Электроника является областью техники и прикладной физики , касающиеся перевод - Электроника является областью техники и прикладной физики , касающиеся английский как сказать

Электроника является областью техни

Электроника является областью техники и прикладной физики , касающиеся разработки и применения электронных схем. Работа схем зависит от потока электронов для генерации, передачи, приема и хранения информации. Сегодня трудно представить нашу жизнь без электроники. Она окружает нас повсюду. Электронные устройства широко используются в научных исследованиях и промышленного проектирования, они контролируют работу заводов и электростанций, расчета траекторий космических кораблей и помочь людям открыть для себя новые явления природы. Автоматизация производственных процессов и исследований живых организмов стала возможной благодаря электронике.Изобретение вакуумных трубок в начале 20-го века стало отправной точкой быстрого роста современной электроники. Вакуумные трубки помощь в манипуляции сигналов. Развитие большого разнообразия труб, предназначенные для специализированных функций стало возможным прогресс в радиосвязи technolbgy до Второй мировой войны и в создании первых компьютеров во время и вскоре после войны.Транзистор изобретен американскими учеными W.Shpckly, J.Bardeen и W.Brattain в 1948 полностью заменил ВПТ-уум трубку. Транзистор, небольшой кусочек полупроводника с тремя электродами, имел большие преимущества по сравнению с лучшими вакуумными трубками. Это при условии, что одни и те же функции, что и вакуумной трубки, но при пониженном весе, стоимости, потребляемой мощности и с высокой надежностью. С изобретением транзистора все основные функции цепи может быть осуществлена ​​внутри твердых тел. Цель создания электронных схем с полностью твердотельными компонентами, наконец, была реализована. Первые транзисторы могли бы реагировать со скоростью несколько миллионов раз в секунду. Этого было достаточно быстро, чтобы служить в радиоцепях, но намного ниже скорости, необходимой для быстродействующих компьютеров или для микроволновых систем связи.Прогресс в полупроводниковой технологии привел к разработке интегральной схемы (1С), который был открыт благодаря усилиям Джона Килби в 1958 году Там появилось новое поле науки - интегрированная электроники. Суть этого является пакетной обработкой. Вместо того, чтобы, тестирования и сборки компонентов deserete на чипе по одному за раз, были сделаны большие группировки этих компонентов вместе с их межсоединений все одновременно. 1C значительно снижается размер устройств, снижение производственных затрат и в то же время они обеспечивают высокую скорость и повышенную надежность.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Electronics is the field of technology and applied physics, the development and implementation of electronic circuits. Work schemes depends on the electron flux for generating, transmitting, receiving and storing information. <br><br>Today it is hard to imagine our lives without electronics. It surrounds us everywhere. Electronic devices are widely used in scientific research and industrial design, they control the work of factories and power plants, calculating the trajectories of spacecraft and help people discover new phenomena of nature. Automation of production processes and studies of living organisms has been made possible thanks to electronics.<br><br>The invention of vacuum tubes in the early 20th century was the starting point of the rapid growth of modern electronics. Vacuum tubes aid in the manipulation of signals. The development of a wide variety of tubes designed for specialized functions made possible progress in technolbgy radio before World War II and the creation of the first computers during and shortly after the war.<br><br>The transistor is invented by American scientists W.Shpckly, J.Bardeen W.Brattain in 1948 and completely replaced the vac-tube UUM. Transistor, a small piece of semiconductor with three electrodes, have great advantages compared to the best vacuum tubes. It is provided that the same function as the vacuum tube, but at reduced weight, cost, power consumption and with high reliability. With the invention of the transistor all the basic functions of the circuit can be implemented within the solids. The purpose of creation of electronic circuits with fully solid state components, was finally realized. The first transistor might respond at a speed of several million times per second. That it was fast enough to serve in the radio circuits, but far below the speed required for high-speed computers and microwave communication systems.<br><br>Progress in semiconductor technology has led to the development of integrated circuit (1C), which was opened thanks to the efforts of John Kilby in 1958 there appeared a new field of science - integrated electronics. The essence of this is a batch process. Instead, testing and assembly of the components on a chip deserete one at a time, large groups of these components have been made with their interconnect all simultaneously. 1C is significantly reduced device size, reducing manufacturing costs and at the same time they provide high speed and high reliability.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Electronics is an area of engineering and applied physics related to the development and application of electronic circuits. The operation of the schemes depends on the flow of electrons to generate, transmit, receive and store information. <br><br>Today it is difficult to imagine our life without electronics. It surrounds us everywhere. Electronic devices are widely used in scientific research and industrial design, they control the work of factories and power plants, calculate the trajectories of spaceships and help people discover new phenomena of nature. Automation of production processes and research of living organisms has become possible thanks to electronics.<br><br>The invention of vacuum tubes in the early 20th century was the starting point for the rapid growth of modern electronics. Vacuum tubes aid in the manipulation of signals. The development of a large variety of pipes designed for specialized functions made possible progress in technolbgy radio communication before World War II and in the creation of the first computers during and shortly after the war.<br><br>The transistor was invented by American scientists W.Shpckly, J.Bardeen and W.Brattain in 1948 to completely replace the VPT-uum tube. Transistor, a small piece of semiconductor with three electrodes, had great advantages over the best vacuum tubes. This is provided by the same functions as the vacuum tube, but at reduced weight, cost, power consumption and with high reliability. With the invention of the transistor, all the basic functions of the circuit can be carried out inside the solids. The goal of creating electronic circuits with fully solid-state components has finally been realized. The first transistors could react at a rate of several million times per second. This was fast enough to serve in radio chains, but well below the speed required for fast-acting computers or microwave communication systems.<br><br>Advances in semiconductor technology led to the development of the Integrated Circuit (1C), which was discovered thanks to the efforts of John Kilby in 1958, there was a new field of science - integrated electronics. The essence of this is batch processing. Instead of testing and assembling deserete components on the chip one at a time, large groups of these components were made along with their interconnections all at once. 1C significantly reduces the size of devices, reduces production costs and at the same time they provide high speed and increased reliability.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Electronic technology is the field of technology and Applied Physics related to the development and application of electronic circuits. The operation of the circuit depends on the electronic flow that generates, transmits, receives, and stores information.<br>It's hard to imagine a life without electronics today. Everything around us. Electronic devices are widely used in scientific research and industrial design. They control the operation of factories and power plants, Calculate the orbit of the spacecraft and help people discover new natural phenomena. Automated production processes and research of organisms are possible because of electronics.<br>In the early 20th century, the invention of vacuum tube is the starting point of the rapid growth of modern electronic products. The vacuum tube helps to operate the signal. Before the Second World War, progress was made in technical communication and the development of the first computer. Shortly after the end of the war.<br>Transistor was invented by American scientists w. spckly, J. Barden and w. brattain in 1948, which completely replaced vt-um tube. Transistor, a small piece of semiconductor triode, has a great advantage over the best vacuum tube. It is assumed that the function of the vacuum tube is the same as that of the vacuum tube, but under the condition of lower weight, higher power consumption and reliability. With the invention of transistor, all the basic functions of circuit can be realized in solid state. Finally, the goal of fully solidified electronic circuit is achieved. The first transistor can react millions of times per second. It's fast enough to service in a radio network, but far slower than high-speed computers or microwave communication systems need.<br>The progress of semiconductor technology leads to the development of integrated circuits) In 1958, with the efforts of John Kilby, a new field of science was discovered, that is, the field of integrated electronics. This is a package handling. Instead of a single chip test and a single component deselete, the large groups of these components, along with their interconnections, are all carried out at the same time. The size of 1C equipment is greatly reduced, the production cost is reduced, and the speed and reliability are improved at the same time.<br>
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