США Для американцев характерен хороший настрой, энергичность, внешнее  перевод - США Для американцев характерен хороший настрой, энергичность, внешнее  английский как сказать

США Для американцев характерен хоро


Для американцев характерен хороший настрой, энергичность, внешнее проявление дружелюбия и открытости. Они любят не слишком официальную атмосферу при деловых встречах, относительно быстро переходят на обращение по имени. Ценят и хорошо реагируют на шутки.

ОтправитьРукопожатие при приветствии или прощании длится 3-5 секунд; необходимо помнить, что смотреть в глаза в этот момент означает показать свою заинтересованность, искренность и доверие. Обязательно улыбайтесь.
Американцы известны очень высоким темпом ведения дел - они не откладывают «на завтра» то, что можно сделать «сегодня». На переговорах от жителей США можно услышать нечто вроде: «Чего же мы ждем?», «Поторопитесь с решением».

Во время переговоров обращайте внимание на цели Ваших партнеров. Если Вы можете оказать хоть какую-то помощь в достижении этих целей, то Вы их точно заинтересуете. Предложения должны быть конкретными и четкими.

Американцы, разговаривая, могут положить ногу на соседний стул или положить ногу на ногу так, что ботинок одной ноги оказывается на коленке другой. В американской культуре это считается допустимым, но в других странах часто вызывает раздражение.

Основное правило общения – быть открытой и дружелюбной: это ценится представителями всех стран. Прекрасного настроения и отличной карьеры
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
United States For Americans is characterized by good mood, vitality, an external manifestation of friendliness and openness. They love not too formal atmosphere at business meetings, relatively fast moving to appeal on behalf of. Appreciate and respond well to jokes. Otpravit′Rukopožatie when greeting or farewell lasts for 3-5 seconds; It must be remembered that look in your eyes at this point is to show its interest, sincerity and trust. Be sure to smile.Americans are known for very high speed of doing things-they do not lay "for tomorrow what you can do today. At the talks from the inhabitants of the United States, you can hear something like: "what are we waiting for?", "hurry up with the decision. During the talks, pay attention to the purpose of your partners. If you can provide any assistance in achieving these objectives, then you connect them exactly. Proposals should be specific and clear. Americans, talking, can put a foot on the next Chair or put your foot on the foot so that the boot one leg is on the knee of the other. In American culture, this is considered valid, but in other countries often causes irritation. The basic rule of communication is to be open and friendly: it is appreciated by all countries. A nice sentiment and excellent career
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
US For Americans, characterized by a good mood, energy, the outward manifestation of friendliness and openness. They love not too formal atmosphere during business meetings, relatively quickly move to reference by name. Appreciate and respond well to jokes. OtpravitRukopozhatie when greeting or farewell lasts 3-5 seconds; we must remember that look in your eyes at this point is to show their interest, sincerity and trust. Be sure to smile. Americans are known for a high rate of doing things - they do not postpone "for tomorrow" that can be "today." The negotiations on the US residents can hear something like: "What are we waiting for?" "Hurry up with the solution." During the negotiations, pay attention to the goals of your partners. If you can provide at least some help in achieving these goals, you sure will interest them. Proposals should be specific and clear. Americans are talking, can put his foot on a nearby chair and crossed his legs so that one leg shoe is on the other knee. In American culture, it is considered acceptable, but in other countries often causes irritation. The basic rule of communication - be open and friendly, is valued by representatives of all countries. Great mood and excellent career

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

for americans have good spirit, vitality, external expression of friendliness and openness. they love not too formal atmosphere for business meetings.relatively rapidly to treatment on behalf of. appreciate and respond well to jokes.

отправитьрукопожатие when greeting or saying goodbye lasts 3 to 5 seconds; it should be borne in mindthat look in the eyes at this moment means to show his commitment, sincerity and trust. have to smile. "the americans are known for the very high rate of cases they don't lay" tomorrow ".what can be done to "today". in the negotiations of us residents can hear things like, "what are we waiting for? "," hurry up with решением».

during negotiations, pay attention to your partners.if you can provide some help to achieve these goals, you can заинтересуете. proposals should be specific and clear.

americans talking,can put the foot on the chair and put it on the foot so that the foot is a one lap to another. in american culture, it is considered acceptable.but in other countries often causes irritation.

the basic rule of communication is to be open and friendly, it is valued by all countries. beautiful mood and a great career.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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