1. Европейский Союз - это экономическая организация, основанная в 1957 перевод - 1. Европейский Союз - это экономическая организация, основанная в 1957 английский как сказать

1. Европейский Союз - это экономиче

1. Европейский Союз - это экономическая организация, основанная в 1957 году.
2. Широкое сотрудничество между странами-партнерами основано на принципах равенства и взаимного уважения.
3. Россия строит свои отношения с другими странами на принципах равенства и взаимной выгоды.
4. Россия постоянно увеличивает свой торговый оборот.
5. Объем внешней торговли в прошлом году составил 100 млрд. рублей, а в нынешнем году еще больше увеличится.
6. Государства-партнеры координируют планы развития экономики, выпуск продукции и внешний торговый оборот. Всестороннее сотрудничество является важным средством для укрепления взаимного понимания между народами.
7. Страны Восточной Европы расширяют торговлю с развивающимися странами Азии, Африки и Латинской Америки.
8. Торговля - один из важнейших путей к развитию взаимовыгодного сотрудничества.
9. Россия поддерживает деловые связи на взаимовыгодной основе с рядом западных стран, Канадой и США.
10. Плодотворное сотрудничество между нашей страной и Великобританией в различных областях началось с установления дипломатических отношений в 1924 году.
11. За последнее время значительно расширились политические, экономические, научные, технические и культурные связи России с другими странами.
12. Соглашение, заключенное между Россией и Алжиром, предусматривает поставки в Алжир различных машин, оборудования и других товаров.
13. Россия и Китай планируют подписать соглашение о развитии приграничной торговли и создании зоны совместного технического и экономического развития.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. the European Union is an economic organization founded in 1957 year.2. greater cooperation between the partner countries based on the principles of equality and mutual respect.3. Russia builds its relations with other countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.4. Russia is constantly increasing its turnover.5. foreign trade volume last year amounted to 100 billion. rubles, and this year will increase even more.6. partner countries coordinate economic development plans, production and external trade. Full cooperation is an important means for enhancing mutual understanding among peoples.7. the countries of Eastern Europe are expanding trade with the developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America.8. trade is one of the most important ways to promote mutually beneficial cooperation.9. Russia supports business relations on a mutually beneficial basis with a number of Western countries, Canada and the United States.10. fruitful cooperation between our country and Great Britain in various fields since the establishment of diplomatic relations began in 1924 year.11. significantly increased political, economic, scientific, technical and cultural ties between Russia and other countries.12. the agreement concluded between Russia and Algeria, provides for deliveries in Algeria of various machines, equipment and other goods.13. Russia and China plan to sign an agreement on the development of border trade and the establishment of the joint technical and economic development.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. The European Union - is an economic organization founded in 1957.
2. Extensive cooperation between the partner countries based on the principles of equality and mutual respect.
3. Russia builds its relations with other countries on the principles of equality and mutual benefit.
4. Russia is increasing its turnover.
5. The volume of foreign trade last year amounted to 100 billion. Rubles, and this year will increase even more.
6. Partner countries are coordinating plans for economic development, output and external trade. Full cooperation is an important means to enhance mutual understanding between peoples.
7. Eastern European countries are expanding trade with the developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America.
8. Trade - one of the most important ways to the development of mutually beneficial cooperation.
9. Russia maintains business relations for mutual benefit with a number of Western countries, Canada and the United States.
10. Fruitful cooperation between our country and Great Britain in various areas began with the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1924.
11. In recent years, greatly expanded the political, economic, scientific, technical and cultural ties between Russia and other countries.
12. Agreement between Russia and Algeria, provides for the delivery to Algeria various machinery, equipment and other goods.
13. Russia and China plan to sign an agreement on the development of cross-border trade and the creation of a zone of joint technological and economic development.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. The European Union is an economic organization, founded in 1957.
2. The wide-ranging cooperation between partner countries is based on the principles of equality and mutual respect.
3.Russia builds its relations with other countries on the principles of equality and mutual benefit.
4. We are continually increasing their turnover.
5. The volume of external trade in the past year amounted to 100 billion roubles,And in the current year would be even higher.
6. State partners coordinate plans for development of the economy, production and external trade.Full cooperation is an important tool for the strengthening of mutual understanding between the peoples.
7. The countries of Eastern Europe are expanding trade with the developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America.
8.Trade is one of the most important ways to the development of mutually beneficial cooperation between.
9. Russia supports the business links, on the basis of mutual benefit in a number of western countries, Canada and the USA.
10.Fruitful cooperation between our country and the United Kingdom in various areas began with establishment of diplomatic relations in 1924,.
11. In the recent past has significantly increased political,Economic, Scientific, technical and cultural links with other countries.
12. The Agreement, concluded between Russia and Algeria, provides for delivery in Algeria various machines, equipment and other goods.
13.Russia and China are planning to sign an agreement on the border trade and the establishment of a joint technical and economic development.

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