1. Твой друг — это человек, который знает о тебе все и тем не менее лю перевод - 1. Твой друг — это человек, который знает о тебе все и тем не менее лю английский как сказать

1. Твой друг — это человек, который

1. Твой друг — это человек, который знает о тебе все и тем не менее любит тебя. 2. После печали приходит радость. 3. Он любит лежать на диване и смотреть телевизор. Он лежебока (a couch potato). 4. Все зависит от того, как он видит свое будущее. 5. — Ребенок хорошо спит по ночам, мамаша? — Да, хорошо, он просыпается один или два раза. 6. Он игнорирует наши звонки, потому что не хочет выполнять эту работу. 7. Тот, кто говорит, что деньги не могут купить, счастья, просто не знает, где делать покупки. 8. Не волнуйтесь, мы уже здесь. 9. Он видит жизнь такой, как она есть. 10. Деньги не растут на деревьях. Их трудно добывать. 11. Все уже знают эти новости. 12. Кто знает, какая сейчас погода в Лондоне? 13. Я забыла, где он живет. 14. Мы слышали, что он чувствует себя гораздо лучше. 15. Этот словарь предлагает точную и подробную информацию об английском языке. 16. — У вас много друзей? — Не очень, а у вас много друзей? 17. — Ты ведь обычно обедаешь дома, не так ли? — Это так. 18. Мой сосед охотится на диких гусей и уток. 19. Каждый день приносит нам массу новых сведений. 20. В Калифорнии никогда не идет снег, не так ли? 21. Иногда в Москве зимой идет дождь.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. your friend is the man who knows everything about you, and still likes you. 2. After sorrow comes joy. 3. He likes to lie on the couch and watch TV. It couch potato (a couch potato). 4. it all depends on how it sees its future. 5. is the child sleeps well at night, milf? "Yes, well, he wakes up once or twice. 6. He has ignored our calls, because they do not want to perform this work. 7. Whoever said that money can't buy happiness simply didn't know where to shop. 8. don't worry, we are here. 9. He sees life as it is. 10. money doesn't grow on trees. They are difficult to obtain. 11. all already know this news. 12. He who knows what is the weather in London? 13. I forgot, where he lives. 14. We have heard that he is feeling much better. 15. This dictionary offers accurate and detailed information about the English language. 16. — you have many friends? -Not really, but you have lots of friends? 17. are you usually have dinner at home, right? -That's it. 18. my neighbor hunts for wild geese and ducks. 19. each day brings us a lot of new information. 20. in California is never going to snow, right? 21. sometimes in Moscow during the winter rains.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1 Your friend - a man who knows all about you and still loves you. 2 After sorrow comes joy. 3 He likes to lie on the couch and watch TV. He sluggard (a couch potato). 4 It all depends on how he sees the future. 5 - A child sleeps well at night, mother? - Yeah, well, he wakes up once or twice. 6 He ignores our calls because he did not want to do this work. 7 Whoever said that money can not buy happiness simply did not know where to shop. 8 Do not worry, we're here. 9 He sees life as it is. 10 Money does not grow on trees. They are difficult to extract. 11 Everyone already knows the news. 12 Who knows what is the weather like in London? 13 I forgot where he lives. 14 We have heard that he feels much better. 15 This dictionary offers accurate and detailed information about the English language. 16 - You have a lot of friends? - Not really, but you have a lot of friends? 17 - You're usually eating lunch at home, is not it? - That's right. 18 My neighbor is hunting for wild geese and ducks. 19 Every day brings us a lot of new information. 20 In California, never snows, is not it? 21 Sometimes in Moscow in the winter rain.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. Your friend is a person who knows all about you and however loves you. 2. After sorrow comes joy. 3. He loves lying on the couch and watch tv. He you idle, worthless little boy (a couch potato). 4. It all depends on theAs soon as he sees its future. 5. - The child sleeps well at night, Maman Lyly? - Yes, well, he wakes once or twice. 6. He ignores our calls, because it does not want to carry out this work. 7. The who said that,That money cannot buy, happiness, simply do not know where to make your purchase. 8. Don't worry, we are already here. 9. He sees life such as it is. 10. Money doesn't grow on trees. It is difficult to obtain. 11. All are already aware of these news.12. Who knows, what is the weather in London? 13. I forgot, where he lives. 14. We have heard that he feels much better. 15. This dictionary offers precise and detailed information on the English language. 16.- You have a lot of friends? - Is not very much, and you have a lot of friends? 17. - You are usually обедаешь at home, isn't it? - This is the case. 18. My neighbor chasing the wild goose pagoda and ducks. 19. Every day brings us ground new information. 20.In California will never it is snowing, isn't it? 21. Sometimes in Moscow in winter it is raining.

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