В мире есть люди с ограниченными возможностями. Но они не хотят быть в чем-то хуже других. Потому стараются жить как и другие люди. Например, учится, ходить на роботу, заниматься искусством и спортом. Это придает им уверенности в себе и своих силах. Это очень важная часть их жизни. Особенно полезные занятия спортом. Спорт закаляет не только тело, но и дух. По моему мнению, лучшие виды спорта для слепых людей это плавание и гимнастика. Плаванье очень полезное для всех людей. Оно укрепляет все мышцы тела и улучшает состояние кровеносных сосудов. Также, у занятий плаванием нет "побочных эффектов", как, например, боль в коленях у бегунов, разрывы мышц, болезненные ощущения в мышцах и многое другое. Оно расслабляет и закаляет организм.
Гимнастика тоже очень полезна. К тому же, гимнастику и плаванье можно совместить. Так упражнения станут еще более эффективнее.Часты занятие этими видами спорта улучают координацию и сенсорные чувства человека. Это очень важно для слепых людей. К тому же, эти виды спорта не требуют много денег и ими можно заняться на природе.
Очень распространен среди слепых людей и лыжный спорт. Соревнования с этого вида спорта проходят довольно часто в России, Австрии, Швеции, Скандинавии и других странах. Лыжный спорт, как и плавание, фитнес, помогает ориентироваться в пространстве, тоже.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
In the world there are people with disabilities. But they do not want to be in something worse than others. Because trying to live like other people. For example, learns to walk to work, the arts and sports. This gives them confidence in themselves and their abilities. This is a very important part of their lives. Especially useful in sports. Sport strengthens not only the body but also the spirit. In my opinion, the best sports for blind people is a swimming and gymnastics. Swimming is a very useful to all people. It strengthens all the muscles of the body and improves the condition of the blood vessels. Also, swimming no "side effects", such as sore knees from runners, breaks muscles, soreness in muscles and much more. It relaxes and strengthens the body. Gymnastics is also very useful. Besides, gymnastics and swimming can be combined. So exercises will become even more efficient. Frequent occupation of these sports improve coordination and sensory feelings. It is very important for blind people. In addition, these sports do not require a lot of money and they can enjoy the outdoors. Very common among blind people and skiing. This kind of sport competitions take place quite often in Russia, Austria, Sweden, Scandinavia and other countries. Skiing, as swimming, fitness, helps to orient in space, too.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
In the world there are people with disabilities. But they do not want to be in something worse than others. Because trying to live like other people. For example, studying, going to the robot, the arts and sports. This gives them confidence in themselves and their abilities. This is a very important part of their lives. Particularly useful exercise. Sports tempers not only the body but also the spirit. In my opinion, the best sports for blind people is swimming and gymnastics. Swimming is very useful for all people. It strengthens all the muscles of the body and improves the condition of blood vessels. Also, no swimming lessons at the "side effects", such as knee pain in runners, muscle tears, pain in muscles and more. It relaxes the body and tempers.
Gymnastics is also very useful. Besides, gymnastics and swimming can be combined. So the exercises will become more effektivnee.Chasty activity these sports uluchayut coordination and a sense of human touch. It is very important for blind people. In addition, these sports do not require a lot of money and they can do in nature.
It is very common among people who are blind and skiing. Competitions with the sport are quite common in Russia, Austria, Sweden, Scandinavia and other countries. Skiing as swimming, fitness, helps to navigate in space, too.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
in the world there are people with disabilities. but they don't want to be any worse than the others. because trying to live like other people. for example, learn, go to work, the arts and sports.it gives them the confidence in yourself and your abilities. this is a very important part of their lives. particularly useful sport. sport not only builds the body, but also the spirit. in my opinion,the best sports for the blind people swimming and gymnastics. swimming is very useful for all people. it strengthens all the muscles of the body and improves the condition of the blood vessels. also, thei practice swimming no "side effects", such as pain in the knees with runners, the muscle, the painful sensations in the muscles, and much more. it relaxes the body and makes you stronger.
gymnastics is also very useful.besides, gymnastics and swimming can be reconciled. this exercise will become more эффективнее.часты class the sports улучают coordination and sensory feelings. it is very important for the blind people.
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