я считаю,что родители не должны выбирать друзей своим детям. так же ро перевод - я считаю,что родители не должны выбирать друзей своим детям. так же ро английский как сказать

я считаю,что родители не должны выб

я считаю,что родители не должны выбирать друзей своим детям. так же родители должны уважать выбор своего ребенка. бессмысленно решать за ребенка, потому что, если ему понравился определенный человек, он все равно сделает свой выбор. особенно подростками не нравится, когда их родители принимают решения за них, они все равно сделают все наоборот. таким образом ребенок никогда не сможет научиться дружбе. не научившись выбирать в детстве он не сможет этого делать став взрослым. у него никогда не будет друзей. они должны решать сами с кем им дружить и общаться. дети сами выбирают кто им ближе по общению. родители сами выбирали себе друзей и должны позволить и детям сделать это. они не могут запретить ребёнку общаться с приятным ему человеком. Но они могут посоветовать ребёнку, с кем лучше общаться, а с кем не стоит.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I believe that parents should not choose their children's friends. just as parents should respect the choices made by their child. It is pointless to decide for the child, because if they like a certain person, it will still make their choices. especially teenagers do not like when their parents make decisions for them, they still will do the opposite. Thus a child can never learn to friendship. couldn't choose as a child, he will not be able to do as an adult. He will never be friends. they must decide with whom they befriend, and chat. children choose who is closer to them on communication. parents chose friends and should allow and children do this. they cannot deny a child communicate with a pleasant man to him. But they can advise the child with whom to communicate better, and with whom.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I believe that parents should not choose friends for their children. as parents should respect the choice of their child. pointless to decide for the child, because if he liked a certain person, he still made his choice. especially teenagers do not like when their parents decide for them, they still do the opposite. so the child will never be able to learn friendship. do not learn to choose a child he will not be able to do as an adult. he will never be friends. they have to decide themselves who they make friends and socialize. the children themselves who choose them closer communication. Parents choose their own friends, and should allow children and do it. they can not prohibit the child to communicate with him a pleasant person. But they can advise a child with whom to communicate better, and with whom it is not necessary.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
i think that parents should not have to choose friends for their children. as parents should respect the choice of the child. doesn't make sense to the child, because if he likes a personhe still makes his choice. especially teenagers don't like it when their parents make decisions for them, they still do it the other way around. thus a child will never learn to friendship.don't get to choose when he won't be able to do this by becoming an adult. he will never have any friends. they must decide for themselves what they make friends and chat. the children will choose who they are closer to communicate.parents choose to make friends and to allow children to do it. they can't stop the child to communicate with a he man. but they can have a child, who communicate better and who is not.
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