THE SNAKE AND THE BELL by L. BeckeWhen I was a child of eight years of перевод - THE SNAKE AND THE BELL by L. BeckeWhen I was a child of eight years of английский как сказать



When I was a child of eight years of age, a curious incident occurred in the house in which our family lived. The place was Mosman's Bay, one of the many picturesque indentations of the beautiful harbour of Sydney. In those days the houses were few and far apart, and our own dwelling was surrounded on all sides by the usual Australian forest far back from the main road.

The building itself was in the form of a quadrangle enclosing a courtyard, on to which nearly all the rooms opened; each room having a bell over the door, the wires running all round the square, while the f ront-door bell; hung in the hall.

One cold and windy evening about eight o'clock, my mother, my sisters, and myself were sitting in the dining-room awaiting the arrival of my brothers from Sydney — they attended school there, and rowed or sailed the six miles to and fro every day, generalIy returning home by dusk. On this particular evening, however, they were late, on account of the wind blowing rather freshly from the north-east; but presently we heard the front-door bell ring gently.

"Here they are at last," said my mother; "but how silly of them to go to the front-door on such a windy night!"

Julia, the servant, candle in hand, went along the lengthy passage, and opened the door. No one was there! She came back to the dining-room when the bell again rang — this time vigorously. My eldest sister threw down the book she was reading, and with an impatient exclamation herself went to the door, opened it quickly, and said sharply as she pulled it inwards — "Come in at once, you stupid things!" There was no answer, and she stepped outside on the veranda. No one was visible, and again the big bell in the hall rang!

She shut the door angrily and returned to her seat, just as the bell gave a curious, faint tinkle.

"Don't take any notice of them," said my mother, "they will soon get tired of playing such silly tricks, and be eager for their supper."

Presently the bell gave out three clear strokes. We looked at each other and smiled. Five minutes passed, and then came eight or ten gentle strokes.

"Let us catch them," said my mother, rising, and holding her finger up to us to preserve silence, as she stepped softly along the hall, we following on tiptoe.

Softly turning the handle, she suddenly threw the door wide open, just as the bell gave another jangle. Not a soul was visible!

My mother — one of the most placid-tempered women who ever breathed, now became annoyed, and stepping out on the veranda, addressed herself to the darkness — "Come inside at once, boys, or I shall be very angry. I know perfectly well what you have done; you have tied a string to the bell-wires, and are pulling it. If you don't stop you shall have no supper."

No answer — except from the hall bell, which gave another tinkle.

"Bring a candle and the step-ladder, Julia," said our mother, "and we shall see what these foolish boys have done to the bell-wire."

Julia brought the ladder; my eldest sister mounted it, and began to examine the bell. She could see nothing unusual, no string or wire, and as she descended, the bell swayed and gave one faint stroke!

We all returned to the sitting-room, and had scarcely been there five minutes when we heard my three brothers coming in, in their usual way, by the back door. They tramped into the sitting-room, noisy, dirty, and hungry, and demanded supper in a loud voice. My mother looked at them angrily, and said they deserved none.

"Why, mum, what's the matter?" said Ted; "what have we been doing now, or what have we not done, that we don't deserve any supper, after pulling for two hours from Circular Quay."

"You know perf ectly well what I mean. It is most inconsiderate of you to play such silly tricks upon us.

Ted gazed at her in astonishment. "Silly tricks, rnother! What silly tricks?" (Julia crossed herself, and trembled visibly as the bell again rang.)

My mother, at once satisfied that Ted and my other brothers really knew nothing of the mysterious bell-ringing, quickly explained the cause of her anger.

"Let us go and see if we can find out," said Ted. "You two boys, and you, Julia, get all the lanterns, light them, and we'll start out together — two on one side of the house and two on the other."

We ran out, lit three lanterns, and my next eldest brother and myself, feeling horribly frightened, were told to go round the house, beginning from the left, and meet Ted at the hall door, he going round from the right.

With shaking limbs and gasping breath we made our portion of the circuit, sticking close to each other, and carefully avoiding looking at anything. We arrived on the veranda, and in front of the hall door, quite five minutes before Ted appeared.

"Well, did you see anything?" he asked, as he walked up the steps, lantern in hand.

"Nothing," we answered.

Ted looked at us contemptuously. "You miserable little curs! What are you so frightened of? You're no better than a pack of women and kids. It's the wind that has made the bell ring, or, if it's not the wind, it is something else which I don't know anything about; but I want my supper. Pull the bell, one of you."

Then Ted, raised his lantern so as to get a look upwards, and gave a yell.

"Oh, look there!"

We looked up, and saw the twisting coils of a huge carpet snake, which had wound its body round and round the bell-wire on top of the wall plate. Its head was downwards, and it did not seem at all alarmed at our presence, but went on wriggling and twisting.

Then the step-ladder was brought out, and Ted, seizing the reptile by the tail, uncoiled it with some difficulty from the wire, and threw it down upon the veranda.

It was over nine feet in length, and very fat, and had caused all the disturbance by trying to denude itself of its old skin by dragging its body between the bell-wire and the top of the wall.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
THE SNAKE AND THE BELL by L. BeckeWhen I was a child of eight years of age, a curious incident occurred in the house in which our family lived. The place was Mosman's Bay, one of the many picturesque indentations of the beautiful harbour of Sydney. In those days the houses were few and far apart, and our own dwelling was surrounded on all sides by the usual Australian forest far back from the main road.The building itself was in the form of a quadrangle enclosing a courtyard, on to which nearly all the rooms opened; each room having a bell over the door, the wires running all round the square, while the f ront-door bell; hung in the hall.One cold and windy evening about eight o'clock, my mother, my sisters, and myself were sitting in the dining-room awaiting the arrival of my brothers from Sydney — they attended school there, and rowed or sailed the six miles to and fro every day, generalIy returning home by dusk. On this particular evening, however, they were late, on account of the wind blowing rather freshly from the north-east; but presently we heard the front-door bell ring gently."Here they are at last," said my mother; "but how silly of them to go to the front-door on such a windy night!"Julia, the servant, candle in hand, went along the lengthy passage, and opened the door. No one was there! She came back to the dining-room when the bell again rang — this time vigorously. My eldest sister threw down the book she was reading, and with an impatient exclamation herself went to the door, opened it quickly, and said sharply as she pulled it inwards — "Come in at once, you stupid things!" There was no answer, and she stepped outside on the veranda. No one was visible, and again the big bell in the hall rang!She shut the door angrily and returned to her seat, just as the bell gave a curious, faint tinkle."Don't take any notice of them," said my mother, "they will soon get tired of playing such silly tricks, and be eager for their supper."Presently the bell gave out three clear strokes. We looked at each other and smiled. Five minutes passed, and then came eight or ten gentle strokes."Let us catch them," said my mother, rising, and holding her finger up to us to preserve silence, as she stepped softly along the hall, we following on tiptoe.Softly turning the handle, she suddenly threw the door wide open, just as the bell gave another jangle. Not a soul was visible!My mother — one of the most placid-tempered women who ever breathed, now became annoyed, and stepping out on the veranda, addressed herself to the darkness — "Come inside at once, boys, or I shall be very angry. I know perfectly well what you have done; you have tied a string to the bell-wires, and are pulling it. If you don't stop you shall have no supper."No answer — except from the hall bell, which gave another tinkle."Bring a candle and the step-ladder, Julia," said our mother, "and we shall see what these foolish boys have done to the bell-wire."Julia brought the ladder; my eldest sister mounted it, and began to examine the bell. She could see nothing unusual, no string or wire, and as she descended, the bell swayed and gave one faint stroke!We all returned to the sitting-room, and had scarcely been there five minutes when we heard my three brothers coming in, in their usual way, by the back door. They tramped into the sitting-room, noisy, dirty, and hungry, and demanded supper in a loud voice. My mother looked at them angrily, and said they deserved none."Why, mum, what's the matter?" said Ted; "what have we been doing now, or what have we not done, that we don't deserve any supper, after pulling for two hours from Circular Quay.""You know perf ectly well what I mean. It is most inconsiderate of you to play such silly tricks upon us.Ted gazed at her in astonishment. "Silly tricks, rnother! What silly tricks?" (Julia crossed herself, and trembled visibly as the bell again rang.)My mother, at once satisfied that Ted and my other brothers really knew nothing of the mysterious bell-ringing, quickly explained the cause of her anger."Let us go and see if we can find out," said Ted. "You two boys, and you, Julia, get all the lanterns, light them, and we'll start out together — two on one side of the house and two on the other."We ran out, lit three lanterns, and my next eldest brother and myself, feeling horribly frightened, were told to go round the house, beginning from the left, and meet Ted at the hall door, he going round from the right.With shaking limbs and gasping breath we made our portion of the circuit, sticking close to each other, and carefully avoiding looking at anything. We arrived on the veranda, and in front of the hall door, quite five minutes before Ted appeared."Well, did you see anything?" he asked, as he walked up the steps, lantern in hand."Nothing," we answered.Ted looked at us contemptuously. "You miserable little curs! What are you so frightened of? You're no better than a pack of women and kids. It's the wind that has made the bell ring, or, if it's not the wind, it is something else which I don't know anything about; but I want my supper. Pull the bell, one of you."Then Ted, raised his lantern so as to get a look upwards, and gave a yell."Oh, look there!"We looked up, and saw the twisting coils of a huge carpet snake, which had wound its body round and round the bell-wire on top of the wall plate. Its head was downwards, and it did not seem at all alarmed at our presence, but went on wriggling and twisting.Then the step-ladder was brought out, and Ted, seizing the reptile by the tail, uncoiled it with some difficulty from the wire, and threw it down upon the veranda.It was over nine feet in length, and very fat, and had caused all the disturbance by trying to denude itself of its old skin by dragging its body between the bell-wire and the top of the wall.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

for When I of WAS a the child of an eight years of age, a curious incident Occurred in the house in the which Our family Lived. The place was Mosman's Bay, one of the many picturesque indentations of the beautiful harbour of Sydney. With In Those days the houses Were FEW and far the apart by, and Our own dwelling WAS Surrounded on all sides by the usual the Australian forest far the back from the main a road.

Of The building itself WAS in the The form of a Quadrangle enclosing a the courtyard, on to the which Nearly all the rooms opened; each room having a bell over the door , the wires running all round the square, while the f ront-door bell; in the hall Hung.

the One cold and windy evening dress about an eight o'clock, up my mother, up my sisters, and myself Were sitting in the the dining-room of Awaiting the arrival up my brothers from The Sydney - for They Attended A school of there, and rowed or sailed the six miles to and fro every day, generalIy returning home by dusk. On this particular evening, however, they were late, on account of the wind blowing rather freshly from the north-east; by Presently we Heard But the a front-door bell ring gently.

"Here for They are AT for last," Said up my mother; "But how of silly of Them to! go to the a front-door on such a windy night loe!"

by Julia, the the servant, candle in hand, a lengthy Went Along the passage, and Opened the door. No one was there! She came back to the dining-room when the bell again rang - this time vigorously. My eldest sister threw down the book she was reading, and with an impatient exclamation herself went to the door, opened it quickly, and said sharply as she pulled it inwards - "Come in at once, you stupid things!" There was no answer, and she stepped outside on the veranda. WAS the visible one's No, and again the big bell in the hall rang the!

She shut the door angrily and the returned to HER-seat, just as with the bell Gave a curious, the faint of tinkle.

"The Do not to take the any notice of Them," Said up my mother, "for They will of soon's the get tired of playing such silly tricks, and an eager for the BE Their supper."

by Presently the bell Gave out a three the clear strokes. We looked at each other and smiled. 'Em Five minutes PASSED, and the then CAME an eight or ten gentle strokes.

"For Let us catch statement Them," Said up my mother, Rising, and holding HER the finger up closeup to us to of preserve silence, as with she Stepped softly Along the hall, we the following on tiptoe.

Softly turning the handle, she suddenly threw the door wide open, just as the bell gave another jangle. Not a soul WAS the visible!

The My mother - one's of the are most the placid-of tempered women 'the who the ever breathed, now! Just Became annoyed, and stepping out on the the veranda, Addressed herself to the the darkness - "for Come inside AT once recording, boys, or I of Shall the BE angry I of the know very perfectly a well what you have done the; you have tied a: string to the bell-wires, and are pulling IT the If you do not have the stop you Shall the no supper "...

No? answer - the except from the hall bell, Gave another tinkle the which.

"for Bring a candle and the step-ladder, by Julia," Our mother Said, "Shall we see and what for These boys have done the foolish to the bell-wire."

by Julia Brought the ladder; my eldest sister mounted it, and began to examine the bell. She Could see nothing unusual, the no: string or wire, and as with she descended, the bell swayed and Gave one's the faint of stroke of!

For We all the returned to the sitting-room, and HAD scarcely Been there a five minutes the when we Heard up my a three brothers coming in, in their usual way, by the back door. They tramped into the sitting-room, noisy, dirty, and hungry, and demanded supper in a loud voice. Mother Looked AT the My angrily Them, for They Said and deserved none.

"Why,'s mum, what's the matter?" said Ted; "what we have now! Just Been doing, or what we have not done The, That we do not Deserve the any supper, the after pulling for to two two hours from Circular Quay."

"You the know perf ectly a well what I of mean. It is inconsiderate of you are most such silly-play to tricks upon us.

by Ted gazed AT HER in of astonishment. "Silly tricks, rnother! For What silly tricks? "(By Julia crossed herself, and trembled visibly as with the bell again rang the.)

The My mother, AT once recording satisfied That by Ted and up my OTHER brothers really Knew nothing of the mysterious bell-ringing, Quickly Explained the a cause of HER anger.

"Let us go and see if we can find out," said Ted "You two boys, and you, Julia, get all the lanterns, light them, and we'll start out together -. two on one side of the house and to two two on the OTHER. "

for We ran out, lit a three lanterns, and up my the next eldest brother and myself, feeling horribly Frightened, Were Told to! go round the house, Beginning from the left, and the meet by Ted AT the hall door, he going round from the right.

With shaking limbs and gasping breath we made ​​Our ​​PORTION of the the circuit, sticking address close e-to each OTHER, and Carefully Avoiding looking AT anything. for we Arrived on the the veranda, and in a front of the hall door, quite a five minutes the before by Ted appeared.

"the Well, DID you see anything?" Asked he, he Walked up closeup as with the steps, lantern in hand.

"a Nothing," we answered.

by Ted Looked AT us contemptuously. "You miserable little curs! What are you so frightened of? You're no better than a pack of women and kids. It's the wind that has made ​​the bell ring, or, if it's not the wind, it is something else which I not the know anything do about; But I of want up my supper Pull the bell, one's of you "..

Then statement by Ted, raised a His lantern as with SO to the get a look upwards, and Gave a yell.

" of Oh, look there "!

for We Looked up, and saw the twisting coils of a huge carpet snake, which had wound its body round and round the bell-wire on top of the wall plate. Its head WAS downwards, and IT DID not SEEM AT all alarmed AT Our presence, But Went on wriggling and twisting.

Then statement the step-ladder WAS Brought out, and by Ted, seizing the reptile by the tail The, uncoiled IT with some Difficulty from the wire, and Threw IT down upon the the veranda.

It WAS over nine of feet in the length, and very a fat, and HAD Caused all the disturbance by Trying to denude itself of its 'old the skin by dragging its' body Between the bell-wire and the top of the wall.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the SNAKE and the bell by l. Beckewhen i was a child of eight years of age, a curious industry occurred in the house in which the family lived. the place was Mosman"s bay, one of the many picturesque indentations of the beautiful area of sydney. in those days the houses were few and far apart, and our own dwelling was surrounded on all sides by the usual australian forest far back from the main road.the building itself was in the form of a quadrangle enclosing a courtyard, on to which nearly all the rooms opened; each room having a bell over the door, the wires running all round the square, while the f ront door bell; hung in the cold and windy at about eight o "clock, my mother, my sisters, and myself were sitting in the dining - room awaiting the arrival of my brothers from sydney, and attended school there, and rowed or sailed the six miles to and fro every day, generalIy returning home by dusk. on this particular evening, however, they were late, on account of the wind rather than just a place to it from the north - east, but two we heard the door bell ring funny at."here they are at last," said my mother; "but how very of you to go to the front door on such a windy night!"julia, the servant, candle in hand, went along the lengthy passage, and opened the door. no one was there. she came back to the dining room when the bell again; this time vigorously. my eldest sister were down the book she was reading, and with an impatient exclamation herself went to the door, opened it quickly, and said sharply as she him it inwards - "come in at once, you stupid things." there was no answer, and the choice is on the veranda. no one was visible, and again the big bell in the hall;.she was one of the angrily and returned to her seat, just as the bell was a curious, faint network."don"t take any notice of them," said my mother, "they will soon get tired of playing such very tricks, and be not for their supper."Presently the bell gave out three clear strokes. we looked at each other and smiled. five minutes passed, and then came eight or ten an strokes."let us catch them," said my mother, rising, and holding her finger up to us to preserve silence, as she softly choice along the hall, we following on tiptoe.Softly turning the handle, she suddenly were the door wide open, just as the bell was another jangle. not a soul was mother is one of the most placid - tempered women who ever breathed, now was great. it annoyed, out on the veranda, coffe herself addressed to the darkness - "come inside at once, boys, or i shall be very angry. i know perfectly well what you have done; you have tied a string to the bell - wires, and are pulling it. if you don"t stop you shall have no supper. "no answer, except from the hall bell, which from another network."bring a candle and the step ladder, julia," said the mother, "and we shall see what these foolish boys have done to the bell out."julia was the ladder; my eldest sister mounted it, and began to examine the bell. she could see nothing unusual, no string or wire, and as she descended, the bell swayed and gave one faint or!we all returned to the sitting room, and had scarcely been there five minutes when we heard my three brothers coming in, in the usual way, by the back door. they tramped into the sitting - room, broken, dirty, and king, and supper in a loud voice. my mother looked at it angrily, and said they deserved none."why, mum, what"s the matter?" said ted; "what have we been doing now, or what have we not done, that we don"t deserve any supper, after pulling for two hours from circular quay."you know perf ectly well what i mean. it is most inconsiderate of you to play such very tricks upon us.ted gazed at her in astonishment. " silly tricks, rnother! what very tricks? " (julia crossed herself, and trembled visibly as the bell again;.my mother, at once satisfied that ted and my other brothers also knew nothing of the mysterious bell is ringing, quickly explained the cause of her anger."let us go and see if we can find out," said ted. " you two boys, and you, julia, get all the lanterns, light it, and we"il start out together and on one side of the house and two on the other. "we ran out, with three lanterns, and my next eldest brother and myself, feeling horribly frightened, were told to go round the house, beginning from the left, and meet ted at the hall door, going round to the right.with shaking limbs and gasping breath we made our portion of the circuit, sticking close to each other, and carefully avoiding looking at anything. i would on the veranda, coffe and in front of the hall door, the room five minutes before ted appeared."well, did you see anything?" he asked, as he walked up the steps, lantern in hand."nothing," i answered.ted looked at us contemptuously. " you back the curs! what are you so frightened of? you "re not
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