Книгу, над которой я думала целый месяц, а может и дольше.Я сломала руку, это было больно. Мне пришлось идти на рентген, ведь я не была уверена, перелом это или просто вывих.К сожалению, это оказался перелом. Меня хотели положить в больницу,или же, можно было лежать дома,при условии, что я не буду нечего делать. Тогда я и взяла эту книгу.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
The book, which I thought a month, maybe longer. I broke my hand, it was painful. I had to go for an x-ray, because I was not sure this or just dislocated fracture. Unfortunately, this turned out to be a fracture. I wanted to put in the hospital, or you can lie at home, assuming that I won't have nothing to do. When I picked up this book.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
The book, on which I thought a month or may dolshe.Ya broke her arm, it was painful. I had to go to the X-ray, because I was not sure if it is broken or just vyvih.K Unfortunately, it turned out to be broken. I wanted to put in the hospital, or could be based at home, on the condition that I would not have nothing to do. Then I picked up this book.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
the book from which i thought a month, maybe дольше.я broke her arm, it was painful. i had to go for an x-ray, but i wasn"t sure i break it or just вывих.к, unfortunately, it turned out to be a fracture. i wanted to put her in hospital, or, you could stay at home, on condition that i won"t have nothing to do. when i picked up this book.
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