В романе изображено новое, будущее потребительское общество (антиинтеллектуальная Америка), где царит тоталитаризм и почти полный контроль общества. Руководство государства пытается подчинить себе даже мысли людей: книги запрещены, незаконным считают чтение и сокрытие любой литературы, за соблюдением порядка должны следить пожарные. После того, как дома начали строить огнеупорными, задачей пожарных стало:
1.На сигнал тревоги выезжать немедленно.
2.Быстро разжигать огонь.
3.Все гниги палить все дотла.
4.Возвращаться на пожарную станцию.
5.Быть готовым к новым сигналам тревоги
451 градус по Фаренгейту (233 градусов по Цельсию) — температура, при которой воспламеняется бумага. Пожарные не тушат огонь, они его разжигают. Они носят скафандры с изображением феникса на груди и саламандры на плечах. Пожарные — опора режима, залог того, что люди не будут читать книг, ведь книги заставляют думать и самостоятельно анализировать. Пожарные сжигают книги и дома, где книги скрывались. Власти легче управлять толпой, если сделать темп жизни быстрее, придумывать новые спортивные игры, развивать в людях чувство «стадности», автоматизма. Больше быстрых машин, цветных телепрограмм, больше шума, шума. Любое инакомыслие или самостоятельная мысль делает человека опасным для режима и потенциальной мишенью уголовной пожарной команды.
Это роман о тяжелом прозревание человека в тоталитарном обществе. Пожарный Монтэг был его частью. Его чудачеством было то, что он тайно забирал книги из домов, предназначенных на полное сожжение. Толчком к тревожным раздумьям стало необычное событие: на очередном сжигании женщина — владелица здания и библиотеки — отказалась покинуть любимые книги и погибла в пожаре.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
In the novel depicted new future consumer society (antiintellektual′naâ America) dominated by totalitarianism and almost total control of society. Guide State attempts to subjugate even thought people: books banned, illegal believe reading and concealment of any literature order should follow the fire. After the House began to build a fire, firefighters challenge:1. In the alarm signal to leave immediately.2. Quickly stir up the fire.3. all gnigi pop off all to ashes.4. To return to the fire station.5. Be prepared for new alarmsFahrenheit 451 (233 degrees Celsius) is the temperature at which paper ignites. Fire does not extinguish a fire, they stir up. They wear suits with the image of a Phoenix on his chest and salamanders on the shoulders. Fire is a pillar of the regime, a pledge that people will not read books, because books make you think and analyze yourself. Firemen burn books and home, where books were hidden. Power is easier to control the crowd, if you make life faster, coming up with new sports games, develop in people a sense of "herd instinct" automatism. More fast cars, colorful tv programs, more noise, noise. Any dissent or independent thought makes people dangerous to the regime and a potential target of criminal fire brigade.It is a novel about human prozrevanie in a totalitarian society. Fireman Montag/Clarisse was part of it. His čudačestvom was that he secretly collected books from houses to complete the burning. The impetus for the disturbing reflections was an unusual event: the next burning woman owns the buildings and libraries — refused to leave favorite books and died in the fire.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
The novel depicts the new, the future of the consumer society (anti-intellectual America), where there is totalitarianism and almost complete control of society. Management of the state is trying to subdue even the thoughts of men: the book banned, illegal consider reading and hiding any literature, for the observance of the procedure must follow fire. After the house started to build fire-resistant, fire became a challenge:
1. On the alarm go immediately.
2.Bystro Kindle Fire.
3. All gnigi burn all to the ground.
4.Vozvraschatsya at the fire station.
5.Byt ready for new alarms
451 degrees Fahrenheit (233 degrees Celsius) - the temperature at which paper ignites. Firefighters did not extinguish the fire, they kindle it. They wear suits with the image of a phoenix on his chest and salamanders on the shoulders. Fire - mode support, a guarantee that people will not read the books, because the books are forced to think and analyze independently. Fire burning books and the house where the books were hidden. Authorities easier to control the crowd, if you make the pace of life faster to invent new sports, develop in people a sense of "herd" automatism. More fast cars, color TV, more noise, noise. Any dissent or independent thought makes a person dangerous to the regime and the potential target of criminal fire brigade.
This is a novel about the difficult opening of the eyes of man in a totalitarian society. Fireman Montag was a part of it. His eccentricity was that he secretly took away the book of the houses intended for full burning. The impetus for the disturbing reflections was an unusual event: at the next burning woman - the owner of the building and the library - refused to leave the favorite books and died in the fire.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
in the novel, there is new, the future of consumer society (антиинтеллектуальная america) where a totalitarianism and almost total control of society. the state is trying to subjugate the thought of people: books were banned, the illegal consider reading and concealment of any literature, in order to ensure compliance with fire. after the house began to build огнеупорными, the fire became:1. at signal to leave immediately.2.быстро ignite the fire.3.все гниги burn to the ground.4.возвращаться at the fire station.5.быть ready to new signals alarmfahrenheit 451 (233 degrees celsius) - the temperature at which it ignites. fire fire fire is spreading to the shrubs, they are. they wear suits with the image of the phoenix on his chest and salamanders on his shoulders. the pillar of fire regime will ensure that people don"t read books, because books are forced to think and analyze independently. the fire burn the books at home, where books were. the easier to manage them, and make the pace of life faster, to make up new games to develop people"s sense of "стадности», automaticity. more fast cars, color tv, the more noise, the noise. any dissent or an idea makes dangerous for the regime and a potential target for criminal investigation brigade.this is a novel about a прозревание rights in a totalitarian society. a монтэг was part of it. it чудачеством was that he secretly took the book from the houses intended for complete burning. the disturbing reflections was an unusual event: on the ordinary burning woman owns the building and the library refused to leave the beloved books and died in the fire.
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