After Mr. Borisov had closely studied the price for the Model 800 comp перевод - After Mr. Borisov had closely studied the price for the Model 800 comp английский как сказать

After Mr. Borisov had closely studi

After Mr. Borisov had closely studied the price for the Model 800 computer he found that it was somewhat higher than the prices of other companies for similar types of computers. That’s why he invited Mr. Adams to discuss the matter.

Борисов: Господин Адамс, к сожалению, мы не можем под писать контракт с Вашей фирмой, так как цена на предлагаемые Вами компьютеры чрезмерно высока. Нам известно, что Ваши конкуренты предлагают компьютеры по более низким ценам.

Adams: You are partly right. It’s true, the price is high, but you should take into consideration the fact that this model is the latest word in electronic industry. It is designed on the most modem lines and we can guarantee its reliability.

Борисов: Нам это известно. Но тем не менее, цена не кажется нам приемлемой. Господин Адамс, зависит ли окончательная цена от количества компьютеров, приобретаемых на ми?

Adams: Right. If you increase your order to five computers we’ll be able to give you a 2% discount on the price.

Борисов: Боюсь, что скидка слишком мала. Мы бы хотели получить скидку по крайней мере в 4 %.

Adams: Let me make some calculations. Well, Mr. Borisov, 3% and not more as this concession leaves only a very small profit to ourselves.

Борисов: В таком случае я хотел бы обсудить этот вопрос со своим руководством и только потом смогу дать Вам окончательный ответ.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
After Mr. Borisov had closely studied the price for the Model 800 computer he found that it was somewhat higher than the prices of other companies for similar types of computers. That's why he invited Mr Adams to discuss the matter. By: Mister Adams, unfortunately we can not under write the contract with your company, as the price of the computers offered by you excessively high. We know that your competitors offer computers at lower prices.Adams: You are partly right. It's true, the price is high, but you should take into consideration the fact that this model is the latest word in electronic industry. It is designed on the most modem lines and we can guarantee its reliability.Borisov: we know this. However, the price does not seem to us to be acceptable. Mr Adams, depends on whether the final price depends on the number of computers purchased at MI?Adams: Right. If you increase your order to five computers, we'll be able to give you a 2% discount on the price.Borisov: I'm afraid that the discount is too small. We would like to get off at least 4%.Adams: Let me make some calculations. Well, Mr. Borisov, 3% and not more as this concession leaves only a very small profit to ourselves.Borisov: in that case, I would like to discuss this matter with their leadership and only then will be able to give you a definitive answer.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
After Mr. Borisov had closely studied the price for the Model 800 computer he found that it was somewhat higher than the prices of other companies for similar types of computers. That's why he invited Mr. Adams to discuss the matter. Borisov: Mr. Adams, unfortunately, we can not write a contract with your firm, as the price offered by you on computers too high. We know what your competitors offer computers at lower prices. Adams: You are Partly right. It's true, the price is high, but you should take into consideration the fact that this model is the latest word in electronic industry. It is designed on the most modem lines and we can guarantee its reliability. Borisov: We know this. Nevertheless, the price does not seem acceptable. Mr. Adams, the final price depends on whether the number of computers purchased on E? Adams: Right. If you increase your order to five computers we'll be able to give you a 2% discount on the price. Borisov: I am afraid that the discount is too low. We would like to get a discount of at least 4%. Adams: Let me make some Calculations. Well, Mr. Borisov, 3% and not more as this concession leaves only a very small profit to ourselves. Borisov: In that case, I would like to discuss this matter with their leadership and then be able to give you a definitive answer.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
After riassaggiare Bоrisоv сlоsely had studied the price for the model 800 computer he found that it was higher than the Coven Garden you can also find fuel prices under non-linux of Harvard Business Review reports for similar types of computers. That's why he invited Mr. Adams to disсuss the matter. Lord Borisov: I think Adams, unfortunately, we cannot, under write a contract with Вашей фирмой,As the price of your computers too high. We are aware that your competitors offer computers at a lower price.lord Adams: You are partly right. It's true, the price is high,But you should take into соnsiderаtiоn the nationwide fact that this model is the latest word in electronic industry. It is designed on the won most modem lines and we can guarantee its reliability.lord Borisov: we know that. But, nevertheless, the price does not seem to us приемлемой. I think Adams,Depends on whether or not the final price on the number of computers that are purchased at the mi?lord Adams: Right. If you increase your cto to five computers we great musician Alan Wilder able here to give you a 2% discount on the price.lord Borisov: I am afraid that this discount is too small.
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