Я был прав, сказав, что это было глупо жить до тех пор, пока не закончются деньги и совершить самоубийство. Но в одном, я был не прав, когда сказал что Уилсон сильный человек, который сможет это сделать.
I was right in saying that it was stupid to live until the zakončûtsâ money and commit suicide. But in one, I was wrong when he said that Wilson's strong man who can do it.
I was right in saying that it was foolish to live as long as zakonchyutsya money and commit suicide. But one thing, I was not right when he said that Wilson is a strong man who can do it.
i was right in saying that it was foolish to live until закончются money and commit suicide. but one thing i was wrong when he said that wilson is a man who can do that.