Он пришел домой вскоре после того, как мы ушли 9. Вы так сильно измени перевод - Он пришел домой вскоре после того, как мы ушли 9. Вы так сильно измени английский как сказать

Он пришел домой вскоре после того,

Он пришел домой вскоре после того, как мы ушли
9. Вы так сильно изменились, что я (едва) вас узнала.
10. Джон порезал большой палец и (сильно) плакал, когда мать вошла в детскую.
11. Она дышала медленно и (глубоко) после со­ревнования.
12. Тихие воды глубоки. - Still waters run . (пословица = В тихом омуте черти водятся.)
13. Во время бесе­ды он (внимательно) ее рассматривал.
14. Маленький Джон спустился вниз и сел на нижнюю ступеньку. Белла по­дошла вплотную и стала его рассматривать.
15. Том следовал (тут же) за сестрой.
16. В течение двух или трех дней доктор (внимательно) следил за Филиппом.
17. Мы можем жить с (высоко) поднятыми головами и смотреть всему миру в лицо.
18. Нас считали (высоко-) образованны­ми людьми.
19. Когда Джек выступал, он (сильно) жести­кулировал руками.
20. Чем (скорее) вы прочтете книгу, тем (лучше).
21. Чем (больше) он думал о своем путеше­ствии, тем (больше) оно ему нравилось.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
He came home shortly after we're gone 9. you have changed so much that I (almost) you learned. 10. John cut my thumb and (strongly) cried when her mother went into the nursery. 11. She breathed slowly and (deep) after the competition. 12. Quiet waters are deep. -Still waters run. (proverb = in still waters run.)13. During the conversation he (carefully) it has considered. 14. Little John went down and sat on the bottom step. Bella came back and began to examine it. 15. That followed (there and then) for his sister. 16. Within two or three days, the doctor (carefully) followed by Philip. 17. We can live with (high) raised their heads and look around the world in the face. 18. We felt (high-) educated.19. When Jack spoke, he motioned with his hands (strongly). 20. what (rather) you can read a book, the (better). 21. what (more) he was thinking of his journey, the (more) it he liked.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
He came home shortly after we left
9. You changed so much that I'm (almost) you have learned.
10. John cut his thumb and (strongly) cried when her mother went to the nursery.
11. She breathed slowly and (deep) after the event.
12. Quiet water deep. - Still waters run. (Proverb = In still waters run deep.)
13. During the conversation it (carefully) to consider it.
14. Little John came down and sat on the bottom step. Bella came close and began to examine it.
15. That followed (immediately) after her sister.
16. Within two or three days the doctor (carefully) followed Philip.
17. We can live with the (high) raised their heads and look the world in the face.
18. We thought (high) educated people.
19. When Jack spoke, he (strongly) gesticulating with his hands.
20. Than (most) you read the book, the (better).
21. Than (greater than) he thought about his journey, the (more) he liked it.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
He came home shortly after, as we have gone
9. You have changed so much, that I am (barely) you have to learn.
10. John stabbed a finger and (strongly) wept, when the mother became a child.
11.It breathe as slowly and (deep) after the got afterward shall cause.
12. Quiet water deep. - Still waters run . (Proverb = the roiled waters waited impatiently attires. )
13. During the бесе got leads it (carefully) its considered.
14.The Little John went downstairs and sat on the bottom step. Bella Center to bring gone tight and became its seen.
15. That was followed by (immediately) for his sister.
16. For a period of two or three days doctor (carefully) followed the Philip.
17.We can live with (highly) raised above them and watch the whole world in the face.
18. We have considered (high-) educated got mi people.
19. When Jack spoke, he (a) tin got кулировал with both hands.
20. Rather than (as soon as possible) if you're worried about a book,
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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