этот вопрос с твоим начальником.
7. Если бы ты не сломал телефон, я бы ему позвонил.
8. Я бы работал сейчас в Бразилии, если бы подписал контракт.
9. Где бы ты сейчас жила, если бы вышла замуж за того сумасшедшего путешественника?
10. Если бы ты купил пальто, тебе бы не было так холодно.
11. Алекс ездил бы сейчас на мотоцикле, если бы не продал его летом.
12. Мы бы хорошо знали географию, если бы чаще ходили на уроки.
13. Ей было бы очень одиноко, если бы начальник не подарил ей на день рождения хомячка.
14. Если он случаем вернётся, я заставлю его сказать правду.
15. Я была бы счастлива, если бы могла найти такую работу, как твоя.
16. На твоём месте я бы учила немецкий.
17. Если бы не его болезнь, мы уехали бы в Англию и сейчас учились в Оксфорде.
18. Если долго мучиться, что-нибудь получится.
19. Я бы, возможно, ответил Вам раньше, если бы я владел точной информацией по этому вопросу.
20. Если ктo-нибудь пoзвoнит, я буду дoмa в 8 чaсoв.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. If I see him, I'll talk to him.2. If I got rich I'd went to a trip around the world.3. What did your father if he heard you say so?4. If he could, he would help us.5. If you hear the way she sings, you will impressed us with her voice.6. If I were you, I would have discussed the matter with your supervisor.7. If you're not broke the phone, I would have called him.8. I would have worked now in Brazil, had signed a contract.9. Where would you now lived, had married the mad traveler?10. If you bought a coat, you would not have been so cold.11. Alex rode a motorcycle now, if not sold it in summer.12. We would be good to know the geography, if often used to go to lessons.13. She was very lonely, if not head gave her for her birthday Hamster.14. If the case goes, I will make him tell the truth.15. I'd be happy if I could find such work as yours.16. In your place I would have taught German.17. If it were not for his illness, we would have gone to England and studied at Oxford.18. If long agonize, something happens.19. I'd probably answered you before, if I owned the exact information on the subject.20. If who ever pozvonit, I'll be home in 8 a.m..
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. If I see him, I'll talk to him.
2. If I were rich, I would have gone round the world trip.
3. What would your father, if he heard you say that?
4. If he could, he would help us.
5. If you hear her sing, we will make you a great impression of her voice.
6. If I were in your place, I would have discussed this matter with your supervisor.
7. If you broke the phone, I would have called him.
8. I have worked in Brazil now, if signed.
9. Where would you now live, if married to a crazy traveler?
10. If you bought a coat, you would not be so cold.
11. Alex went to is now on a motorcycle, if not sold it in the summer.
12. We would be well aware of the geography, if often went to class.
13. She would have been very lonely, if not the chief gave her a birthday hamster.
14. If he returns to the case, I'll make him tell the truth.
15. I would be happy if I could find a job like yours.
16. In your place I would have taught German.
17. If not for his illness, we would have gone to England and is now studying at Oxford.
18. If you long to suffer, something happens.
19. I would have probably said to you before, if I possessed accurate information on the subject.
20. If anything kto pozvonit I'll doma 8 chasov.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. If I see him, I shall speak with him.
2. If i orients itself, I would have went to the round trip.
3. That would have made your father, if he heard that you so speak?
4. If it could have, he would have helped us.
5.If you hear, as she sings, us you great impression will be its voice.
6. If I were in thy place, I would have discussed this issue with the chief of thy.
7. If you are not broke my phone, I would tell him over.
8.I have worked now in Brazil, if would be a signed contract.
9. Where would you now lived, if you would have married the madman traveller?
10. If you bought an overcoat, you would not have been so cold.
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