The intensive effort of electronics to increase the reliability and pe перевод - The intensive effort of electronics to increase the reliability and pe английский как сказать

The intensive effort of electronics

The intensive effort of electronics to increase the reliability and performance of its products while reducing their size and cost led to the results that hardly anyone could predict. The evolution of electronic technology is sometimes called a revo¬lution: a quantitative change in technology gave rise to qualita¬tive change in human capabilities. There appeared a new branch of science — microelectronics.
Microelectronics embraces electronics connected with the realization of electronic circuits, systems and subsystems from very small electronic devices. Microelectronics is a name for extremely small electronic components and circuit assemblies, made by film or semiconductor techniques. A microelectronic technology reduced transistors and other circuit elements to dimensions almost invisible to unaided eye. The point of this extraordinary miniaturization is to make circuits long-lasting, low in cost, and capable of performing electronic functions at extremely high speed. It is known that the speed of response depends on the size of transistor: the smaller the transistor, the faster it is. The smaller the computer, the faster it can work.
One more advantage of microelectronics is that smaller de¬vices consume less power. In space satellites and spaceships this is a very important factor.
Another benefit resulting from microelectronics is the reduc¬tion of distances between circuit components. Packing density increased with the appearance of small-scale integrated circuit, medium-scale IС, large-scale 1С and very-large-scale IС. The change in scale was measured by the number of transistors on a chip. There appeared a new type of integrated circuits, micro-wave integrated circuit. The evolution of microwave IС began with the development of planar transmission lines. Then new IС components in a fine-line transmission line appeared. Other more exotic techniques, such as dielectric waveguide integrat¬ed circuits emerged.
Microelectronic technique is continuing to displace other modes. Circuit patterns are being formed with radiation having wavelength shorter than those of light.
Electronics has extended man's intellectual power. Micro¬electronics extends that power still further.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The intensive effort of electronics to increase the reliability and performance of its products while reducing their size and cost led to the results that hardly anyone could predict. The evolution of electronic technology is sometimes called a revo lution ¬: a quantitative change in technology gave rise to ¬ qualita tive change in human capabilities. There appeared a new branch of science — microelectronics.Microelectronics embraces electronics connected with the realization of electronic circuits, systems and subsystems from very small electronic devices. Microelectronics is a name for extremely small electronic components and circuit assemblies made by film or semiconductor techniques. A microelectronic technology reduced transistors and other circuit elements to dimensions almost invisible to unaided eye. The point of this extraordinary miniaturization is to make circuits long-lasting, low in cost, and capable of performing electronic functions at extremely high speed. It is well-known that the speed of response depends on the size of the transistor: the smaller the transistor, the faster it is. The smaller the computer, the faster it can work.One more advantage of microelectronics, is that smaller, de ¬ vices consume less power. In space satellites and spaceships this is a very important factor.Another benefit resulting from microelectronics is the reduc ¬ tion of distances between circuit components. Packing density increased with the appearance of small-scale integrated circuit, medium-scale IC, large-scale 1s and very-large-scale IC. The change in scale was measured by the number of transistors on a chip. There appeared a new type of integrated circuits, micro-wave integrated circuit. The evolution of microwave IC began with the development of planar transmission lines. Then the new IC components in a fine-line transmission line appeared. Other more exotic techniques, such as dielectric waveguide ¬ integrat ed circuits emerged.Microelectronic technique is continuing to displace other modes. Circuit patterns are being formed with radiation having wavelength shorter than those of light.Electronics has extended man's intellectual power. Micro ¬ electronics extends that power still further.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The intensive effort of electronics to increase the reliability and performance of its products while reducing their size and cost led to the results that hardly anyone could predict. The evolution of electronic technology is sometimes called a revo¬lution: a quantitative change in technology gave rise to qualita¬tive change in human capabilities. Appeared a new There branch of science ™ - Microelectronics.
Microelectronics products embraces the connected electronics with the Realization of electronic circuits, Systems and subsystems from very small electronic devices directory. Microelectronics is a name for extremely small electronic components and circuit assemblies, made ​​by film or semiconductor techniques. A microelectronic technology reduced transistors and other circuit elements to dimensions almost invisible to unaided eye. The point of this extraordinary miniaturization is to make circuits long-lasting, low in cost, and capable of performing electronic functions at extremely high speed. It is known that the speed of response depends on the size of transistor: the smaller the transistor, the faster it is. Products smaller the computer of The, the faster IT CAN work.
The One more Advantage of Microelectronics Products smaller de¬vices That is the consume less See power. The satellites and space with In spaceships the this is a very by important factor.
For Another benefit resulting from Microelectronics is the reduc¬tion of Distances Between the circuit components. Packing density increased with the appearance of small -scale integrated circuit, medium-scale IC, large-scale 1C and very-large-scale IC. The change in scale was measured by the number of transistors on a chip. There appeared a new type of integrated circuits , micro-wave integrated circuit. The evolution of microwave IC began with the development of planar transmission lines . Then new IC components in a fine-line transmission line appeared. More exotic techniques Other, such as with dielectric Waveguide integrat¬ed circuits Emerged.
Microelectronic technique is Continuing to the displace OTHER modes. Patterns are being of the Circuit Formed with the having radiation wavelength shorter than Those of light.
Electronics has has the man's Intellectual The extended power. Micro¬electronics extends that power still further.

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