Я очень люблю рисовать. Не могу сказать, что это моё хобби, это просто то, чем мне очень нравится заниматься в свободное время. Я начала рисовать, когда была еще маленькой, тогда родители давали мне листочки бумаги, простые карандаши и ручки. Однако, первые мои рисунки были не самыми лучшими. Кое-что получалось криво, кое-что вообще не получалось. Но я всегда продолжала рисовать. Теперь, мне кажется, я рисую неплохо. Таким образом я отвлекаюсь от проблем и получаю огромное удовольствие. Я никогда не занималась этим профессионально, но часто беру карандаш в руки. Рисую в основном портреты. Ещё мне очень нравится в свободное от учебы и бытовых забот время играть в теннис. Почему? потому что это приносит мне удовольствие.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
I love to draw. Can't say it's my hobby, it's just something I really like to do in your spare time. I started drawing when she was still little, then parents gave me leaflets of paper, pencils and pens. However, my first drawings were not the best. Something happened, something crooked at all did not work. But I always continued to draw. Now, I think I draw well. So I distract from the problems and get great pleasure. I've never dealt with it professionally, but often take pencil in hand. I paint mainly portraits. I also really enjoy in their leisure and household chores while playing tennis. Why? because it brings me pleasure.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
I love to draw. I can not say that this is my hobby, it's just what I like to do in your spare time. I started painting when I was a little girl, when parents gave me sheets of paper, pencils and pens. However, my first drawings were not the best. Something crooked, something that did not work. But I always continued to paint. Now, I think I draw well. So I distracted from the problems and get great pleasure. I have never dealt with it professionally, but often take a pencil in hand. I paint mainly portraits. I also enjoy in their leisure time and household chores to play tennis. Why? because it brings me pleasure.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
i love to paint. i can't say that it's a hobby, it's just something i like to do in your spare time. i started drawing when i was a kid, my parents gave me the slips of paper, pencils and pens. however, my first drawings were not the best. something good is something that doesn't work. but i always continued to paint. now, i think i do pretty well. thus i digress from the problems and get great pleasure. i never do this professionally, but often take a pencil in your hand. drawing mostly portraits. i really like his free time from school and household tasks while playing tennis. why? because it brings me pleasure.
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