Влияние статического электричества на устойчивость процесса.Величина в перевод - Влияние статического электричества на устойчивость процесса.Величина в английский как сказать

Влияние статического электричества

Влияние статического электричества на устойчивость процесса.
Величина возникающих зарядов статического электричества в некоторых случаях достаточна для возникновения мощного электрического разряда, который может послужить производственным источником зажигания при возникновении пожара.
Искры удара и трения, разряды статического электричества вызывают воспламенение частиц пыли, которые затем транспортерными устройствами переносятся в фильтры и бункеры, способствуя возникновению процессов тления или пламенного горения.
Если измельченные вещества являются горючими, то существует вероятность зажигания аэрозолей или пылевых отложений разрядами статического электричества.
Наиболее распространенный способ борьбы со статическим электричеством — заземление оборудования.
Оборудование, выполненное из электропроводящих материалов, не нуждается в защите от статического электричества, если минимальная энергия зажигания перерабатываемого в нем дисперсного вещества превышает 100 мДж.
В промышленности накоплен достаточно большой опыт борьбы с опасными проявлениями статического электричества.
К эффективным мерам обеспечения электростатической искробезопасности относятся: снижение удельного сопротивления перерабатываемых материалов антистатическими добавками, применение электропроводных покрытий, увлажнение воздуха, использование нейтрализаторов статического электричества.
В этих случаях заземление, предназначенное для отвода зарядов статического электричества, становится неэффективным.
Возможными источниками зажигания в системах пневмотранспорта являются разряды статического электричества, искры удара и трения, самовозгорание пылевых отложений.
Помимо разрядов статического электричества возможными источниками зажигания в пневмотранспортных системах могут быть искры удара и трения при попадании внутрь оборудования металлических предметов или теплота трения.
Наиболее вероятные источники зажигания в пылеуловителях — разряды статического электричества, искры или раскаленные частицы, поступившие из оборудования, через которое прошел поток.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Effect of static electricity on the sustainability of the emerging Value.
charges of static electricity in some cases sufficient for the emergence of a powerful electric discharge, that can serve as a productive source of ignition in case of fire and strike Sparks.
friction level of static electricity cause ignition of dust particles, conveyor device which then migrated to the filters and silos, contributing to a process of decay or combustion flame.
If shredded materials are flammable, There is a risk of ignition of dust aerosols or sediment discharges static electricity.
the most common way to deal with static electricity — grounding equipment.
Equipment made of electrically conductive material, does not need to be protected from static electricity when the minimum ignition energy of the particulate matter exceeds 100 MJ.
The industry has gained a lot of experience dealing with dangerous manifestations of static electricity.
useful measures of electrostatic spark safety include: reduction of specific resistance of the antistatic additives of recyclable materials, the use of electrically conductive coatings, air humidification, the use of static converters.
In these cases, the grounding is designed to drain the static electricity charge, becomes ineffective.
Possible sources of ignition systems pneumotransport is level of static electricity, sparks, shock and friction, spontaneous combustion of dust deposits.
In addition to the discharge of static electricity the possible sources of ignition in pneumatic transport systems there may be Sparks shock and friction when swallowed metal items or heat equipment
The most likely sources of ignition in pyleulovitelâh-level static electricity, a spark or glowing particles from machinery, through which passed the stream.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The effect of static electricity on the stability of the process.
magnitude occurring static electricity in some cases sufficient for the emergence of a powerful electric discharge, which may serve as an ignition source production in case of fire.
impact and friction sparks, static electricity discharges cause inflammation of dust particles, which are then transferred to the conveyor device in filters and hoppers, contributing to the emergence of processes of decay or flaming.
If combustible materials are crushed, there is a risk of ignition of aerosols or dust deposits by static electricity.
most common way of dealing with static electricity - equipment grounding.
equipment made ​​of electrically conductive materials that do not needs protection from static electricity, if the minimum ignition energy of processed therein particulate matter exceeds 100 mJ.
Industrially accumulated a large experience in dealing with dangerous manifestations of static electricity.
Useful measures to ensure electrostatic spark include: reducing the resistivity of the materials processed antistatic additives, the use of conductive coatings, humidification, use static converters.
In these cases ground for discharging static electricity, becomes ineffective.
possible sources of ignition in pneumatic conveying systems are discharges of static electricity, impact and friction sparks, spontaneous ignition of dust deposits.
Apart from static discharges possible sources of ignition in pneumatic conveying systems can be impact and friction sparks after swallowing metal objects or equipment frictional heat.
most likely sources of ignition baghouses - discharges of static electricity, sparks or glowing particles received from the equipment through which passed a stream.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The static electricity on the sustainability of.
value arising from static electricity charges in some cases is sufficient for a powerful electric shock,Which may serve as a productive source of ignition switch in case of fire.
sparks impact and friction, static are ignited dust particles,Which then conveyor boards devices are transferred to the filters and tanks, leading to a smoldering processes or valiant combustion.
if blended substances are flammable,There is the potential ignition aerosols or dust deposits bits static electricity.
the most common way to combat static electricity - ground equipment.
Equipment, the cameo from electrically-conductive materials that are not in need of protection from static electricity, if the minimum ignition energy recyclable it out dispersed substances 100 MWA.
In industry there is a sufficiently large experience in the fight against dangerous forms of static electricity.
for effective measures to ensure electrostatic искробезопасности include:Lower resistivity recyclable materials without antistatic additives, the use of wiring harnesses coatings, air humidification, use converters static electricity.
In these cases, ground, designed to divert charges static electricity, becomes ineffective.
Possible sources of ignition systems in pneumatic conveying systems are static, impact and friction sparks, censorship dust deposits.
In addition static possible sources of ignition in пневмотранспортных systems may be sparks impact and friction when ingested equipment metal objects or the heat
The most likely ignition sources in пылеуловителях - static, sparks or hot particles, received from the equipment, has passed through the flow.
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