Прежде чем рассказать, что произошло сегодня, сначала расскажу, что пр перевод - Прежде чем рассказать, что произошло сегодня, сначала расскажу, что пр английский как сказать

Прежде чем рассказать, что произошл

Прежде чем рассказать, что произошло сегодня, сначала расскажу, что происходит со мной, когда читаю вашу книгу. Потому что с этого все началось. Я неделю не могла начать ее читать. Хотя чувствовала, что в ней находятся ответы на некоторые важные вопросы, которые я сейчас задаю Богу. Дело в том, что когда одним из вечером я села ее читать и открыла оглавление, что-то началось совершенно ненормальное. И я смогла дочитать только оглавление и больше не выдержала. Дело в том, что я рыдала. Я не плакала, а именно рыдала. Я , конечно, знала, что эта книга важна для меня стратегически, но это происходило что-то большее. Это шло не из моих эмоций, а из духа. В конце концов, я не выдержала этих рыданий и закрыла ее. Я была слишком переполнена переживаниями.
Смогла взять книгу в руки снова только через несколько дней. Вчера ночью очередной раз села ее читать. Слава Богу, что у меня была пачка салфеток дома. Я не могу спокойно читать ее!!! Те места книги, где описаны ваши переживания с Богом и ваши ключевые переломные моменты, я просто расхожусь в сумасшедшем рыдании и ничего не могу с собой сделать. Откладываю книгу и ухожу к Богу. В некоторые моменты Святой Дух сгущался так сильно, что я останавливалась и не продолжаю больше вообще. Из-за этого я не могу ее долго читать. Я до сих пор на 60 странице...
Вот так...
Но сегодня это вообще было очень странно.
Когда вы прислали мне ссылки, я сразу решила их послушать и в это время пошла в ванную комнату. Я Собиралась чистить зубы и в это время начать слушать видео. Когда я открыла ссылку на айпаде, еще не включила ее, только открыла и увидела картинку на видео... Я сначала застыла просто с зубной щеткой в руке. Меня мгновенно накрыло тяжестью Божьей славы. Я свалилась на колени прямо там и начала рыдать снова. Я была настолько шокирована тем, что Святой Дух так меня настиг меня именно в этот момент, что я сидела и не могла в это поверить. Видео так и не включила. Я просто сидела в шоке. Кажется минут через 10 написала вам это сообщение. Я вернулась в комнату и была в сильном тяжелом Божьем присутствии еще 20 минут. Вобщем, только спустя полчаса после получения ссылок, я смогла их включить.
Вот такие дела...

Ну и в итоге... Относительно самих композиций. По-моему просмотров за сегодняшний день этих видео должно было удвоиться)) Я весь день и вечер слушала только две песни) Когда вечером вернулась с леса домой и зашла на кухню приготовить ужин, включила Every day struggle. Только успела проверить оповещения и Святой Дух снова пришел особенно и я пережила Его новые необычные проявления, которых раньше у меня не было. Что-то происходило с моими ногами прямо там на кухне. В итоге я не ужинала. А когда надо было проводить конференц колл с моей командой, я была совершенно пьяная.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Before I tell you what happened today, first tell you what happens to me when I read your book. Because of this all started. I could not begin to read it. Although it is felt that there are answers to some important questions that I now ask God. The fact of the matter is that when one evening I sat down and opened it to read the table of contents, something began absolutely abnormal. And I was able to read only the table of contents and no longer stood. The thing is, I sobbed. I'm not crying, namely sobbed. Of course, I knew that this book is important strategically, but for me this was something more. It went from my emotions, and of spirit. In the end, I could not withstand these cries and closed it. I was too overflowing with experiences. Was able to borrow a book in your hands again only a few days. Last night the village again to read it. Thank God I had a WAD of napkins at home. I can't safely read it! The book, which describes your experiences with God and your key turning points, I just disagree in the crazy rydanii and nothing can be done. I'm a book and go to God. In some moments the Holy Spirit billowing so heavily that I stop and not continue anymore at all. Because of this I can't its a long read. I am still on page 60.Whew ...But today it was very strange. When you sent me the link, I immediately decided to hear them and went into the bathroom. I'm going to brush my teeth and start listening to the video. When I opened the link to ajpade, not yet incorporated it only opened and saw the picture on video ... I initially froze just with a toothbrush in his hand. Me instantly has the weight of God's glory. I fell to my knees right there and began to sob again. I was so shocked, that the Holy Spirit overtook me me precisely at this point that I sat and couldn't believe it. Video and not included. I just sat there in shock. It seems like 10 minutes later you wrote this post. I returned to the room and was in a strong heavy presence of God even 20 minutes. In General, only half an hour later after obtaining references, I was able to turn them on. Here is such a case. Well, eventually ... Regarding the songs themselves. My views for the present day these videos should have double)) I have all day and evening listening to only two songs) when evening came back from the Woods home and gone to the kitchen to prepare dinner, included Every day struggle. Only had time to check the alerts and the Holy Spirit came again and I went through His new unusual manifestations, which I didn't have before. Something happened with my legs right there in the kitchen. In the end I'm not unusual. And when it was necessary to hold a conference call with my team, I was totally drunk.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Before you tell me what happened today, first I tell you what happens to me when I read your book. Because that's how it all started. Last week I could not begin to read it. While I am feeling that there are answers to some important questions that I'm asking God. The fact is that when one of the evening I sat down to read it, and opened the table of contents, something began quite abnormal. And I was able to read only the table of contents and no longer stand it. The fact that I was crying. I did not cry, but it was crying. Of course, I knew that this book is important to me strategically, but this was something more. It did not go of my emotions, and the spirit. In the end, I could not stand those sobs and covered her. I was too full of experiences.
Could take the book in hand again just a few days. Last night, once again sat down to read it. Thank God, I had a pack of napkins at home. I can not bear to read it !!! The places of the book, which describes your experience with God and your key turning points, I just disagree with mourning in the crazy and I can not help myself. I save the book and go to God. At some point the Holy Spirit thickened so much that I would stop and not continue at all. Because of this, I can not read it for a long time. I'm still on page 60 ...
That's ...
But today it was all very strange.
When you send me the link, I immediately decided to listen to them, and this time went to the bathroom. I'm going to brush your teeth and it's time to start listening to the video. When I opened the link to iPads that have not yet incorporated it just opened and I saw a picture in the video ... I just froze at first with a toothbrush in his hand. I was instantly covered with the weight of God's glory. I fell to my knees right there and began to sob again. I was so shocked by the fact that the Holy Spirit so I caught up with me at this moment, that I sat and could not believe it. Videos and not included. I just sat in shock. It seems after 10 minutes to write you this message. I returned to the room and was a strong heavy presence of God for another 20 minutes. In general, only half an hour after receipt of references, I was able to turn them on.
That such things ... And in the end ... Relatively own compositions. I think Visits today these videos was to double)) I all day and night listening to only two songs) When evening came back to the forest home and went to the kitchen to cook dinner included Every day struggle. Only had time to check the warning and the Holy Spirit came again and especially I experienced His new unusual manifestations, which before I did not. Something happened to my legs right there in the kitchen. As a result, I have not had dinner. And when it was necessary to conduct a conference call with my team, I was completely drunk.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
before i tell you what happened today, the first to tell you what"s going on with me when i read your book. because that"s the way it started. i week couldn"t begin to read it. although feel that there are answers to some important questions that i now ask god. the point is that when one of the night, i sat down to read it and opened the contents that it is abnormal. and i was able to finish only contents and never give up. the thing is, i cried. i cried and cried. of course, i know that this book is important to me is strategically, but it was something more. it was not of my emotions, and spirit. in the end, i couldn"t stand the crying and closed it. i was too full of experiences.able to take the book into the hands of again only after a few days. last night, once again, sat down to read it. thank god that i had a box of tissue. i can"t read it! !! the place of books describing your experience with god and your key tipping points, i just расхожусь a рыдании and couldn"t do. put off the book and go to god. in some of the holy spirit сгущался so much that i stayed and not keep more generally. because of this, i don"t have a long time to read. i am still at 60 page...so...but tonight it was very strange.when you sent me the link, i immediately decided to hear them and at that time, went to the bathroom. i"m going to brush your teeth, it"s time to start listening to the video. when i opened the link on my ipad doesn"t include it, just opened and i saw a picture on the video... at first i was just with a toothbrush in her hand. i instantly got bombed the weight of god"s glory. i fell on my knees right there and started sobbing again. i was so shocked that the holy spirit so i came upon me at this moment, i just sat there and couldn"t believe it. the video is not included. i just sat there in shock. i write you this message in 10 minutes. i came back into the room and was very heavy (the presence of another 20 minutes. well, only half an hour later, after receiving the reference, i could insert.here we are...so in the end... the compositions. in my views today these videos should be double), i spent the entire day and night listening to two songs) when night came to the forest home and went into the kitchen to cook dinner, every day were included. only had time to check the warning and the holy spirit came again and i"ve especially his new unusual manifestations, which i had. something happened with my feet right there in the kitchen. in the end, i didn"t have lunch. and when we carry out the conference call with my team, i was totally drunk.
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