Я хочу рассказать вам о Гвендолин Шеферд. Это героиня книги „Таймлесс". Её полное имя Гвендолин Софи Элизабет Шеферд. Она учится в школе Сент Леннокс в 9 классе. Гвендолин родилась 7 сентября 1994. Гвен имела темные прямые волосы (у всей остальной семьи были рыжие волосы), ярко голубые глаза и родинку в форме полумесяца на виске. Она была стройной.
Гвендолин родилась в Дархеме на севере Англии. Она родилась в не богатой семье. Её родителей зовут Грейс и Николос Шеферд, но позже оказывается, что её биологические родители Люси Монтроуз и Пол Де Виллер. Раньше, она читала, что Люси её двоюродная сестра, а По возлюбленный Люси. Отец Гвен– Николос умер от лейкемии. Грейс решила переехать в Лондон к родственникам. Тогда у Гвендолин уже были брат и сестра. Брат Ник и сестра Керолайн. Переехали они в дом в котором уже жили бабушка Ариста, двоюродная бабушка Медди, тетя Гленда, кузина Шарлотта и дворецкий мистер Бенхард. Семью Шеферд поселили на 3 этаж. Дом был очень стар, но выглядел он хорошо. В доме было много тайных комнат и потайных отделений. Все семейство Монтроуз не очень то дружили. Гвен пошла в школу Сент Леннокс. Там она познакомилась с Лесли Хей. Они стали лучшими подругами. Гвен доверяла Лесли все тайны. Даже самую большую семейную тайну. Эта тайна связывала семью Монтроузов и Де Виллеров. У этих двух семей есть особый дар. Они умели путешествовать во времени и у них была тайная ложа. Она была построена графом Сен Жерманом в 1563 году. Все говорили, что Шарлотта путешественница во времени. Но это оказалась Гвендолин. У Гвен был ещё один дар. Она умела разговаривать с привидениями. В ложе много раз рассказывали, как Люси и Пол украли первую машину времени. Гвендолин и её напарник Гедион Де Виллер выполняли опасную миссию в прошлом. Для этой миссии готовили Шарлотту, но не Гвендолин, поэтому она ничего не понимала. Гидеон Де Виллер и Гвендолин Шеферд через многое прошли.
Я восхищаюсь Гвендолин. Она прошла через боль и страдания. Она не стеснялась людей. Гвен могла идти по школьному коридору, когда он был забит и разговаривать с призракоми. Ей не важно кто, что подумает. Она могла постоять за себя и защитить других людей. Она могла постить все что угодно. Гвендолин была настолько непредсказуемой, что никто и никогда не знал, что последует дальше.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
I want to tell you about Gwendolyn Shepherd. This is the heroine of the book "Tajmless". Her full name is Gwendolyn Sophie Elizabeth Shepherd. She is studying at the school of St Lennox in 9 class. Gwendolyn was born September 7, 1994. Gwen had a dark straight hair (from the rest of the family have red hair), bright blue eyes and a small birthmark in the shape of a Crescent Moon on the temple. She was slim.Gwendolyn was born in Durham in the North of England. She was born in a wealthy family. Her parents name is Grace and Nikolos Shepherd, but later it turns out that her biological parents Lucy Montrose and Paul De Villers. Earlier, she read that her cousin, Lucy and Lucy's lover. The father of Gwen-Nikolos died from leukemia. Grace decided to move to London to stay with relatives. Then Gwendolyn were brother and sister. Brother Nick and sister Caroline. They moved into the House in which lived the grandmother, great-aunt Meddy — Arista, aunt Glenda, cousin Charlotte and the Butler Mr Benhard. The family Shepherd very 3 floor. The House was very old, but he looked good. In the House there were many secret rooms and hidden compartments. All family of Montrose not very good friends. Gwen went to school St Lennox. There she met Leslie Hay. They became best friends. Gwen knew Leslie all the secrets. Even the largest family secrets. This mystery connected the family Montrouzov and De Villerov. The two families have a special gift. They were able to travel back in time and they had a secret Lodge. It was built by Saint Žermanom in the year 1563. Everyone said that Charlotte traveler in time. But it was Gwendolyn. Gwen was one more gift. She was able to converse with ghosts. In a bed many times told how Lucy and Paul stole a first time machine. Gwendolyn and her team-mate Gedion De Villers had a dangerous mission in the past. For this mission were Charlotte, not Gwendolyn, so she knew nothing. Gideon De Villers and Gwendolyn Shepherd have gone through a lot.I admire Gwendolyn. She went through the pain and suffering. She is not afraid of people. Gwen could go through the hallways, where he was beaten and talk to prizrakomi. It does not matter who thinks what. She can stand up for yourself and protect others. She can post whatever you like. Gwendolyn was so unpredictable that no one ever knew what would follow next.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
I want to tell you about Gwendolyn Shepherd. This is the heroine of the book "Timeless." Her full name is Gwendolyn Sophie Elizabeth Shepherd. She goes to school in Lennox St 9th grade. Gwendolyn was born on September 7, 1994. Gwen had dark straight hair (from the rest of the family had red hair), bright blue eyes and crescent-shaped birthmark on her temple. She was slim.
Gwendolyn was born in Durham in the north of England. She was born into a wealthy family does not. Her name is Grace's parents and Nicolaus Shepherd, but later it turns out that her biological parents, Lucy Montrose and Paul De Villers. Earlier she read that her cousin Lucy, and on the beloved Lucy. Gven- Father Nicolaus died of leukemia. Grace decided to move to London to stay with relatives. Then Gwendolyn were brother and sister. My brother Nick and sister Caroline. We moved into the house they which already lived Arista grandmother, great-aunt Maddie, Aunt Glenda, cousin Charlotte Butler and Mr. Benhard. Seven Shepherd settled on the 3rd floor. The house was very old, but he looked good. The house had many secret rooms and secret compartments. All family Montrose not very friendly terms. Gwen went to school St. Lennox. There she met Leslie Hay. They became best friends. Gwen trusted Leslie all the secrets. Even the biggest family secret. This mystery tied Montrose family and De Villers. The two families have a special gift. They were able to travel in time and they had a secret lodge. It was built by the Comte de St. Germaine in 1563. Everyone said that Charlotte traveler in time. But it was Gwendolyn. Gwen was another gift. She knew how to talk to ghosts. In the box many times told how Lucy and Paul stole the first time machine. Gwendolyn and her partner Gedion De Villers carry out dangerous missions in the past. For this mission prepared Charlotte, but Gwendolyn, so she did not understand. Gideon De Villers and Gwendolyn Shepherd through a lot.
I admire Gwendolyn. She went through the pain and suffering. She is not shy people. Gwen could go on school corridor when he was hammered and talk with prizrakomi. She did not care who would think. She could stand up for themselves and protect others. She could post anything. Gwendolyn was so unpredictable that no one ever knew what was coming next.
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