Я была на паре английского языка в консерватории. Получила 5! Пошопилась и пришла домой, приготовили кушать с Ксенией и лежим отдыхаем. Смотрим сериал, видео и едим сладкое))
I was on a couple of English language at the Conservatory. Got 5! Pošopilas′ and came home, prepared to eat with Ksenia and lying rest. Watch tv series, video and eat sweet))
I was on a couple of English language in the conservatory. Get 5! Poshopitsya and went home, prepared to eat with Xenia and the rest lie. Enjoying the show, video and eat sweet))
i"ve been to a couple of english in the school. received 5. пошопилась and came home, have dinner with visitation and lying on. watching tv, video, and eating sweet))