I usually have lunch at half past one, but yesterday I went to the off перевод - I usually have lunch at half past one, but yesterday I went to the off английский как сказать

I usually have lunch at half past o

I usually have lunch at half past one, but yesterday I went to the office without breakfast (I only had a cup of tea) and by twelve o'clock I was already hungry. I don’t like having lunch alone, so I said to Nick: "Let’s have lunch together.” “All right,” he answered, “I’ll join you in a few minutes.”

When we went to the canteen, there weren’t many people there. We got tickets (checks) for lunch, sat down at a table near the window, and called the waitress. She brought knives, forks, spoons and plates and took our tickets (checks).

“Will you have any soup today?” I asked Nick.

“No, I’m not very hungry,” he said. “But I’ll have some mineral water, salad, meat and potatoes', and ice cream for the sweet.”

“Oh, here’s the waitress”.

(The waitress brings the dishes.)

“The salad’s very good, but there’s not enough salt in it. Will you pass me the salt, please?”

“Certainly. Here it is.”

“Thank you.”

“Shall I pass you some rye bread?”

“No, thank you. I usually have it with the soup, and I like white bread for the meat course
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I usually have lunch at half past one, but yesterday I went to the office without breakfast (I only had a cup of tea) and by twelve o'clock I was already hungry. I don't like having lunch alone, so I said to Nick: "Let's have lunch together." "All right," he answered, "I'll join you in a few minutes."When we went to the canteen, there weren't many people there. We got tickets (checks) for lunch, sat down at a table near the window, and called the waitress. She brought knives, forks, and spoons restaurant plates and took our tickets (checks)."Will you have any soup today?" I asked Nick."No, I'm not very hungry," he said. "But I'll have some mineral water, salad, meat and potatoes ', and ice cream for the sweet.""Oh, here's the waitress".(The waitress brings the dishes.)"The salad's very good, but there's not enough salt in it. Will you pass me the salt, please? ""Certainly the. Here it is. ""Thank you.""Shall I pass you some rye bread?""No, thank you. I usually have it with the soup, and I like white bread for the meat course
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
i usually have lunch at half past one, but yesterday i went to the office without breakfast (i only had a cup of tea) and by twelve o 'clock i was already hungry. i don't like having lunch alone, so i said to nick: "let's have lunch together." "all right," he answered, "i 'll join you in a few minutes."when we went to the canteen, there weren't many people there. we got tickets (checks) for lunch, sat down at a table near the window, and in the waitress. she made knives, forks, spoons and plate and took our tickets (checks)."will you have any soup today? "i asked nick."no, i 'm not very hungry," he said. "but i 'll have some mineral water, but, the meat and potatoes', and ice cream for the sweet.""oh, here's the waitress".(the waitress brings the atmosphere.)the preparation of 's very good, but there's not enough salt in it. will you pass me the salt, please? ""Certainly. here it is. ""thank you.""shall i pass you some rye signage? ""no, thank you. i usually have it with the soup, and i like white signage for the meat course
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