Вопрос, касающийся долговой нагрузки отечественного топливно-энергетич перевод - Вопрос, касающийся долговой нагрузки отечественного топливно-энергетич английский как сказать

Вопрос, касающийся долговой нагрузк

Вопрос, касающийся долговой нагрузки отечественного топливно-энергетического комплекса, Рустам Танкаев считает не таким страшным, каким он кажется на первый взгляд, даже несмотря на многомиллиардные долги мировых нефтегазовых компаний. Хотя, казалось бы, некоторые из представителей сектора могут столкнуться с трудностями при выплате долгов на фоне резкого падения цен на нефть, считают специалисты агентства. Доля России здесь не определена, однако понятно, что наши компании присутствуют в среднемировой долговой нагрузке наравне с коллегами-конкурентами.

"Но для компаний в долгах опасности нет. Весь мировой бизнес в этой сфере работает только на кредитных банковских деньгах, это общее правило. Есть возможности реструктуризации, есть другие способы растянуть выплаты долга, в этом нет ничего страшного. Причем и для России тоже", - уверен эксперт.

И все эти ситуации с деньгами и убыточностью, резюмирует Рустам Танкаев, являются продолжением проблем самой ОПЕК. Их три. "Конфликт между странами с высокой и низкой себестоимостью. Вторая проблема - исполнение квот, которые сейчас никто не соблюдает, сейчас в сутки добывается на 9 процентов больше, чем разрешила себе сама ОПЕК. Третья - когда были введены санкции против Ирана, его квоты взяла на себя Саудовская Аравия. А сейчас их надо вернуть, но возвращать их она, понятно, не хочет", - сказал эксперт.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Question relating to the debt burden of domestic fuel and energy complex, Rustam Tankaev believes not so terrible as it seems at first glance, even despite the multibillion-dollar debts of the world's oil and gas companies. Though it would seem some of the representatives of the sector may face difficulty in paying debts amid a sharp fall in oil prices, consider the agency specialists. The share of Russia is not defined here, but it is clear that our companies are present in the world average debt load on par with fellow competitors."But for the companies in debt risk not. The whole world's business in this sphere only works on bank credit money, this is the general rule. There are opportunities for restructuring, there are other ways to stretch out debt payments, there is nothing to worry about. And for Russia, too, "said the expert.And all these situations with money and unprofitability, summarizes Rustam Tankaev, are a continuation of problems OPEC itself. Their three. "The conflict between high and low cost. The second problem-performance quotas that now no one respects, now a day is extracted at 9 per cent more than the allowed OPEC itself. Third-when sanctions were imposed against Iran, its quota took over Saudi Arabia. But now they have to return, but returned it, understandably, does not want to, "the expert said.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The question concerning the debt burden of the domestic fuel and energy complex, said Rustam Tankan not as bad as it seems at first sight, despite the multi-billion dollar debt of the world oil and gas companies. Although it would seem, some of the representatives of the sector could face difficulties in the payment of debt amid a sharp drop in oil prices, according to experts of the agency. Russia's share is not defined, but it is clear that our companies are present in the average debt load on a par with fellow competitors. "But for companies in debt is no danger. The whole world's business in this area is only on loan bank money, this is the general rule. There restructuring opportunities, there are other ways to stretch the repayment of debt, there is nothing to worry about. And for Russia, too, "- said the expert. And all of these situations with money and losing, summarizes Rustam Tankan, are a continuation of the problems of the OPEC. Their three. "The conflict between the countries with high and low cost. The second problem - the fulfillment of quotas, which now no one observes, is now a day is produced 9 percent more than the allowed herself OPEC. The third - when the sanctions were imposed against Iran, its quota taken over Saudi Arabia itself. And now they have to return, but return them to it, of course, does not want "- said the expert.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The question of the debt load domestic fuel and energy complex, Rustam Танкаев believes is not so terrible, how it seems at first glance thatEven in spite of the multi-billion dollar debts of world oil and gas companies. Although, it would seem, some of the representatives of sector may encounter difficulties in payment of debts on a background of a sharp fall in oil prices,Experts believe the agency. The share of Russia here is not defined, however, it is clear that our companies are present in the average debt load on an equal footing with colleagues and competitors.

"But also for the company in bankruptcy there is no danger. The entire world business in this area only works on credit bank money, this is the general rule. There is a possibility of rescheduling,There are other ways to stretch to pay its debt, in that there is nothing wrong. And for Russia, too", - and I am sure the expert.lord and all these situations with money and stemming, sums up Rustam Танкаев,Are the continuation of the OPEC countries. Their three. "The conflict between countries with high and low cost. The second problem - pursuant to quotas, which are now no one is not in compliance with,It is now a day are mined at the 9 per cent more than allowed itself itself OPEC. Third, when sanctions were imposed against Iran, its quota assumed the Saudi Arabia. And now they must be returned, but to return their it,Understandably, does not want to," said the expert.
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