За свою позднейшую миротворческую деятельность в 2002 году получил Ноб перевод - За свою позднейшую миротворческую деятельность в 2002 году получил Ноб английский как сказать

За свою позднейшую миротворческую д

За свою позднейшую миротворческую деятельность в 2002 году получил Нобелевскую премию мира с формулировкой «за усилия по мирному улаживанию конфликтов во всем мире и борьбу за права человека».

С 1982 года Картер занимался преподавательской работой в Университете Эмори в Атланте, штат Джорджия. В том же году им был основан неправительственный институт Центр Картера, целью которого является осуществление правозащитной и благотворительной деятельности.

В отставке экс-президент занимался решением гуманитарных вопросов в Эфиопии, Уганде, Боснии, Судане и других странах в составе миротворческих миссий, выступал в качестве наблюдателя на выборах в различных государствах. Одну из последних на сегодняшний день[когда?] миссий Картер совершил в ноябре 2013 года в Непал, где он возглавлял группу международных наблюдателей за парламентскими выборами.

В частности, как правозащитник Джимми Картер добился освобождения американского гражданина из тюрьмы Северной Кореи. Американец Айджалон Гомес 25 января 2010 года пытался проникнуть на территорию КНДР со стороны Китая и был задержан корейскими пограничниками. Впоследствии осужден за незаконный переход границы, приговорен к 8 годам исправительных работ и штрафу в размере 700 тысяч долларов США. Экс-президент Джимми Картер 25 августа прибыл в Пхеньян с частным визитом и добился освобождения Гомеса путем переговоров с властями. Картер и Гомес покинули Пхеньян 27 августа 2010 года.

Картер также известен своей деятельностью в странах Африки по борьбе с дракункулёзом. Благодаря усилиям[источник не указан 370 дней] Картера сегодня остаётся только 1 700 человек, больных этим недугом, а было 3,5 млн.

Экс-президент лечит дракункулёз. Эта болезнь известна с библейских времён. Червь попадает в организм при употреблении стоячей воды, вырастает внутри человека, достигая метровой длины, и пробуравливается наружу через кожу. Когда Картер покинул Белый дом, дракункулёзом страдало 3,5 млн человек в 20 странах.
— Журнал Rolling Stone (март 2011)
С 2007 года Картер является членом группы «Старейшин» (англ. The Elders) — организации независимых лидеров, главным образом, бывших глав государств, созданной благодаря усилиям борца с апартеидом и президента ЮАР Нельсона Манделы. Представители организации, как сказано в официальном документе «Старейшин», «поставили свои опыт и влияние на службу миру, справедливости и правам человека». 27—29 апреля 2015 года «Старейшины», встревоженные эскалацией международного противостояния и ростом геополитической напряжённости из-за событий вокруг присоединения Крыма к России, побывали в Москве и встретились с президентом России Владимиром Путиным. После этих переговоров в интервью радиостанции «Голос Америки», привлёкшем внимание многих СМИ, Картер оценил присоединение Крыма к России как неизбежный шаг и исключил аннулирование в будущем новых отношений России и Крыма[9][10].

В октябре 2015 года Картер переслал Путину изготовленные в США карты Сирии с нанесёнными на них позициями «Исламского государства» — для того чтобы российская авиация могла наносить точные удары по позициям ИГИЛ. Этот жест, который в Америке был воспринят как шутливый, МИД РФ оценил как «объединение усилий в борьбе с терроризмом и беспокойство о судьбе сирийского народа»[11].
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
For her latest peacekeeping in 2002 he received the Nobel Peace Prize "for their efforts to the peaceful conflict resolution around the world and the struggle for human rights".Since 1982 the year Carter was engaged in teaching at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. In the same year he established the nongovernmental Institute of the Carter Center, whose purpose is the exercise of human rights and charitable activities.The resignation of ex-President dealt with humanitarian issues in Ethiopia, Uganda, Bosnia, Sudan and other countries in peacekeeping missions, acted as an observer at the elections in various States. One of the latest to date [when?] missions in November 2013 Carter years in Nepal, where he led a team of international observers for the parliamentary elections.In particular, as a human rights activist Jimmy Carter had secured the release of American citizen from prison in North Korea. American Ajdžalon Gomez January 25, 2010, tried to infiltrate into the territory of the DPRK by China and Korea, was detained by border guards. Subsequently convicted of illegal border crossing, sentenced to 8 years of forced labour and a fine of 700 thousand dollars in United States. Former President Jimmy Carter on August 25, arrived in Pyongyang on a private visit and achieved the liberation of Gómez, through negotiations with the authorities. Carter and Gomes left Pyongyang August 27, 2010 year.Carter is also known for its activities in African countries to combat drakunkulëzom. Thanks to the efforts of the [370] Carter today remains only 1 700 people suffering from this disease, and it was 3.5 million.Ex-President of Guinea worm disease cures. The disease has been known since Biblical times. The worm enters the body when used standing water, grows within the person, reaching a meter length, and proburavlivaetsâ outward through the skin. When Carter left the White House, the drakunkulëzom suffered 3.5 million people in 20 countries.— Rolling Stone magazine (March 2011)With the 2007 year Carter is a member of the "Elders" (Engl. The Elders) is an organization independent of the leaders, mainly former heads of State, established through the efforts of anti-apartheid and South African President Nelson Mandela. Representatives of the Organization, as stated in the official document "Elders", "put their experience and influence in the service of peace, justice and human rights". 27-29 April 2015 years "Elders" alarmed by the escalation of international confrontation and rising geopolitical tension due to events surrounding the joining of Crimea to Russia, visited Moscow and met with Russian President Vladimir Putin. After these talks, in an interview with the "voice of America" radio station, privlëkšem the attention of many MEDIA, Carter praised the joining of Crimea to Russia as an inevitable step and ruled out the cancellation of future relations between Russia and Crimea [9] [10].In October 2015 year Carter sent Putin made United States maps Syria with runes on them the positions of the "Islamic State" — to the Russian Aviation may apply precise strikes on positions of the IGIL. This gesture, which in America was welcomed as a jocular, the RUSSIAN FOREIGN MINISTRY praised as "uniting efforts in the fight against terrorism and concern about the fate of the Syrian people» [11].
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
During his the later peacekeeping in 2002 he received the Nobel Peace Prize with the wording "for the efforts to peacefully settle conflicts in the world and the struggle for human rights." Since 1982, Carter was engaged in teaching work at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. In the same year he founded the non-governmental Institute for the Carter Center, whose goal is the implementation of human rights and charitable activities. In retirement, the former president was engaged in humanitarian issues in Ethiopia, Uganda, Bosnia, Sudan and other countries in peacekeeping missions, he acted as observer the elections in various states. One of the latest to date, [when?] Missions Carter made ​​in November 2013 in Nepal, where he led a team of international observers to the parliamentary elections. In particular, the human rights activist Jimmy Carter secured the release of an American citizen from prison in North Korea. American Aydzhalon Gomez 25 January 2010 tried to infiltrate into North Korea from China and was detained by the Korean border. Subsequently convicted of illegally crossing the border and sentenced to eight years of hard labor and a fine of 700 thousand US dollars. Former President Jimmy Carter on August 25 arrived in Pyongyang on a private visit and secured the release of Gomes through negotiations with the authorities. Carter and Gomez left Pyongyang August 27, 2010. Carter also is known for its activities in Africa to combat dracunculiasis. Thanks to the efforts [source not specified 370 days] Carter remains today is only 1 700 people suffering from this disease, and it was 3.5 million. The ex-president treats guinea worm disease. This disease has been known since biblical times. The worm enters the body at the use of stagnant water, grows in man, reaching meter length, and pierce through the skin to the outside. When Carter left the White House, dracunculiasis suffered 3.5 million people in 20 countries. - The magazine Rolling Stone (March 2011) Since 2007, Carter is a member of the "Elders" (eng. The Elders) - the organization of independent leaders, mainly former Heads of State, created through the efforts of a fighter against apartheid and South African President Nelson Mandela. Representatives of the organization as stated in the official document "Elders", "put their experience and influence in the service of peace, justice and human rights." 27-29 April 2015 "The Elders", alarmed by the escalation of international conflict and rising geopolitical tensions because of the events surrounding the annexation of Crimea to Russia, visited Moscow and met with Russian President Vladimir Putin. After these talks in an interview with radio station "Voice of America", privlёkshem attention of many media, Carter praised the Crimea to Russia as an inevitable step, and rule out the cancellation in the future of new relations between Russia and the Crimea [9] [10]. In October 2015, Carter sent Putin made US map Syria marked on their positions, "Islamic State" - to the Russian air force could apply precise strikes on the positions of LIH. This gesture, which in America was seen as humorous, Russian Foreign Minister praised as "joint efforts in combating terrorism and anxiety about the fate of the Syrian people". [11]

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
for its позднейшую peacekeeping activities in 2002 received the nobel peace prize with the words "for the efforts for peaceful conflict management in the world and the struggle for human rights".

since 1982, carter was engaged in teaching work at emory university in atlanta, georgia. in the same year, they founded the institute of the carter center.aimed at the implementation of human rights, and philanthropy.

in the resignation of former president addressed a humanitarian issues in ethiopia, uganda, bosniathe sudan and other countries in peacekeeping missions, served as an observer to the elections in various states. one of the last to date, [when?] missions carter did in november 2013 in nepal, where he headed a group of international observers for the parliamentary elections.

in particularas a human rights activist jimmy carter won the release of an american citizen out of north korea.american айджалон gomez on 25 january 2010, tried to infiltrate into north korea from china and was detained by the korean border guards. subsequently convicted for illegally crossing the border.sentenced to 8 years in prison and fined $700 thousands of dollars. former president jimmy carter on august 25, arrived in pyongyang on a private visit and made the liberation of gomez through negotiations with the authorities.carter and gomez left pyongyang on 27 august 2010.

carter is also known for his activities in the countries of africa to combat дракункулёзом.thanks to the efforts of [source did not specify the 370 days] carter today only 1, 700 people infected with this disease, and 3.5 million.

the ex president is dracunculiasis. this disease has been known since biblical times.a worm enters the organism with use of still water, grows within man, reaching a length of, and пробуравливается out through the skin. when carter left the white house, дракункулёзом suffered 35 million people in 20 countries. "the magazine rolling stone (march 2011). in 2007, carter is a member of the" conseil des sages (). the former is the independent leaders, mainly former heads of state.established through the efforts of anti apartheid president of south africa nelson mandela. the representatives of the organizations, as stated in the official document, "conseil des sages," put their experience and influence in the service of peace.justice and human rights. 27 - 29 april 2015 "старейшины», alarmed by the escalating international confrontation and rising geopolitical tensions because of the events surrounding the accession of crimea by russia.visited moscow and met with russian president vladimir putin. after the talks, in an interview with radio station "the voice of america, привлёкшем attention of many media.carter for the crimea to russia as an inevitable step and removed the future relations of russia and crimea [9] [10]

.in october 2015, carter sent "constructed in the maps of syria нанесёнными their positions" islamic state "to the russian aviation may be accurate attacks on positions игил.the gesture, which in america was seen as a шутливый, ministry of foreign affairs of the "joint efforts in combating terrorism and concern about the fate of the syrian people" [11].
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