УДК 338.45:622.276Эффективная реализация корпоративной стратегии нефте перевод - УДК 338.45:622.276Эффективная реализация корпоративной стратегии нефте английский как сказать

УДК 338.45:622.276Эффективная реали

УДК 338.45:622.276
Эффективная реализация корпоративной стратегии нефтегазовой компании предполагает превышение результата от внедрения корпоративной стратегии над затратами на реализацию корпоративной стратегии. Анализ научно-методической российской, казахстанской и зарубежной литературы по исследуемой теме показал, что единого подхода к оценке эффективности корпоративных стратегий нефтегазовых компаний, при этом учитывающего специфику данной отрасли, не существует, как не существует и единого алгоритма. Автором был разработан собственный алгоритм оценки, включающий в себя 6 этапов (Рисунок 1).
На первом этапе оценки эффективности корпоративной стратегии нефтегазовых компаний анализируется взаимосвязь заявленной корпоративной стратегии нефтегазовой компании с целями ее структурных подразделений.
Основополагающей базой для выявления стратегических целей и показателей послужили корпоративные стратегии и годовые отчеты таких компаний, как British Petroleum, ExxonMobil, Royal Dutch Shell, ConocoPhillips, Роснефть, ЛУКОЙЛ, КазМунайГаз и др.
Нефтегазовые компании ставят своей общей целью:
- увеличение (или максимизация) своей акционерной стоимости;
- достижение высоких операционных и финансовых результатов, одновременно придерживаясь высоких экономических стандартов;
- позиционирование себя в качестве лидера на рынке нефтяной и газовой промышленности;
- удовлетворение мирового спроса на углеводородное сырье и нефтепродукты;
- обеспечение конкурентоспособной доходности на вложенный капитал для акционеров;
- содействие модернизации и диверсификации национальной экономики.

Рисунок 1 – Алгоритм экономической оценки эффективности корпоративной стратегии нефтегазовых компаний

Примерные цели по каждому виду деятельности нефтегазовых компаний в соответствии с их корпоративными целями представлены в таблице 1.

Таблица 1 – Примеры стратегических целей нефтегазовых компаний по каждому виду деятельности
Сегмент деятельности ВИНК Цели
Разведка и добыча - Поддержание добычи и максимальное раскрытие потенциала действующих месторождений;
- Прирост запасов;
- Рост добычи нефти и газа;
- Контроль дебита скважины и себестоимости добычи нефти и газа;
- Конкурентоспособное выполнение проектов по разработке нефтяных и газоконденсатных месторождений;
- Стабильный рост финансовых показателей;
- Достижение высоких стандартов в части геологоразведочных работ
Транспортировка нефти и газа - Развитие транспортных возможностей;
- Увеличение пропускной способности экспортных нефтепроводных систем;
- Развитие торгового флота внутри страны и за рубежом;
- Увеличение объемов транспортировки нефти и газа;
- Модернизация и развитие магистральных и региональных нефтепроводных и газотранспортных систем;
- Конкурентоспособное выполнение проектов по строительству магистральных нефте- и газопроводов
Переработка - Наращивание мощностей в области переработки углеводородного сырья;
- Увеличение глубины переработки углеводородного сырья;
- Соответствие качества моторных топлив стандартам Евро 4, 5;
- Производство нефтепродуктов с высокой добавленной стоимостью;
- Конкурентоспособное выполнение проектов по переработке углеводородного сырья
Сбыт и маркетинг - Достижение конкурентного преимущества за счет лучшей организации поставок, привлекательных предложений для клиентов и эффективной сбытовой цепи;
- Завоевание и укрепление лидирующих позиций на внутреннем и внешнем рынках;
- Увеличение доли рынка розничной реализации нефтепродуктов;
- Повышение рентабельности сектора сбыта и маркетинга
Сервис - Создание инфраструктуры, обеспечивающей эффективную и конкурентоспособную реализацию нефтегазовых проектов;
- Трансферт новейших технологий;
- Укрепление и развитие НИОКР;
- Укрепление кадрового потенциала

В случае, если бизнес-стратегии структурных подразделений соответствуют заявленной корпоративной стратегии нефтегазовой компании и, таким образом можно сделать вывод о том, что взаимосвязь между ними существует, следует переходить к следующему этапу. Если взаимосвязь отсутствует, то необходимо скорректировать цели структурных подразделений так, чтобы они соответствовали основной цели нефтегазовой компании.
Второй этап предусматривает определение количественных показателей деятельности нефтегазовых компаний отдельно по каждому виду деятельности компании согласно годовым отчетам. Данные показатели включают в себя: доказанные запасы нефти и газа, добыча нефти и газа, объем реализации на внутреннем и внешнем рынке, объем переработки углеводородного сырья, объем транспортировки нефти и газа, товарооборот нефти и газа, финансовые результаты, налоговые отчисления, показатели рентабельности и др.
На третьем этапе экономической оценки эффективности корпоративной стратегии нефтегазовых компаний осуществляется выбор ключевых показателей по каждому структурному подразделению для включения их в сбалансированную систему показателей. Этот выбор будет осуществляться в два этапа: на основе разрабатываемой балльной оценки количественных показателей деятельности по каждому структурному подразделению в соответствии с аспектами ССП и анализа значимости показателей для корпоративной стратегии нефтегазовой компании в целом.
Для того, чтобы определить какие показатели будут включены в разрабатываемую модель системы сбалансированных показателей оценки эффективности корпоративной стратегии нефтегазовых компаний составим систему балльной оценки. Суть данной балльной оценки зак
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
UDC 338.45: 622.276Effective implementation of the corporate strategy of the oil and gas company is exceeding the result from the implementation of the corporate strategy on the costs of implementation of corporate strategy. Analysis of the scientific-methodical Russian, Kazakhstani and foreign literature on the subject has shown that a common approach to assessing the effectiveness of the corporate strategies of oil and gas companies, while taking into account the specificity of this branch does not exist, as there is no algorithm. The author has developed a proprietary algorithm that includes 6 stages (Figure 1).In the first phase of the evaluation of the effectiveness of the corporate strategy of oil and gas companies examines the relationship asserted by the corporate strategy of the oil and gas company with the purposes of its business units. The fundamental basis for identifying strategic goals and targets were corporate strategy and annual reports of companies such as British Petroleum, ExxonMobil, Royal Dutch Shell, ConocoPhillips, Kazmunaigaz, Lukoil, Rosneft, etc. Oil and gas companies have as their common goal:-increase (or maximizing) of its shareholder value;-high operating and financial results, while adhering to high economic standards;-positioning itself as the market leader in the oil and gas industry;-meeting the global demand for hydrocarbons and oil products;-ensure a competitive return on investment for the shareholders;-encourage the modernization and diversification of the national economy.Figure 1-the algorithm of economic efficiency evaluation of corporate strategy of oil and gas companiesSample objective for each activity, oil and gas companies in accordance with their corporate objectives are presented in table 1.Table 1-examples of the strategic objectives of oil and gas companies for each activitySegment of VINK GoalExploration and production-maintaining production and the maximum potential of existing deposits;-The reserves growth;-Increase the production of oil and gas;Control the flow of the well and the cost of oil and gas;-Competitive implementation of projects on development of oil and gas condensate field;-Stable growth of financial indicators;-Achieving high standards in terms of geological explorationTransportation of oil and gas-development of transport opportunities;-Increasing the capacity of export oil pipeline systems;-Development of Merchant Navy within the country and abroad;-Increase in oil and gas transportation;-Modernization and development of main and regional oil and gas transportation systems;-Competitive implementation of projects for the construction of trunk oil and gas pipelinesProcessing-capacity building in the field of processing of hydrocarbon raw materials;-Increase the depth of processing of hydrocarbon raw materials;-Match the quality of motor fuels standards Euro 4, 5;-Manufacture of refined petroleum products with high added value;-Competitive projects on processing of hydrocarbonic raw materialsSales and marketing-to achieve competitive advantage through better delivery, attractive offers for customers and effective supply chain;-Conquest and strengthening our leading position on the domestic and foreign markets;-Increase the share of the market for retail sales of petroleum products;-Improving the profitability of the sales and marketing sectorService-Creating infrastructure, providing an effective and competitive oil and gas projects implementation;-Transfer of technology;-The strengthening and development of research and development;-Capacity-buildingIf the business strategy divisions correspond to the stated-owned oil and gas company and corporate strategy, thus it can be concluded that the relationship between them exists, you should move on to the next step. If the link is not present, you must adjust the objectives of structural units so that they are consistent with the main objective of the oil and gas company.The second stage involves identifying quantitative outputs of oil and gas companies separately for each type of activity of the company according to annual reports. These indicators include: proved reserves of oil and gas, oil and gas, the volume of sales on the domestic and foreign markets, the volume of processing of hydrocarbon raw materials, the amount of oil and gas transportation, oil and gas trade, financial results, taxes, profit margins, etc.In the third stage of the economic evaluation of oil and gas companies are corporate strategy selection of key indicators for each structural unit for inclusion in the balanced scorecard. This selection will take place in two phases: on the basis of the quantitative score of each structural unit in accordance with aspects of the MTSP and the analysis of relevance indicators to corporate strategy in the oil and gas company.In order to determine which indicators will be incorporated into the development model of balanced scorecard evaluation of corporate strategy for oil and gas companies make a point assessment. The essence of this scoping Zack
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
UDC 338.45: 622.276
Effective implementation of corporate strategy involves oil and gas company exceeded the result of the implementation of the corporate strategy of the costs of implementing the corporate strategy. An analysis of the scientific and methodical Russian, Kazakh and foreign literature on the subject in question showed that a common approach to assessing the effectiveness of corporate strategies of oil companies, while taking into account the specifics of the industry, there is, as there is no single algorithm. The author developed his own estimation algorithm that includes 6 stages (Figure 1).
In the first stage assessing the effectiveness of corporate strategy examines the relationship of oil companies declared corporate strategy of oil and gas company with the objectives of its business units.
The underlying basis for the identification of strategic goals and targets were the corporate strategies and annual reports of companies such as British Petroleum, ExxonMobil, Royal Dutch Shell, ConocoPhillips, Rosneft, Lukoil, KazMunaiGas and others.
Oil and gas companies have as their common goal:
- increase (or maximizing) shareholder value;
- the achievement of high operating and financial results while adhering to high economic standards;
- positioning itself as a market leader in the oil and gas industry
- to meet the global demand for hydrocarbons and petroleum products;
- providing a competitive return on invested capital for shareholders;
- promoting the modernization and diversification of the national economy. Figure 1 - Algorithm for the economic evaluation of the effectiveness of corporate strategies of oil companies Exemplary targets for each activity and gas companies in accordance with their corporate objectives are presented in Table 1. Table 1 - Examples of strategic goals and gas companies for each activity segment operations VICs Objectives Exploration and Production - Maintaining production and the maximum of the potential of existing fields; - Increase in stocks; - Rising oil and gas - well production control and the cost of oil and gas; - Competitive implementation of projects on development of oil and gas condensate fields; - Stable growth of financial indicators; - Achieving the highest standards in terms of geological exploration of oil and gas transportation - Development of transport capacity; - Increase the capacity of the export oil pipeline systems; - Development of the merchant fleet in the country and abroad; - The increase in oil and gas transportation; - modernization and development of trunk and regional oil pipeline and gas transmission systems ; - Competitive execution of projects to build oil and gas pipelines Refining - Capacity-building in the field of processing of hydrocarbon raw materials; - Increasing the depth of processing of hydrocarbon raw materials; - the quality of motor fuels with Euro 4, 5; - Production of petroleum products with high added value; - Competitive implementation of projects for the processing of hydrocarbon raw materials distribution and sales and marketing - Achieving competitive advantage through better supply of attractive offers to customers and efficient supply chain, - to win and strengthen its leading position in the domestic and foreign markets; - Increase market share of retail sales; - Increase the profitability of the sector sales and marketing service - Creation of infrastructure for efficient and competitive oil and gas projects; - Transfer of new technologies; - Strengthening and development of R & D; - Strengthening human capacity in the event that the business strategy of structural units correspond to the declared corporate strategy of oil and gas companies and, thus it can be concluded that there is a relationship between them should proceed to the next step. If there is no relationship, you need to adjust the goals of structural units so that they are consistent with the primary purpose of the oil and gas company. The second step involves defining the quantitative performance of oil companies separately for each type of activity of the company according to the annual report. These indicators include: proven reserves of oil and gas production, oil and gas, the volume of sales on the domestic and foreign markets, the volume of hydrocarbon processing, the amount of oil and gas transportation, oil and gas trade, financial results, tax revenues, profitability and et al. In the third stage of economic evaluation of the effectiveness of the corporate strategy of oil companies selects the key indicators for each structural unit to be included in the balanced scorecard. This selection will be carried out in two stages: on the basis of the developed scoring quantitative performance indicators for each structural unit, in accordance with aspects of the MTP and the analysis of the importance of indicators for the oil company's corporate strategy as a whole. In order to determine which indicators will be included in developing a model system balanced scorecard assessing the effectiveness of corporate strategies of oil companies set up a system of scoring. The essence of this scoring Zach

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Received 338.45 :622.276
Effective implementation corporate strategy company implies excess result from the introduction of corporate strategy over the cost to the corporate strategy.Analysis of scientific and methodical the Russian, Kazakh and Russian literature on the imaged subject has shown that a single approach to the assessment of the effectiveness corporate strategy company,The country-specific industry, does not exist, as there is no single algorithm. The author was developed its own algorithm evaluation, which includes the 6 phases (Figure 1) .
In the first phase of the evaluation of corporate strategy company analyzes the relationship of claimed corporate strategy oil & gas company with the objectives of its structural units.
The fundamental basis for identifying strategic objectives and performance indicators served as corporate strategies and annual reports from companies such as British Petroleum, EXXONMOBIL, Royal Dutch Shell, conocophillips, Rosneft, Lukoil, Kazmunaigas and others.
Companies are its common purpose:
- increase (or maximization) of its shareholder value;
- to achieve the high operating and financial results,While maintaining high economic standards;
- positioning yourself as a leader in the market oil and gas industry;
- The world demand for oil and petroleum products;
- ensuring competitive returns on invested capital to shareholders;
- The promotion of modernization and national economic diversification.

Figure 1 - evaluation of the effectiveness of the algorithm corporate strategy companies more multitasking performance

Sample objective for each of the activities in question gas companies in accordance with their corporate objectives are presented in table 1.

Table 1 - Examples of strategic objectives companies of each of the activities in question
segment Vinck purpose
Exploration and production - the maintenance of production and the maximum opening capacity of existing deposits;
- gains of stocks;
- an increase in production of oil and gas;
- well completions monitoring wells and the cost oil and gas extraction;
- Competitive implementation of projects for development of oil and gas fields development;
- stable growth financial indicators;
- to achieve the high standards in part of exploration works
Transportation of oil and gas - development of transport opportunities;
- increase the bandwidth of forecasted export systems;
- Development merchant fleet inside the country and abroad;
- The increase in volumes of oil and gas transportation;
- upgrading and development trunk and regional forecasted and gas systems;
- Competitive implementation of projects to build trunk oil and gas pipelines
Recycling - capacity in the area of recycling raw materials;
- Increase the depth processing hydrocarbon raw materials;
- The Consistency quality motorboats fuels standards of Euro 4, 5 ;
- Production of petroleum products with a high added value;
- Competitive implementation of projects to processing
sales and marketing - Achieving competitive advantage through better organization of the supply chain,Attractive proposals for customers and effective supply chain;
- Conquest and strengthening leading positions on the domestic and external markets;
- an increase in the proportion of retail market of petroleum products;
- Increasing the cost-effectiveness sector sales and marketing
service - the creation of an infrastructure that ensures the effective implementation and competitive gas projects;
- Transfer latest technology;
- Strengthening and development research and development;
- capacity building

in case, if a business strategy structural units are consistent with the stated corporate strategy oil & gas company, andThus, it can be concluded that the relationship exists between them, should be to move on to the next step. If the relationship is not available, it is necessary to adjust the structural units so,To ensure that they are consistent with the main objectives gas company.
The second phase involves the definition quantitative indicators of gas companies separately to each of the activities according to company annual reports. These indicators include the following:Proven oil and gas reserves, production of crude oil and natural gas, the volume of the internal and external market, the volume production, the volume transport of oil and gas, turnover of oil and gas,Financial results, tax deductions, cost-effectiveness and more.
At the third stage economic evaluation of the effectiveness corporate strategy companies are selecting key performance indicators for each structural unit, for their inclusion inA system of performance indicators.This selection will be carried out in two stages:On the basis of scoring methods being developed quantitative performance indicators for each structural unit in accordance with aspects of MTP and analysis of indicators for the corporateOil & gas companies as a whole.
For addition,To determine what performance indicators will be included in the London system model balanced indicators to evaluate the effectiveness corporate strategy gas companies will be pleased the system scoring methodsThe nature of the scoring Zack
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