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Новый год - история праздника

Новый год приходит к нам в дом вместе с красавицей елкой, Дедом Морозом, Снегурочкой, поздравлениями, подарками, карнавалами. Новогоднее время – это сказочное время.

В старину говорили, что выпускает зима из-под коряг лесных и колод гнилых не только метели, но и нечистую силу. Оттого и гадали в это необычное время, о будущем пытали. Оттого и обряды сказочные творили, нечисть заговаривали. Встреча Нового года – древнейшая традиция, существующая у всех народов мира, ведь «как на Новый год, так и целый год». Поэтому и старались наготовить побольше угощения да запасти побольше подарков от Деда Мороза.

Все народы мира встречают Новый год по своим обычаям и традициям. Например, в Венгрии в первый день после рождественской ночи «умываются» монетами, «чтоб не переводились», а в Германии предпочитают монеты зажать в кулак и с двенадцатым ударом часов «впрыгнуть» с ними со стула в Новый год. У англичан в новогодний вечер каждый может придти на праздник к незнакомым людям. И гостей радушно принимают, однако гостю полагается принести в дом хозяев лепешку, виски и кусочек угля, чтобы целый будущий год в этом доме было сытно, весело и тепло. В Шотландии, когда стрелки часов приближаются к 12, хозяин открывает дверь и держит её открытой до тех пор, пока не прозвучит последний удар. Так выпускают Старый год и впускают Новый. А индийцы считают, что на Новый год никто не должен раздражаться или сердиться. Иначе весь год сложится неудачно. В Бразилии Новый год отмечают пушечными выстрелами. Услышав их, люди начинают обниматься. И если в эту минуту успеть поцеловать дорогого тебе человека, то год будет счастливым.

В России в старые времена в новогоднюю ночь, когда за столом собиралась вся семья – новогоднюю кутью хлебать, дети лезли под стол и лыковой веревкой опутывали ножки у стола, чтобы в будущем году все опять собрались за этим столом. Так новогодняя ночь становилась временем единения с близкими, примирения тех, кто был в ссоре.

Ожидание от новогодней ночи чуда, счастливых поворотов судьбы живет в каждом из нас с детства. И люди, встречая праздник, говорят друг другу: «С Новым годом! С Новым счастьем!» Обычай отмечать Новый год зародился очень давно, в третьем тысячелетии. Этот праздничный обычай имеет своё начало в Месопотамии. В конце марта, как только прибывала вода в реках, начинались все работы связанные с земледелием. В то время, люди праздновали это наступление весеннего времени 12 дней, сопровождающиеся карнавалами и маскарадами. В эти дни люди верили, что святой бог Мардук совершает светлые победы над силами смерти и разрушения. Это прекрасное время символизировалось свободой, прекращением работы и всяческих наказаний. Со временем, эта традиция новогоднего празднования постепенно перешла ко всем народам всего мира.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
New Year - a holiday story

New Year comes to us in the house with beautiful Christmas tree, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, greetings, gifts, carnivals. Christmas time - this is a fabulous time.

In the old saying,that produces winter forest under driftwood and rotten decks not only blizzard, but evil spirits. That's why I wondered at this unusual time, the future tortured. Because fabulous and rituals created, evil began talking.New Year's Eve - the oldest tradition that exists among all the peoples of the world, because "as the New Year, and the whole year." Therefore tried more treats ready so stock up more gifts from Santa Claus.

All nations of the world celebrate the New Year on their customs and traditions. For example, in Hungary in the first day after Christmas night "washes" coins, "so as not to be translated"and in Germany prefer coins clenched in his fist and punch clock twelfth "jump" to them from his chair in the New Year. The English in the New Year everyone can come on holiday to strangers.And guests feel welcome, but relies guest house owners to bring in cake, whiskey and a piece of coal to the whole next year in this house was satisfying, fun and warmth. In Scotland, when the clock approaching 12,host opens the door and holds it open until you hear the final blow. So let the old year and new admit. And the Indians believe that the New Year no one should be annoyed or angry.Otherwise, the whole year was unsuccessful. In Brazil, the New Year is celebrated with cannon shots. Hearing them, people start hugging. And if at this moment in time to kiss you dear man, the year will be happy.

In Russia, in the old days in the New Year's Eve, when the table was going to the whole family - Christmas Christmas Pudding slurp, children climbed under the table and Lykova rope entangled in the legs of the table,that in future, all gathered again at the table. Since New Year's Eve is a temporary union with loved ones, reconciliation of those who were at loggerheads.

Waiting on New Year's Eve miraclehappy turn of fate lives in each of us from childhood. And people encountering holiday talking to each other: "Happy New Year! New happiness! "Custom of celebrating New Year was born a long time ago, in the third millennium.This holiday tradition has its origins in Mesopotamia. In late March, as soon as the water comes from rivers, started all the work related to agriculture. Whilepeople celebrated this offensive Springtime 12 days, accompanied by carnivals and masquerades. These days, people believed that the holy god Marduk makes light of victory over the forces of death and destruction.This is the perfect time symbolized freedom and the cessation of all kinds of punishments. Over time, this tradition of New Year's celebration was gradually transferred to all peoples of the world.

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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
New year-history of the holiday

new year comes to us in a House together with a beautiful Christmas tree, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, congratulations, gifts, carnivals. Christmas time is a fabulous time.

in olden times said, that produces winter from under forest snags and decks of rotten not only snow, but impure. Because and were in this unusual time, about the future of the tortured. Because and ceremonies were fabulous, evil talk. New year's Eve is an ancient tradition that exists among all the peoples of the world, because "both the new year and for a whole year. Therefore, nagotovit′ and tried to get plenty of treats so stock up plenty of gifts from Santa Claus.

All the peoples of the world celebrate the new year in their customs and traditions. For example, in Hungary, in the first day after the Christmas night "are washed" coins "that are not translated, and in Germany prefer coins hold in your fist and hit with the twelfth hour "jump into" with them from a Chair in the new year. New year's Eve in England, anyone can come to the Festival to strangers. And guests are welcomed, however, the guest is to bring in the hosts ' house bread, whiskey and a piece of coal to a next year in this House it was hearty, fun and warm. In Scotland, when the clocks are close to 12, the owner opens the door and keeps it open until you hear the final blow. So let out the old year and admits New. While the Indians believe that the new year nobody should get annoyed or angry. Otherwise the whole year will fail. Celebrate new year in Brazil of Cannon shots. After hearing them, people are starting to cuddle. And if at this moment in time to kiss the dear human, you will be happy.

In Russia in the old days in the new year's Eve, when the whole family is gathered around the table-Christmas Kutia SUP, children climbed under the table and lykovoj rope capstans enmeshed the legs at the table, to again gather around the table. So new year's Eve has become a time of togetherness with loved ones, a reconciliation of those who were at loggerheads.

wait on new year's Eve miracle, happy fate lives in each of us since childhood. And people, holiday, talking to each other: "happy new year! The new happiness "the custom of celebrating the new year was born a long time ago, in the third millennium. This festive custom has its origins in Mesopotamia. At the end of March, as soon as the water in the rivers was coming, start all work associated with farming. At that time, people celebrated the offensive of the spring time 12 days, accompanied by carnivals and masquerades. These days, people believed that the Holy God Marduk makes a bright victory over the forces of death and destruction. This is a great time simvolizirovalos′ freedom, it shuts down and all penalties. Over time, this tradition of new year's celebrations were gradually moved to all peoples around the world.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
A New year - a history holiday

New year comes to us in the house, together with christmas tree - Aina, Grandfather Frost, Shepherd, greeting cards, gifts, and carnivals. Christmas time is the time stayed here.lord in antiquity said,That is releasing winter from the sale forest and decks not permitted not only heaters help, but no longer between socialism. God and any punches in this is an unusual time, of the future had been tortured. God and religion fabulous sari, a flock to.Meeting the new year, and museum tradition, existing in all peoples of the world, but "as for the new year, and a full year". It is therefore and tried наготовить larger muffin yes stocked larger gifts from Santa's mouth.All the peoples of the world are greeted the new year in their customs and traditions. For example, in Hungary, in the first day after Christmas nights "умываются" coins, "we have not been translated",And in Germany prefer coins clamp in stub axle carrier and with the twelfth blow hours "впрыгнуть" with them from the chair in the new year. The Englishmen in the exhibition evening everyone can come to the festival to strangers.And guests are welcomed, however, guest is assumed to bring in house masters pitta bread, malt whisky, and a piece coal, to a future year in this house was starlets, fun and warm. In Scotland, when the clock approaching 12,He opens the door and hold it open, until you hear the final blow. So release the old year and arranged a new. The Indians believe that the new year no one should have been annoyed or angry.Otherwise the entire year will have failed. In Brazil the new year note roå¾mberk insignia with shots. Jesus said unto them, the people are beginning to advocate for. And if, in this minute catch kiss dear you rights, the year will be happy.

In the Russian Federation in the old times, in fine arts night, when the table has met all the family - fine arts called Epitaphy you feel calm about leaving, children Leslie under a desk and a rope лыковои опутывали feet at the table,To ensure that in the future, all once again gathered at the table. So dear has become over time integration with your loved ones, those who have been in the altercation.lord waiting from exhibiting nights miracle,Happy turns the fate of living in each of us from childhood. And the people, encountering holiday, talking to each other: "With the new year! With a new happiness!" Custom to celebrate the New Year was born in a very long time, in the third millennium.This holiday customs has its beginning in Mesopotamia. At the end of March, as well as blocked only water in rivers, started all the work related to the farming communities. At the time,People celebrated this offensive spring time 12 days, accompanied by carnivals and Limassol Festival in summer. In those days people believed that the holy God Мардук commits bright victory over the forces of death and destruction.This is a great time символизировалось freedom, cessation of work and every punishment. In the meantime, this new year's celebration of the tradition has gradually shifted to all the peoples of the world.

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