Привет Петер)
Я вчера много думала о тебе, и это было правда приятное чувство)
Спасибо за твое теплое письмо, за приятные слова и за фото твоих детей)
Они правда очень милые и такие разные))) Твоя старшая дочь очень красивая, она вероятно имеет много поклонников))) сын обаятельный и имеет добрый взгляд, младшая дочь очень забавная и веселая))) Ты счастливый отец!)))
Да, мы имеем разные культуры, но семейные ценности наверное в любой стране есть самыми дорогими)
Я с тобой согласна, отношения должны строиться на любви и доверии, для меня важна важна верность.
Верность в отношениях - эта черта которую утратило современное общество, сейчас модно иметь и жену, и других женщин. Много успешных мужчин, считают, что это часть их имиджа и гордятся этим, не испытывая при этом никакого стыда, так поступают и девушки имея много мужчин, я не могу осуждать их, у каждого своя жизнь и свой выбор.
Я просто не приемлю этого и это есть не для меня, Я могу любить только одного мужчину, и хочу быть единственной для него также.
Отношения проходят через разные испытания и трудности и не все их могут пережить, а только тот кто любит и умеет дорожить.
Мои отношения с мужем разрушились когда сыну было около 1 года.
Я выходила замуж в 23 года, муж был старше меня на 10 лет, я думала мы будем иметь крепкую и счастливую семью, оказалось что семья для мужа звучала по другому, но он не дорожил ею, продолжал жить своей свободной жизнью, при этом нигде не работал, часто пил, иногда у меня не было денег, чтобы купить сыну молоко.
Я очень любила его и это было очень больно разочароваться в любимом человеке и не чувствовать его поддержки.
Но я взяла себя в руки, и решила уйти от него, я понимала, что это будет трудно, но так жить я не хотела.
Когда сыну было 1,5 года я вышла на работу, сын был с моей мамой.
У меня очень хорошие родители и друзья, они поддержали меня в тот момент, я им всегда благодарна за это)
Я работала медсестрой и понимала, что на зарплату медсестры я не подниму своего сына, я пошла учиться в институт и смогла сменить специальность, со временем получить более оплачиваемую работу.
Первые годы были трудными, но я понимала, что должна двигаться, тогда помню я подумала, что больше не хочу выходить замуж, я не могла больше верить мужчинам, но время лечит)
Я вспомнила один случай, когда я пришла поступать в институт и ждала результат экзамена, я сидела в холле у окна и ко мне подошел молодой парень, он спросил "Девушка, вы такая красивая и грустная, у вас что то случилось? Я ответила "У меня все хорошо?", он спросил " А можно с вами познакомиться ближе или у вас есть мужчина?" Я ответила "Да, у меня есть мужчина" и он ушел, больше я его никогда не видела.
Спустя много лет, я вспомнила этот случай подумала тогда, «сейчас я бы сказала тому парню да», но тогда у меня была рана на сердце, и надежда что мой муж приедет и скажет, что ему плохо без нас, но он не приехал. Прошло 6 лет и я подала документы на развод, и мы развелись.
Он приехал,когда сыну было около 10 лет, просил выслушать его, он хотел все вернуть, он многое понял, я ответила: "я также много поняла.. ты стал мне чужим, я больше не буду относиться к тебе как раньше" я была честной с ним, я не испытывала к нему никаких чувств кроме пустоты, но я желала ему счастья, он хороший человек, и у нас было много хорошего, у нас прекрасный сын, просто наш семейный плот разбился об непонимание и жизненные трудности, но жизнь продолжается и нужно сделать выводы над нашими ошибками, чтобы встретив своего человека, больше их не повторить)
За эти годы я имела знакомства с другими мужчинами, но своего мужчину я так и не встретила.
Я как та самая бабочка в русской песне)) полела к огню любви, но когда обожгла крылья, всегда была и есть осторожной)
В твоей анкете написано, что ты разведен, ты пишешь что с женой живете отдельно, но по документам вы еще муж и жена, и иногда живете вместе. Я правильно поняла?
О том что ты католик, я догадалась, когда посмотрела в интернете, какая вера есть в Австралии, и узнала что 70% людей имеют католическую веру.
Но я думаю бог для всех один, просто каждая вера имееть некоторые различия, и это не должно быть преградой, когда люди любят друг друга)
Я проведала мою бабушку, она очень добрая и веселая, ей уже 82 года, она пережила вторую мировою войну, ей было 7 лет, она многое помнит и рассказывает нам о том времени, на ее глазах немцы сожгли всех евреев которые жили в нашей деревне. В 2010 году к ней приезжали журналисты с Израиля, брали у нее интервью и просили показать место захоронения их земляков.
Петр, ты спрашиваешь меня о подарке, который ты хочешь сделать для меня
Я не буду скрывать, как любой девушке мне было бы приятно получить частичку твоего тепла и внимания) это не просто сделать, ведь мы находимся далеко друг от друга.
Я чувствую ты есть глубокий, добрый мужчина, но еще вероятно романтик))
Мне очень приятно и интересно тебя узнавать) Мне кажется у нас много общего)
Спасибо тебе)
Моя улыбка и поцелуй для тебя)
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Hello Peter)I have been thinking a lot about you, and it was a pleasant feeling of truth)Thank you for your warm letter, for the nice words and for a photo of your children)They are really very cute and so different))) your oldest daughter is very beautiful, she probably has a lot of fans))) the son of charming and has a good look, the youngest daughter of a very fun and cheerful))) are you happy dad!)))Yes, we have different cultures, but family values in any country there are probably the most expensive)I agree with you, the relationship must be built on love and trust, it is important for me to get important loyalty. Faithfulness in relationships-this feature which has lost modern society, now it is fashionable to have his wife and other women. Many successful men believe that it is part of their image and proud of it, without any shame, so come and girls having a lot of men, I cannot condemn them, everyone has their own life and their choice.I just don't accept that and this is not for me, I can only love a man and want to be the only one for him as well.Relationships go through different trials and difficulties, and not all of them can survive, and the only one who loves and knows how to cherish.My relationship with my husband collapsed when my son was about 1 year. I was getting married in 23 years, the husband was 10 years older than me, I thought we were going to have a strong and happy family, it turned out that the family for her husband sounded differently, but it is not valued, it continued to live their life free, with nowhere to work, often drank, sometimes I didn't have money to buy his son milk.I loved it and it was very painful to be disappointed in the loved one and not feel his support. But I took myself, and decided to walk away from it, I realized that it would be difficult, but I didn't want to live like this.When the son was 1.5 years I got to work, the son was with my mom. I have a very good parents and friends, they supported me at that moment, I am always grateful for that) I worked as a nurse and knew that nurses salary I don't pick up my son, I went to study at the Institute and was able to change majors, over time get more paid work. The first years were difficult, but I knew that should move, then I remember I thought that no longer want to marry, I could not believe the men, but time heals) I remembered one time I came to enroll in the Institute and waited for the exam result, I sat in the lobby near the window and I was approached by a young man, he asked, "girl, you are so beautiful and sad, you have something wrong? I said, "I have all good?", he asked, "is it possible to meet you closer or you have a man?" I replied, "Yes, I have a man" and he was gone, the more I had never seen it.Many years later, I remembered this case thought then, "now I would say the fact the guy Yes, but then I had a wound to the heart, and hope that my husband will come and say that it is bad without us, but he had not arrived. 6 years have passed and I filed divorce papers, and we divorced.He arrived when the son was about 10 years old, asked to listen to him, he wanted to bring everything back, he realized a lot, I replied: "I also realized a lot. .. you become a stranger to me, I am no longer going to treat you as before, "I was honest with him, I have not experienced any feelings to him except emptiness, but I wish him happiness, he is a good man, and we had a lot of good, we have a beautiful son, just our family raft crashed about misunderstandings and difficulties of life, but life goes on and we need to draw conclusions over our errors to encountering their man, more of them not repeat) Over the years I have had acquaintance with other men, but a man I never met. I like the Butterfly in Russian song)) polela to the fire of love, but when seared wings has always been cautious)In your application form that you are divorced, you write that his wife live separately, but according to the documents you have a husband and wife, and sometimes live together. I understood correctly?The fact that you're Catholic, I guessed, when looked at on the Internet, what faith are in Australia, and found out that 70% of people are of the Catholic faith. But I think God for all one, just each faith has some differences, and this should not be an obstacle when people love each other)I found my grandmother, she is very kind and cheerful, she is 82 years, she survived the second world known war, she was 7 years old, she remembers a lot and tells us about the time on her eyes, the Germans burned all the Jews who lived in our village. In 2010, it came with Israeli journalists took her interview and asked to show the burial place of their countrymen. Peter, you are asking me about the gift you want to do for meI will not hide, like any girl I would have been nice to get a piece of your heat and attention) it's not easy to do, because we are far away from each other.I feel you are insightful, kind man, but still probably romantic)) I am very pleased and interested to know you) I think we have a lot in common)Thank you)My smile and a kiss for you)Julia
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Hi Peter)
Yesterday I thought a lot about you, and it was really nice feeling)
Thank you for your kind letter, for the nice words and a photo of your children)
They really are very cute and so different))) Your eldest daughter is very beautiful, it is likely has many fans))), the son of a charming and has a good look, the youngest daughter of a very fun and funny))) You're proud father!)))
Yes, we have different cultures, but family values might in any country has the most expensive) I'm with you I agree, the relationship should be built on love and trust, is important for me is important loyalty. Loyalty in the relationship - this feature is that modern society has lost, it is now fashionable to have his wife and other women. Many successful men believe that it is part of their image and are proud of it, without feeling any shame, so come and the girls having a lot of men, I can not judge them, everyone has their own life and their choices. I just do not accept it and it is not for me, I can love only one man, and I want to be the only one for him as well. Relationships go through various trials and tribulations, and not all of them can survive, and the only one who loves and knows how to cherish. My relationship with my husband collapsed when son was about 1 year old. I was married at 23, the husband was older than me by 10 years, I think we will have a strong and happy family, it turned out that the family of her husband sounded differently, but he did not value it, continued to live their free life, while never worked, often drunk, sometimes I did not have the money to buy his son's milk. I loved him very much and it was very painful to give up on a loved one and not feel his support. But I pulled myself together, and has decided to get away from it, I knew it would be hard, but I did not want to live. When the son was 1.5 years, I went to work, was the son of my mother. I have very good parents and friends, they supported me The moment I told them always grateful for that) I worked as a nurse and knew that the salary nurse I did not raise my son, I went to study at the Institute and was able to change specialization, eventually get a paid job. The first years were difficult, but I knew she had to move, then I remember I thought I do not want to get married, I could not believe more men, but time heals) I remember one occasion when I went to go to college and waiting for the result of the exam, I was sitting in the lobby at windows and I was approached by a young man, he said, "Girl, you are so beautiful and sad, you do something wrong? I said, "I'm all right?" He asked, "Can you take a closer look, or you have a man?" I replied, "Yes, I have a man," and he went, the more I never saw him again. Many years later, I remembered this incident thought then, 'now I would say the guy yes', but then I had a wound on the heart and I hope that my husband will come and say that it is bad without us, but he did not come. It took 6 years and I filed for divorce, and we divorced. He came when his son was about 10 years old, asked to listen to him, he wanted to return everything he learned a lot, I replied: "I also saw a lot .. you became to me alien, I will not treat you as before, "I was honest with him, I did not feel him no feeling but emptiness, but I wish him luck, he is a good man, and we had a lot of good things, we have a lovely son, just our family raft crashed about misunderstandings and difficulties of life, but life goes on and it is necessary to draw conclusions on our mistakes, to meet his man, more of them not to repeat) Over the years I have had acquaintance with other men, but my man I never met . I like the most butterfly in Russian song)) Polel to the fire of love, but when burned wings, always was and is cautious) In your profile send you divorced, you write that my wife and I live alone, but according to the documents you have a husband and wife, and sometimes live together. Do I understand correctly? The fact that you are a Catholic, I realized, when I looked on the Internet, what faith is in Australia, and found that 70% of people have the Catholic faith. But I think God is one for all, just every faith has some differences, it should not be a barrier when people love each other), I visit my grandmother, she is very kind and cheerful, she is already 82 years old, she survived the Second World War, she was 7 years old, she was much remembers and tells us about the time on the Her eyes Germans burned all the Jews who lived in our village. In 2010, it came to the journalists from Israel, interviewed her and asked to see the burial place of their countrymen. Peter, do you ask me about the gift that you want to do for me, I will not hide, like any girl, I would have been nice to get a piece your warmth and attention) is not easy to do, because we are far away from each other. I feel like you are deep, a good man, but still likely romantic)) I am very pleased and interested to you to know) I think we have a lot in common) Thank you ) My smile and a kiss for you) Julia
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